Annotations and key words 2
№5/2015 THEATRUM MUNDI/ МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | | Ryzhkov N. The World and economic resources The detailed analysis shows the exclusive importance of energy resources, and first of all to oil, for modern mankind and for its foreseeable future. Development of oil branch of our country is considered from the moment of the beginning of use of oil and up to now. The current state of world and Russian fuel and energy complex and its value for international policy is in detail analysed. Convincingly valid conclusion that the modern world lives in conditions of global power war is drawn. Key words. Energy resources, oil, gas, coal, power strategy, sanctions, embargo, drilling, gas pipeline, State Planning Committee, climate change, global power war | PRO ET CONTRA/ ЗА И ПРОТИВ | | Delyagin M. Why elite betrays their people? Especially liberal consciousness Annotation. Globalization changes a ratio of forces on the world scene, system of values and motivations. As a result national elite betrays interests of the people and passes to service to global business. This process deprives mankind of possibility of development. The exit consists in refusal of global capitalism in favor of technological socialism. For successful opposition to liberalism it is necessary to realize specifics of consciousness of modern liberals. Key words. Liberalism, global business, elite, treachery, patriotism, technological socialism, consciousness, aggression, reforms | | Chernyakhovsky S. Impostors of liberalism. The ideology of “goldfish” The historical sense of the term “liberalism” in its partnership with communism and opposition to conservatism and traditionalism is restored. The protest of the Russian society against liberals is caused them by treason to liberal ideals. Today’s Russian liberals are “quasiliberals” who owing to the irreconcilable hostility to society have to be expelled from all spheres of public life Key words. Liberalism, communism, patriotism, nationalism, conservatism, freedom, reason, property, people, power, state. | QUO VADIS? КАМО ГРЯДЕШИ? КУДА ИДЕШЬ? | | Tarko A. The Reverse Side of Growth. Modern structural economic crises and the ways to overcome them The origins and development of structural economic crises are analyzed on the basis of the economical theories of O. V. Grigoriev, M. L. Khazin and mathematical models of I. G. Pospelov, A. M. Tarko, V. N. Novohatsky. One of the causes of the current crisis is the innovative development and scientific and technological progress in a closed world economic system. Key words. Global structural economic crisis, dynamic processes, growth rates, raw materials development, Russia, European Union, USA, China. | | Veber A. Social Justice and Development The author argues the fact, that social justice is not an obstacle, but the objective condition of economic effectiveness. In high income inequality may not be equal opportunities. Inequality hinders development by preventing full participation of many people in the economic life. Extreme inequality negatively correlates with indicators of life expectancy, health, education, access to other basic social services; it is more often accompanied by low or negative rates of economic growth. Effective redistribution of the social product increases the productivity of the economy. Key words. Social justice, development, equality/inequality, the market system, economic efficiency, distribution of power. | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | | Levyash I. Terrointern: lex talionis or sight of global trouble? The terrorism is considered as one of the most ancient archetypes and extrema of war. In extremely generalised kind it is possible to assert that the terrorism is an abnormal product of permanent crises in a fundamental triad «culture — a civilisation — barbarization». The article is devoted to analyze phenomenology and terror anthropology. Key words. War, terror, terrorism, lex talionis culture, a civilisation, barbarisation, globalisation, group terrorism, the state terrorism, subjects of an antiterrorist coalition. | | Gadzhiev К On the New Right Alternative The article provides an analysis of a set of values , ideas and attitudes of parties and movements of the new right-wing orientation, which opposes the positions some of the parties and movements that undermine traditional values and institutions of the European Judeo-Christian civilization. It is shown that the growing popularity and influence of the New Right in many European countries and the United States is one of the answers to the new challenges to the socio-political system of the modern West Key words. Conservative, right-wing radicalism, the New Right, tradition, culture, xenophobia, anti-Semitism | | Surguladze V Class Aspect of National Consciousness. From abbot Sieye`s to Joseph Stalin The author analyzes formation process of the class-based understanding of a nation that replaced identity characteristics of the feudal relations era. The concept of a nation, developed by Marxists theorists, is particularly relevant for multinational States Key words. Stalin, abbot Sieye`s, national consciousness, nation, class solidarity, internationalism, Soviet people, third estate, identity, ideology | MODUS VIVENDI/ОБРАЗ ЖИЗНИ | | Davydov D., Fishman L The future rental society The article discusses the prospects of modern capitalist society. The authors hypothesize that modern capitalism degenerates into rent society in which enterpreneural spirit and culture of hard work wither away. It is expected that rent society can be both stable formation and a transitional stage between capitalism and new forms of socialism Key words. Capitalism, rent society, precariat, socialism | | Tolstokorova A. We, children of galaxy. Model personalities patterns in the era of globalization (the effect of international geographic mobility) The article is aimed at the analysis of model personalities patterns generated by globalization and international geographic mobility. Drawing on the analysis of secondary theoretical sources, the paper sets out the following model personalities patterns of the globalization era: «Homo globalis», «Homo digitalis», «Homo consu´mens» and «Homo mobilis». The latter may be specified by the following subtypes: global poor, global senior, global woman and global mother, global child, etc Key words. Homo globalis, Homo digitalis, Homo consu´mens, Homo mobilis, global poor, global senior, global woman and global mother, global child | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | | Yakovleva N Tourist industry in overcoming of crisis situation. Experience of Portugal The article is devoted to research the part of tourism in the strategy to overcome the crisis situation, initiated by the Portugese government. The author emphasizes that tourism simultaneously with industrial and agricultural sectors became the important factor to improve the economic situation in the country. Special attention is paid to the international tourism. The author explains the causes of branch economic growth, demonstrates the statistics of currency earnings and analyzes the situation of Russian tourism in Portugal. Key words. Portugal, crisis, tourist industry, inbound tourism, revenues and expenditures, types and directions, development program, Russia | PRO MEMORIA /ДЛЯ ПАМЯТИ | | Avdonina N Have followed the international duty. The image of the “Afghans” in Soviet mass media The article reviews the dynamic of narrative related to soldiers and veterans, and intermingling of political and mass media discourses about the war in Afghanistan (1979—1989). “Unknown” soldiers had been fighting ‘an unknown’ war for five years, and got an access to the public discourse after 1986. The war was being opened to society. Media rhetoric related to soldiers was being adopted to the political discourse: keeping balance between critical assessment of the decision on sending troops to Afghanistan and the concept “soldier’s duty”. Key words. War in Afghanistan (1979—1989), journalism, theory of journalism, public relations, ideology, propaganda, war rhetoric, soldier’s duty, discourse of war, mass media | AD LITTERAM /БУКВАЛЬНО | | Mel’kumov A The revolutionary legality and our tasks Article defines the main objectives of activity of prosecutor’s office in 1926. The bright picture of a condition of judicial and supervisory authorities is given, to legal literacy of authorities. To Oprah-delny the main problems of strengthening of legality in the USSR, including on its national suburbs, and the directions of their decision. Key words. Prosecutor’s office, legality, local authorities, court, crime | EX LIBRIS/ ИЗ КНИГ | | Shelchkov A When Choice Exists... The review is devoted to analyze the monograph, written by the scholars from the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Science. The authors explore the political processes, which take place in the region. Some of the chapters are devoted to analyze the general problems and the others to the problems of concrete Latin American countries. The scholars’ attention is focused on electoral systems and political struggle in Latin America of the last 10 years. The reviewer highly appreciates the content of the monograph Key words. Latin America, electoral systems, democracy, electoral legislation, elections, political systems, political stability, “Third way”, democratic transit, “Socialism of the 21st century”. | №4/2015MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | Alexander SkiperskihINTHE STALIN’S TIMES The author of the review analyzes the electronic publication of private diary, written in 1946 – 1955 by worker A. I. Dmitriev. So, the text reflects the world of Soviet worker of the Stalin’s period. Thepublicationishighlyappreciated. The reviewer thinks that a simple Soviet man like A. I. Dmitriev has much more rights to personify the positive aspects of the tragic Stalin’s period, than a long chain of generals, promoted from above in our times. Soviet history, Stalin, Stalinism, USSR, culture, dairy, historic memory, totalitarism, working class, | QUO VADIS?/КАМО ГРЯДЕШИ? | Anatoly Mironov, Alexander Buzgalin, David EPSTEIN The Conception of Law on science, elaborated by the Congress of scientists and educationalistsThe articles is devoted to the critics of the science politics of Russian Government and of the project of Law on science in the RF elaborated by the parliamentary Comity for Science and Science Technologies. The authors argue the necessity of the other project and propose the conception of this project, presented in the Appendix to the article.Russian Academy of Science, Russian Government, and education in the RF, import substitution industrialization, modernization, | RESPUBLICA | Byzova L.On the specialties of mass consciousness in “post-Crimean” Russia The article analyzes the dynamics of the mass consciousness in Russia, formed in2014 inthe wake of the events in Ukraine and Crimea. The consolidation of the public and most of its radicalization, on the one hand, form the national consensus and ensure a high level of public optimism in the face of deteriorating socio-economic situation; On the other hand, have some mixed effects and trends, bringing to life the archetypal layers of the mass consciousness, is largely contrary to a real system of values and attitudes which do not involve the mobilization and consumer constraints. This contradiction will surely affect the political process, if not in the short, then in the longer term, making socio-political situation in the country is much less stable than in the first decade of this century. Crimean syndrome, anomaly; consensus; consolidation; mobilization, archetypical consciousness, division of values, fields of problems, | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | E. LarinaEnemy in Front of the Gate… Who Is?The article is the second part of an analytical cycle about prospects of the Russian-American relations in the context of global dynamics. The article is devoted to widely discussed and low-investigated issue of inter- and intra-elite interaction and an antagonism at the supranational, subregional and national levels.Global Dominat, financialization, financier, pattern, smuta, the Third industrial revolution, unrest, | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | Peter Kondrashov RUSSIA LOOKING FOR UTOPIAS. Can morality come back to politics?The reviewer analyzes the new monograph “Russia looking for utopias: from moral collapse to moral revolution” (in Russian), written by Russian political scientists Viktor Mart’yanov y Leonid Fischman. It is emphasized that the content of the book corresponds to the model of ethical-political treatise. The scientists argue the conception of prefunded moral deficit of modern society in the conditions of capitalism. They emphasize the necessity of moral revolution as a way to overcome the crisis and show the great potential of radical moral utopia in the part of ethical-political instrument.Christianity, moral collapse, moral revolution, universal values, utopia, values of identity, | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | P. Yakovlev, N. YakovlevaARGENTINA: A RESERVE MEMBER OF BRICS?The article is devoted to analyze the new period of BRICS development and the possibility of this group to wide in the future by the way of new members integration. Argentina can be one of these new members, because it built some kind of special relations with every of five countries-member of BRICS. The authors analyze the main motifs, which determined the position of Argentinean government to participate in BIRCS and the aspects, which put obstacles in the way of this process.Argentina, BRICS, China, EU, Russia, USA, economic potential, models of collaboration,political approach, strategic partnership, | DICTUM ET FACTUM/СЛОВО И ДЕЛОTHEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Vasily Kuznetsov, Irina ZvyagelskayaPROBLEMS OF STATEHOOD IN THE MIDDLE EASTThe article is devoted to analyze the problem of statehood crisis in the Middle East. The authors discuss the possibility to use the “national state” conception to the political systems, formed in the region in the 20th cen. They emphasize the tendencies to archaize the political life and analyze the possibility to appear the new type of statehood, based on the synthesis of modernist and post-modernist discourses, modern and archaic political realities.Arabian awaking, Middle East, islam, national state, post secularism, the Islamic State,thePalestinianState, | ИЗ КНИГ | V. MukhachovFROM PAX AMERICANA TO MULTIPOLAR WORLD ORDER OF THE 21ST CEN.The review is devoted to analyze the new book “The Great Geopolitical Revolution” (“Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya”, 2014) (in Russian) written by famous Soviet and Russian expert in foreign relations Karen Brutenz. The subject of the analysis is a transition from the world of Pax Americana (existed in 1990th and 2000th) to the contemporary multipolar world. The author emphasizes that the causes of this revolution have an objective character. He describes the social, economic, political and other foundations which caused the new world order. China, Pax Americana, Russia, USA, USSR, globalization, the new world order, | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Western sanctions and the position of Slovakia. Internal and external contradictionsMaria SviridovA detailed analysis of the position of statesmen Slovakia for anti-Russian sanctions supplemented by careful consideration of the socio-economic consequences for the country of some of the sanctions of the West and Russian retaliatory sanctions. Considerable attention is paid to the position of the supporters of the development of relations with RussiaSlovak Manual.The anti-Russian sanctions, the consequences of sanctions for Slovakia | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | M.VoenkovFORWARD TO CAPITALISM? The question of coming under the socio-economic development of RussiaThe article discusses the objective stage of development of society, which must pass each country. It is shown that neither Russia after 1861 or after 1921 or after 1991, and have not passed the stage of bourgeois society. But to pass the stage of development of bourgeois right. And you can make the process manageable. Otherwise, the country is free from the shackles of development, the bourgeois stage, the peasant reform, the petty bourgeoisie | QUO VADIS?/КАМО ГРЯДЕШИ? | V. PernatskyTHE PHENOMENON OF SOCIAL REALITY. The Second ArticleIn the second part of his research the author completes his analysis of the genesis and the characteristic features of social reality. V. Pernatsky (whose ideas are based on the principles of F. Engels’ labor theory) explains the phenomenon like nature and genesis of the mankind, sociogenesis, politogenesis etc. He emphasizes the importance of the “second” (o social) birth of man, which is comparable with the importance of his “first” (o biological) birth. homo sapiens, man, nature, politogenesis, social difference, social reality, society, sociogenesis, | RESPUBLICA | D. Fomin, Hanin H.Long-time tendencies, contemporary situation and perspectives of Russian economyThe article is devoted to analyze the causes and the character of the economic crisis in modern Russia. The authors are sure that this crisis has some deep historical origins, connected with the process of the human capital degradation as a result of wars and emigration waves, which took place in the 20th – beginning of the 21st cen. This fact explains why the contemporary crisis has not conjectural but systematic character. The ways to meet the crisis are proposed. The authors discuss the three possible scenarios: the optimistic, the inertial and the pessimistic ones.Economy, economic crisis, human capital, modern Russia, political crisis, scenarios to meet the crisis, | DICTUM ET FACTUM/СЛОВО И ДЕЛО | A. RybakovFOR EQUAL CONCURENCE. Ways to defend economical interests of Russian engineering vehicles manufacturersThe article is devoted to analyze the ways to support the economical interests of Russian engineering vehicles manufacturers and to defend the the Eurasian Custom Union internal market from the growing import of these vehicles from the EU countries. The author explains the causes of engineering vehicles lowering production in Russia and formulates some proposes to improve the national legislation in the aim of support the equal concurrence regime between manufacturers and importers of engineering vehicles.Engineering vehicles, WTO, certification, counterfeit, domestic market, experts, import,legislation, technical regulations, | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Parliamentary elections in Turkey. The new balance of power Vladimir AVATKOV, Kochkin Mikhail Parliamentary elections in Turkey in 2015 reflected a significant change in the trend of domestic policy, established back in the middle of the XX century, during the formation of multiparty system. The most important change, manifested in 2011-2015, was the gradual defragmentation of the Turkish society and the complexity of the structure of the electorate. As a result, now the party representing the interests of a larger number of different social groups. This situation calls on Russia to review its policy on Turkey and to develop a more flexible approach that includes working with all political forces of the country. Elections in Turkey in 2015, Justice and Development Party, foreign policy, the electoral process | №3/2015STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Steven CohenUkrainian Crisis. A New Cold War?A famous American historian prof. Stephen F. Cohen (University of New York) analyzes the most difficult problems of contemporary international politics; he means the Civil war in Ukraine, the new cold war between US and Russia and the appearance of the most dangerous crisis since the time of Cubanian (or missile) crisis of the beginning of 1960s. The author explains the causes of the Ukrainian crisis and argues the failure of US and the West’s attempts to shift the blame on Russia and Putin’s politics. Step by step he shows how Washington and Brussels used the propaganda myths and tried to mask their attempts to redirect Ukraine to the West and to integrate it into the NATO. conflict, Ukraine, Ukraine-European Union Association Agreement, V. Yanukovych, disintegrated country, | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Confrontational partnership Elena Ponomareva, Rudow Heorhi Ukrainian crisis could lead to a global catastrophe, was provoked, and even preordained principles and mechanisms of the European program "Eastern Partnership". Aimed at six former Soviet republics: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine - the initiative originally wore confrontational towards Russia in nature and was aimed at the formation of the antagonistic environment in Europe, which ensured the paralysis of any initiatives to create a common space from Lisbon to Vladivostok. "Eastern Partnership", the EU, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine, European unity., World politics, world economy, the post-Soviet space, the Ukrainian crisis
| AD LITTERAM/БУКВАЛЬНО | Gaidar against his policies. "In vain do not give money" Yegor Gaidar The newly published paper is a response to a letter Gaidar six ministers led by Minister of Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR Viktor Chernomyrdin, written in the magazine "Communist" in 1989. In the letter, Gaidar was accused that he was "in a hasty and insufficiently weighted Economic Review .., not bothering to arguments, questioned the need for a comprehensive development of the productive forces in Western Siberia." Gaidar Section 1989 did not lose its relevance - and not only as a description of the imminent danger of major projects that are coming to our country in the event of recovery, but also as a brilliant indictment against his own policy years. Communist USSR, Economics, world trade, world market, project analysis, industry | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | A.Maydansky Conservative Revolution. Mikh. A. Lifshitz in Classes of HegelResearching Hegel’s works, Soviet philosopher Mikhail Lifshitz was trying to understand logic of revolution and of the post-revolutionary development of culture. Following the ideas of Belinsky, M. Lifshitz interpreted the Hegel’s term of Welt-geist (the World Spirit) into the “pathos”, which reflected the objective force of his-torical situation, of conditions. M. Lifshitz understood the Social Revolution as a conflict of two pathos. The first of them was the egalitarian, anarchic passion for de-struction, and the second one was the forth of culture self-preservation.Hegel, M. A. Lifshitz, Russian history, pathos, resignation, revolution, termidorianism | QUO VADIS?/КАМО ГРЯДЕШИ? | V. PERNATSKY The Phenomenon of Social RealityThe article is devoted to analyze the genesis and the characteristic features of social reality. The author (whose ideas are based on the principles of F. Engels’ labor theory) explains the phenomenon like nature and genesis of the mankind, sociogenesis, politogenesis etc. He emphasizes the importance of the “second” (o social) birth of man, which is comparable with the importance of his “first” (o biological) birth.homo sapiens, man, nature, politogenesis,social difference, social reality, society, sociogenesis | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | Boris Romanov Pulse of TimeThe author of review dedicated to the monograph, written by sociologist Alexander Shipkov, emphasizes the organic connection between neoliberalism and fashism, which explains the fact of support of the contemporary Ukrainian neonazy regime by Western democracies. A. Shipkov researches the origins of fascism as a dictatorship, installed in the interest of main capitalist groups. He argues the difference between the right and the left types of traditionalism. The reviewer highly evaluates the content of the reviewed book.dictatorship, fascism, nationalism, neoliberalism, neonazism, the rights, traditionalism, | PRO ET CONTRA/ЗА И ПРОТИВ | V. Davtyan Eurasian Economic Union: Problems of Energy Integration of ArmeniaThe key problems of integration of the Armenia’s energy system in a single energy market within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union are presented. Some normative bases for the formation of a common energy market are analyzed. The general characteristics of the Armenian energy system are given, the main problems hindering full integration, as well as the geopolitical aspects of this problem are shown. The role of the Russian capital in the functioning of a number of large power objects of the country are estimated. It is revealed that Armenia's signing the EAEU is a political project implemented primarily for military security purpose.Eurasian Economic Union, Republic of Armenia, energy, integration, military security, political,single market, | MODUS VIVENDI/ОБРАЗ ЖИЗНИ | Dmitry Davydov, Leonid FishmanThe Future of Capitalism: From litRPG to FuturologyThe article is devoted to the prospects of capitalism in times of technological displacement of labor. In the spotlight – a possible utilization of labor in virtual worlds and corresponding consequences associated with alienation from real real-ity and technological rent-oriented behavior. The authors examine some possible scenarios of the future relying on futurological predictions of litrpg science-fiction writers and the forecasts of some foreign social theorists. One such scenario con-sists in the gradual withering away of capitalism and its fundamental principles — diligence and the “spirit” of entrepreneurship. litRPG, rent society,technological displacement of labor, the spirit of capitalism, virtual reality, | MODUS VIVENDI/ОБРАЗ ЖИЗНИ | A.NeklessaHeart of DarknessThe author argues that the modern world system is in the situation of the profound crisis. The exterior manifestations of this crisis are the fall of importance of national state, from one side, and the growth of importance of the transborder dynamics. The symptom of profound social and mental changes are the attempts to deconstruct the modern civilization and the new type of terrorism, connected with the phenomenon of “dearth culture”, based on the nihilistic consciousness, which has profound historical and gnoseological origins. crisis, empire, future, modernity, political organization,transit, world structure | MODUS VIVENDI/ОБРАЗ ЖИЗНИ | Аndrei Andreyev, Vladimir PetukhovRussia in the World. How the Attitude of Russians to the Paradigma “Europe – Asia” ChangesThe authors concludes that now one can see the good attitude of the Russians firstly towards the states, that share with Russia its interpretation of the historical past and that are ready to be integrated together with Russia into various geopolitical and geo-economic projects. And during these processes one can see the gradual transformation of the system of the representations and meanings of the modern Russian identity matrix. However, this matrix cannot unequivocally be described as Eurasian. Rather, it is possible to talk about the formation in the Russian society of a new historical project of “alternative Europe”.Asia,Eastern civilization, Eurasian civilization, Europe, USA, Western civilization, public opinion in Russia | PRO ET CONTRA/ЗА И ПРОТИВ | V.SurguladzePhenomenon of “Byzantism” and Its Perception in Russia and in the WestOnly distant, superficial acquaintance with Byzantine can create the dominant view of her as inanimate, frozen for centuries historical body. In conditions when Russia faces hostile ideological pressure of the West, Russian society need to strengthen its own unique values, defend its own ideals, should know, love and to be able to appreciate its historical and cultural heritage, part of which is impact perceived by Russia from Byzantine.Byzantism, Byzantium, Russia, Russian history, Russian identity, ideology | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | А. PadbyarozkinNear the Frontier. A Possible Scenario of International and Strategical Situation Development after 2021The article is devoted to analyze the possible scenario of international and strategical situation development after 2021. The author thinks that in this period the conflict between Russia and Western civilization will become stronger. By this time Russian leaders must to implement a complex of measures; the main of these measures are proposed in the situation, military and political situation, strategical planning, strategical prognosis, strategical situation, | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | Е.Larina Enemy in Front of the Gate… Who Is?The article is the first part of an analytical cycle about prospects of the Russian-American relations in the context of global dynamics. The article is devoted to widely discussed and low-investigated issue of inter- and intra-elite interaction and an antagonism at the supranational, subregional and national levels. Netocracy, financier, global dominative, kvazidomanat, manager, pattern, subdominat, | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | Andrey Fursov, Cyril FursovSecret Services, Islamism and the bin Ladens Family The article reviews two well-known books written by the American analyst, twice-Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist Steve Coll devoted to the twenty-year history of Islamism and its close relations with the US, Pakistani and Saudi secret services. Special attention is paid to the eighty-year history of the bin Laden family.Al-Qaida, CIA, ISI, Taliban, bin Ladens, terrorism, Islamism | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | Domrin AlexanderUSA and the Constitutional Coup of 1993 in RussiaThe famous Russian lawer, ex-functioner of the Suprem Council of Russian Federation (1990—1993) explains the forms of US government participation in the constitional (i.e. ANTI-constitutional) coup of Russian President Boris Yeltsin in the autmn of 1993. Using a great number of Russian and American sourcers, the author analyzes all the most important elements and mechanisms of the process.President Yeltsin, constitutional coup of 1993, contemporary history of Russia | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Mikhail DelyaginIn a Context of Global Transformation. The Russian-Chinese Cooperation in XXIth CenturyArticle analyzes the main aspects and prospects of global crisis and a role of the bilateral relations of Russia and China in its development and in the world after failure in a global depression. The principle of opposition of global business and the national states is proclaimed, idea of the Beijing consensus as instrument of protection of the people against global monopolies develops. The most perspective directions of cooperation of Russia and China are described. The assessment of the main opponents and hidden supporters of strategic partnership of our two countries is given.China, Key words: Russia, Silk way,economic belt of a new Silk way, sea Silk way, | №2/2015MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | The well-known French politician of the past and presentAnna Semenova The author analyzes the way of life, beliefs, and in contemporary politics veteran "Red May" of 1968, one of the founders of the French Left Party and the Left Front of Jean-Luc Jean-Luc Mélenchon. In this regard, we considered the idea of a place left in the world today and the political evolution of France. France, politics, power, influence, Left Front
| MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | Monument command economy Hanin H.
Bright and imaginative review of the third edition of the classic textbook by Professor Michael Ellman of the University of Amsterdam "socialist planning" written by one of the best and most profound connoisseurs of the Soviet economy. The very appearance of this edition (first published in 1979, the second - in 1989) testifies to the enduring interest of the West to the most important, the Soviet period of history of the world, supported by a growing disillusionment with the prospects and possibilities of capitalism. Planning history, the West, the Soviet Union, the economy
| AD LITTERAM/БУКВАЛЬНО | "... It deserves the name of a politician" (2000) Andrei Vorobyov A detailed analysis of the purposes and methods of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, and led them through a decade and a half after the looks stunning slap in the face of Russian power, confidently leading the country towards a new revolutionary situation catastrophic. Hatred for the Bolsheviks, cultivated a large part of Russia's current "elite" is dictated not only by its "class instinct", but frankly envious of their managerial effectiveness due to their democratic and sincere desire to serve the people. Lenin, the people, the Soviet Union, Russia, the elite | PRO ET CONTRA/ЗА И ПРОТИВ | V. MukhachovHistory for the PresidentThe article is devoted to analyze the conception of the so named “integrated manual of history”, elaborated by the group of scholars from the Russian Academy of Science following the order of the President of RF. This conception is criticized like “non-scientific” and “idealistic”. The author supports the Marxist philosophy of history as the only possible methodology of historical science. "Flee from materialism," "Soviet socialism", idealism, ideology, history of Russia, Marxism, |
THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Voda K.Japaneese Politics in Asia-Pacific Region and Interests of RussiaResponding to intensified uncertainty in the security environment in the Asia-Pacific region Japan declares its intention to implement balanced and integrated defense and foreign policy. For this reason Japan is conducting measures to develop its own defense capabilities; it is strengthening military and political cooperation with U.S. and other countries that share basic values and interests with Japan; and it is increasing its activities in international as well as regional organizations and institutes. However Japan is facing challenges that could possibly limit Japan’s role and influence in maintaining regional order. Therefore it is worth to observe main directions of Japan’s policy in the Asia-Pacific region as well as prospects for Japan-Russia cooperation. Japan, Russia, Shinzo Abe, foreign policy, value diplomacy | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | S. BiryukovGermany: Looking for New Mission and StrantegyThis article analyzes the evolution of German foreign policy strategy in the context of the new role of Germany in Europe and in the whole World. The author seeks to determine the possible content of the updated German foreign policy doctrine and to establish how it will affect the position of Russia and its geopolitical opportunities.European integration, expansion, nationalism, political strategy, politics, territory | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Volotov Oleg, Sergey Volotov Russia and Hungary in the Situation of Sanction Policy. Political aspects of bilateral relationsUkrainian crisis and the sanctions initiated by US and EU against Russia gave a new content into the relations between Russia and West. In the situation of sanction war Hungary tries to follow its own interests in the relations with Russia; now these interests don’t correspond with the interests of Germany or of US. Hungarian government tries to show to Russia, that though the sovereignity of Ukraine is very important for Hungary, it doesn’t mean the anti-Russian course in Hungarian foreign policy.EU, Hungary, Russia, US, Ukrainian crisis, national minorities, policy of sanctions | QUO VADIS?/КАМО ГРЯДЕШИ? | Vladimir NIKOLAEVSKYProgress or Lost Chance?The article deals with the basic problems of socio-economic development and the achievement of the Republic of Belarus for the period 1991—2014 years in the context of a real political and economic situation in the world. It is shown that the Belarusian economy is stagnating and to ensure its sustainable competitiveness necessary to carry out socio-economic modernization. The solution to this problem it is expedient to implement within established the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) through the development of a unified strategy for the modernization of the participating countries.Republic of Belarus, competitiveness, socio-economic modernization | QUO VADIS?/КАМО ГРЯДЕШИ? | Yuri GranikWill the “National States” be Conserved in the 21 st Century?The paper analyzes the social and philosophical content of the concept “globalization”, the variety of historical forms of implementation of the globalization of humanity, the threat to national identity population in many countries of the world in the XXI century. Recent instigated not only a number of modern intellectual currents, but also an objective formаtion of mass multicultural environment of existence, it's expansion is caused by the of the influence of neoliberal institutions of the global economy and the spread of information technology, which is related humanity anonymous power systems. The author believes, that the robust public policy, which combines tradition and modernity in the horizon of national identity, can withstand the symbolic violence of mass culture “of the global consumer”.culture, globalization, multiculturalism, nation, state | ДЛЯ ПАМЯТИ | Michael NarinskyThe War in the Historical Memory of the Contemporary RussiaThe article is devoted to analyze the forms of historical memory about the Great Patriotic War (as a part of the WorldWar II), which exist in the contemporary Russia. The author describes the three main levels of memory: the official one (which reflects the position of the government), the stereotypes which exist in the public opinion and the culture of memory, reflected by the academic historians. Is emphasized the crucial part of the memory about the Great Patriotic War for the national identity of contemporary Russians. historical memory,history of the USSR, the Great Patriotic War, the World War II | ДЛЯ ПАМЯТИ | Domrin AlexanderUSA and the Constitutional Coup of 1993 in RussiaThe famous Russian lawer, ex-functioner of the Suprem Council of Russian Federation (1990—1993) explains the forms of US government participation in the constitional (i.e. ANTI-constitutional) coup of Russian President Boris Yeltsin in the autmn of 1993. Using a great number of Russian and American sourcers, the author analyzes all the most important elements and mechanisms of the process.President Yeltsin, constitutional coup of 1993, contemporary history of Russia | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | V.DashevichWars for Domination in the World: the 20 th CenturyThe article is a fragment from the monograph “From Stalin to Putin”, written by Vyacheslav Daschichev, famous Russian expert in world politics. The author analyzes the main attempts to reach the world domination, realized by Germany and then by the US in the 20 th cen. He explains causes and results of these attempts. Some main characteristics of optimal system for foreign relations in Europe are presented.aggression, domination in the world, international law, world policy | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Тkachuk МThe Forthcoming Past, or the Present Future? The Leftist Reformation against the Liberal ArchaikosThe author thinks that the contemporary situation is a result of the first phase of the global cultural crisis, which generates, respectively, the full set of the relic archaic phenomena – from a specific perception of time to the essentially “feudal” wars and conflicts. It allows a logical affirmation that this “another sliding back to the Middle Ages” can be stopped only by another essentially leftist transformation of values and practices, in the context of a new project to be advanced, which is going to be leftist reformation sui generis.cultural catastrophe, global crisis, leftist reformation, liberal archaikos, project-based mentality | №1/2015AD LITTERAM/БУКВАЛЬНО | The ruble has yet to earn its title (1989) Viktor Gerashchenko Slowly unraveling a tangle of banking problems, we came to the conclusion that each bank should be able to set up their offices in any place, if it is economically feasible. In the world there is a trend towards rationalization and concentration of the banking business, but society puts certain obstacles to concentration is not turned into a monopoly. Such a monopoly is not necessary to us. We have prepared projects of banking laws, which are now beginning to be discussed with experts. The main thing, in our opinion, as is done in all developed countries, clearly define the role, place and prerogatives of the dependence of the Central Bank. I think we must now rush to develop the law regulating the banking system, as seen from above. She must like myself find themselves form below. The ruble, the economy, the central bank, banks, system, | ИСКУССТВО ВЕЧНО | Razlogov K.Memory about the First World War Jean Renoir and Fran ois TruffautThe article is devoted to compare the different models of memory about the WW I, reflected in the movies of Jean Renoir (“La Grande Illusion”, France, 1937) and Fran ois Truffaut (“Jules et Jim”, France, 1962). Jean Renoir’ movie emphasizes the class antagonism, which influences on the relation of protagonists, and F. Truffaut is interested in the sphere of human relation (love, jealousy etc.). The author thinks, that this difference reflects is not occasional, because it reflects the difference between the times of both movies’ making.Jean Renoir, World War I, cinema art, historical memory | ДЛЯ ПАМЯТИ | Ilya LEVYASHThe War and the Golgotha of HumanismThe article is devoted to explore the part of war and its images in the modern society. The author emphasizes that the conditions of one-polar world provoke dangerous tendency to percept the war like any everyday fact, produced by the epoch of globalization. The author concludes that the opportunities to stop this tendency by non-violent measures are limited. USA, foreign relations, globalization,humanism, multipolar world, peace, war | ДЛЯ ПАМЯТИ | P. Miultatul«Annihilate German Militarism». Emperor Nicolas II and Secret Conventions with Western Allies (1914—1917)The author argues that Nicolas II could reach the right to integrate important territories as a result of negotiations with Western allies during the period 1915—1917. Military and economic success of the 1916th champagne changed the political and military situation: the victory of allies in 1917 became possible. In this case, Britain and France would have to fulfil their obligations. This fact explains one of the most important causes of the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia.Nicolas II, Western allies, the Entente, the World War I | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Valeyeva TatianaCollaboration in the Situation of the New Geopolitical ChallengesThe article is devoted to analyze the contemporary situation in the Russian-Bulgarian economical and political relations. The author emphasizes that the Bulgarian refusal to take part in the construction of the “South Stream” was a consequence not only of the brutal pressing of the US and the EU, but of the political course of President Plevneliev and his collaborators in the same time. As a result, Bulgaria showed itself as a very unreliable partner. That is why the author doesn’t wait for some important Russian-Bulgarian economic projects in the near future. She thinks that only humanitarian projects have any perspectives now.Bulgaria, EU,Russia, US, economical collaboration, political collaboration, “South Stream | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Emil DabaghyanFighting for Education Opened for Everybody. About the Outburst of Socio-political Activity of the Young People in ChileThe article traces the dynamics of the student movement and highlights the reasons of this phenomenon also showing the claims of the youth and the reaction of the authorities, political parties and the society as a whole. There is an attempt to predict some possible consequences of these mass actions for the prospects of the socio-political development of the country. The influence of mentioned events on the other countries in the region is analyzed.M. Bachelet, R. Lagos, S. Pinera, Chile, lyceum students, youth leaders, government protest movement, students | PRO ET CONTRA/ЗА И ПРОТИВ | Vladimir LazutkinReality of IdealThe author analyzes the philosophical texts of Il’enkov, Lifschiz, Plato and others and argues that ideal can visualizes itself in any concrete and adequate forms only in the human creative activity. This phenomenon didn’t exist in prehuman nature; it can appear only in cultural and historical practice, and only in the case if this practice is conscious and free.activity, development, ideal, material, philosophy, spirit, substance | PRO ET CONTRA/ЗА И ПРОТИВ | Fomin D., Hanin H.Organization and Image of Russian StatisticsThe article presents a detailed response to criticisms of Representatives Rosstat arising about the authors’ publication in the newspaper «Vedomosti», in which the credibility of official statistics was questioned and an alternative esti-mate of the most important Russian macroeconomic indicators was provided. Am-ple space is devoted to justificate some alternative estimates of the volume and dy-namics of fixed assets. The proposed ways and methods of reforming the statistical service are associated with the decentralization of the institution. In the same time, the authors analyze the positive experience of the statistical service in some foreign countries and in the Soviet Union in 1920—1950-s.Rosstat, Russian economy, economic history, statistics | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | Andreev I.Leopold Sengor and his Project of EuroafricaCultural and world-view opposition of West and East, North and South, including the global conflict of Euroathlantic civilization with the Islamic world, has a very profound ethnopsychological roots and cultural and genetical code, formed by previous history. Great African intellectual, poet, philosopher and politic Leopold Sedar Sengor (1906–2000) gave a unique exemple of investigation of problems, perspectives and contradictions in psychological approaching of Africa and Europe presented in the global context.The African Socialist International, Leopold Senghor, African, European, Negritude, the project Euro Africa | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | Volotov Oleg, Prince Yuri, Valery Milovanov, Samorukova Angara Ethnic Minorities in the West of Ukraine The article is devoted to analyze the positions of Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovakian and Russian governments in defending rights and interests of ethnic minorities in Ukraine, whose situation became much more difficult after the coupe d'etat of February, 2014. The author emphasizes different aspects of national positions. Some different scenarios of situation development were analyzed. Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, national minority compatriots, the Ukrainian crisis, ethnic conflict | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | Zurab Todua A Story About the Cause, Why the Party of Communists of the Republic of Modova Abandoned the Victory The author analyzes the results of the parliamentary elections in the Republic of Moldova, which took place on 30 November 2014. He discusses the causes of the fall of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Modova (PCRM), which was the most influenced political fourth in the country in 2001-2009. The author thinks, that PCRM can return its authority and political influence only if it begins the necessary reforms and understands the true causes of its fall in 2014. Moldova, the Party of communica- ists Moldovan Party of Socialists of the Republic of Moldova, Russia, the United States, the Customs Union, European integration, the parliamentary elections of 2014, the Association Agreement with the EU | QUO VADIS?/КАМО ГРЯДЕШИ? | M. DelyaginThe unknown ThingsThe author analyzes perspectives of human development in the nearest decades. He pessimistically concludes the beginning of the “New Middle Ages”, with the societies lacking middle class and totally controlled by the closed elites by the force of IT technologies. Human psyche will be deformed and peoples will become less motivated and more infantile. The part of knowledge, science and technologies in the modern sense will be reduced. The global economy will be transformed into the zones, isolated by measures of protectionism. crisis of the middle class, futurology, technological collapse, the world in the 21 st century | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Zolotukhin-Abolin Elena ZOLOTUKHIN Valery Demons of Russian Bureaucracy. A Free Remark The article is devoted to analyze the part, the place and the perspectives of Russian bureaucracy development; first of all they do it on the example of Russian system of university education. The authors try to find the main specialties' (or demons) of modern Russian bureaucracy and to suggest the methods to fight with them. Russia, the bureaucracy, management, people, public control, the society, the assessment of quality of education, the higher education system, traditions Control | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | V. SaharovHistoric Experience of National Problem Decision in RussiaThe article contents the conception of national problem decision in Russia. Author is sure, that national problem as such doesn’t exist: it is strictly connected with the others spheres of human life and activity, first of all with the social, economic and political ones. That why the decision of national problem need system approach.Lenin, Stalin, nation, national problem, nationalism, people, proletarian internationalism, society |
№6/ 2014ДЛЯ ПАМЯТИ | Кarpov S.Studies in History and Verification of KnowledgeThe article reflects the position of the author about the practical utility of the existing system of accounting scholars’ work results. The author proves that this system implanting by the order of Ministry of education and science of RF doesn’t correspond to the needs of scholars and is not efficient. He proposes some measures to improve the situation. History, Knowledge, education, university, scholars' work | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | Valery Bushuev Communicative Rationality. Its Part in Economic, Policy and in Adoption of Administrative Decisions The article is devoted to describe the main historical epochs of the magazine "Svobodnaya mysl" ("The Free Thought") from the beginning of the 1980 th till today. The author (who was a collaborator of the magazine in this period) remembers about the history of the staff and the main results of its activity, when the collaborators of the magazine divided the destiny of their country. Andropov, Gorbachev, the Communist Party, Communist, Free Thought, publicity, history of Russia, the restructuring of post-Soviet Russia, the Soviet collapse
| AD LITTERAM/БУКВАЛЬНО | RAZLOGOV Kirill Bourgeois Culture on the Wave of Neo-conservatismOn the fight of ideological doctrines through the eyes of a Soviet citizen: "The political concept of imperialism is confronted by reality of modern world: strengthening of the socialist community, growth of national liberation movements and class struggle aggravation in capitalist countries. In these conditions the imperialist ideology is happen to base on outdated religious and aesthetic views. Putting aim to regain the role of arbiters of the world the reactionary circles, especially in the United States, are seeking to portray themselves as defenders of "virtue", which is allegedly infringed by the hostile forces, first and foremost, of course, the Communists ... The revived spirit of "Cold War" demands new " crusade "against progressive forces."Bourgeois Culture, "Cold War", Neo-conservatism, circles, Communism |
THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | V. FalinThe Origins of the Policy of Nuclear Blackmail It happened exactly at 8:15:30 a.m., August 6, 1945. Hellfire burned Hiroshima. Three days later the same fate befell Nagasaki. Their destruction was not justified by military necessity. The surrender of Japan had already been sealed. During the Potsdam Conference the US intelligence reported the US and British leaders that the Japanese would give up the fight as soon as the Soviet Union enter the war. However, the prospect when winning not only in Europe but also in the Far East would be linked in the minds of the public with the prominent role of the USSR in defeating the aggressors, did not suit Washington. There was rooted entirely different plans conspired to usurp the fruits of the great collective victory.Potsdam Conference, the US, Hiroshima, Europe, Soviet Union | ИСКУССТВО ВЕЧНО | V.RozovThe Negation of NegationThe article from "Communist" 1989 №17 dedicated to perestroika. “Isn’t it absurd that one the richest country in the world lives in shameful poverty? Isn’t it absurd that system which declared a person to be the greatest value turned to be unable to give that person full rights or even elementary safety? What is happening now is rapid, often uncontrollable process of negation of the old lies, totalitarian and other prejudices in order to purify socialism from extraneous utopian layers and remnants of bygone eras. Today we are in the process of getting back to the natural state. Only when this return takes place the law of the “negation of negation” will come into force and society will rise to a new qualitative level. | ДЛЯ ПАМЯТИ | Alexei Ulyukayev Freedom as a Direct Productive ForceThe article by Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukayev from "Communist" 1990 №14, when the discussion of economic issues at XXVIII Congress of the CPSU has not yet become a history. “The list of the economic problems that can be considered within the theme of freedom as a productive force is inexhaustible. It includes freedom to choose organizational form, partners including foreign ones, financial sources, alternative programs of production and investment. It includes freedom from unlawful forms of economic behavior, from unfair competition, false advertising. It includes freedom from all sorts of corruption. This is freedom from slavery to routine and thoughtless innovations from the stubborn conservatism and ultra-radicalism.”freedom, slavery , innovations, conservatism, ultra-radicalism | ИЗ КНИГ | Aurov O.Civilization portrayed by pickaxeReview of the book “Civilization: The West and the Rest” by Niall Ferguson. Being professor at Harvard University and Harvard Business School, editor of "Bloomberg Television" and columnist for "Newsweek", Ferguson in 2000 entered the list of 100 most influential people in the world by the "Time" magazine. Ferguson is hardly unknown to the Russian reader. So far, from 17 books he wrote three best-known have been translated into Russian: “Empire: How Britain Made The Modern World” (2013), “The Ascent of Money: A Financial History of the World”(2014) and, finally, ”Civilization”(2011), which will be discussed.Money, History, World, Russia, discussion |
THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | М.DelyaginAnatoly Torkunov: "We are waiting for the turbulent years ..."The passing into history 2014th was not an easy year for our country and perhaps for the whole world. We will remember it, first of all, as the year of the Ukrainian tragedy but also the return of Crimea into Russia. A year of sanctions but also true not ostentatious patriotic enthusiasm. A year when we learned the true value of our friends and our enemies. 2014th have changed us irrevocably. And despite the heated debates about the nature and possible consequences of these changes, all united in one: we'll never be the same we were before. After going through a year like this it is natural to do summaries not only of the year itself but also of a whole period it has cut out from history. That is why on the eve of the New Year 2015 the Chief Editor of the magazine, M.G. Delyagin interviewed one of the most competent and respected experts in the field of national and international policies Anatoly Vasilyevich Torkunov, RAS academician, rector of Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO).History, Knowledge, education, university, scholars' work |
ИСКУССТВО ВЕЧНО | RAZLOGOV Kirill Cinema Studies in the Context of CulturologyThe article is devoted to define the place of cinema studies in the system of studies about culture. The author argues that the “culture” is not only the high art, but it can be defined as every human creative activity in the general sense. He proves that studies in culture and studies in cinema have much more similarities between them, than it exists between traditional art studies and culturology.History, Knowledge, education, university, Cinema Studie | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Delyagin M. Sergei Stepashin: "We have gain more freedom but began to lose values ..." At the end of 2014, the anniversary of our magazine, the "Svobodnaya mysl " interviewed Sergei Stepashin, Colonel General, Doctor of Economics, professor, a prominent Russian politician, the chairman of the supervisory board of state corporation The Fund of Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services. Stepashin witnessed and participated in the events of late 1980 - 2000's which became a turning point in the modern history of our country. The Supreme Soviet of the Russian SFSR of the last convocation, the crisis and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the dramatic events of 1993, the First and Second Chechen War, ambiguous in its results reforms of the 1990s, a radical change of the political course during the presidency of Vladimir Putin, "five-day war" of 2008 - all of this is not only the facts of the recent past of Russia, but also personal Stepashin’s biography.economics, literature, politics | ИЗ КНИГ | Bovin A.The "rabbit lesson" and the lessons of history“Sometimes informal orders to kill can be transmitted by symbols, such as in the "rabbit lesson" which the Marines are taught. The day before sending to Vietnam a sergeant explaining warfare in the jungle holds a rabbit in front of him. During the lesson you get used to the rabbit and begin to feel sympathy for it and then suddenly the sergeant hits it on the head, tears off his hide, cuts its abdomen out and... throws the interior into the audience. One of the recruits comments on the lesson: "Understand it as you want, but this is a good lesson that you get at home before being sent to Vietnam". American writers and journalists on the US aggression in Vietnam.books, history, literature, politics | ИСКУССТВО ВЕЧНО | Polyakov Y."A breath of freedom does not worth a decade of destruction!" The anniversary edition of the "Svobodnaya mysl " presents Russian author Yury Polyakov who also celebrates the anniversary in 2014. It has been an unusual year for our hero as well as for the whole country. The Holiday bustle got softer and entered into a groove. Now the first of ten books of collected works is on, containing poetry, documentary story of front-line poet George Suvorov, early novels, which brought the author readership, books, literature, writer | ИЗ КНИГ | Aurov O.Chronicles of the lost battleA prominent Moldovan and Russian political scientist and a Member of the Parliament of Moldova, Zurab Todua has prepared a three-volume study (two of the three volumes are out and will be discussed later) on the history and events associated with the beginning of the latest political cycle in post-Soviet Moldova. It is known that this cycle started on 7th April 2009, when as a result of riots in Chisinau organized by pro-Romanian youth (primarily, students) the Parliament and the Presidential Administration (Presidency) were destroyed. After winning the elections on 5th April 2009 the leaders of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) failed to hold on to power. As a result the government is now led by anti-Russian forces loyal to the US and EU.Communists, Moldova, US, deputy, politics | ПИСЬМО РЕДАКЦИИ | Delyagin М.Editor's letterThe year 2014 goes into history as the year of the 100th anniversary of the First World War and the 75th anniversary of the Second World War, the year of the long-drawn Ukrainian catastrophe, a year of reunification with Crimea and resumption of western "Cold War" against Russia. Our country has come a long way, the scale and significance of which are still not yet fully comprehended. Part of the way, more or less, we held together with the country. The editorial board, authors and readers of our magazine were dreaming, struggling, hoping, and changing along with it.Russia, Russian Federation, Soviet Union, history, new year, the Cold War, the country, the president, the prospects |
№5/ 2014ИЗ КНИГ | V. LoskutovWhat is the Essense of “The Late Capitalism”?The authors try to correlate the theoretical models of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin with the specialties of the contemporary capitalist mode of production. They argue the idea, that the contemporary capitalism (i.e. the “capitalism of managers”) is not capitalism in the classical sense of the term. This “late capitalism” can be defined like a result of the general crisis of capitalism (or the “dying capitalism” following the conception of V. Lenin).Marxism, capitalism,contemporary economy, crisis of capitalism, imperialism, late capitalism, management | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Process of Political Modernization in Iran The article is devoted to analyze some tendencies of political system development of modern Iran. The author thinks that the country is in the situation of slow, but constant modernization now. From one side, the development of democratic elements in the margins of Islamic regime itself is an obvious fact. From the other side, the author demonstrates the tendency to percept some Western values by Iranian elites. The modernizing development strictly depends of many interior and exterior influences. Anyway, now Iran continues to exist like a non-Western society. Iran, Islamic Republic,Shia Islam, ayatollah, non-Western society, political system, theocracy | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Zoya Kuznetsova Stable Instability. World crisis and economic politics of Czech RepublicThe article is devoted to the influence of world economic crisis to the situation of Czech national economy. The author emphasizes, that although the country successfully survived the “1 st wave” of the crisis, in 2012 the “2 nd wave” appeared, which tangibly worsted the situation. Although the national economy is in the better situation, than it takes place in the most part of the other new members of the European Union, the economic growth can renewed not before 2015, and this is the optimistic scenario.Eastern Europe, European Union,economy, world economic crisis, Czech Republic | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | V. Vasiliev Movement for Independence of Scotland. Retrospective Analysis and Contemporary Situation The article is devoted to analyze origins, causes and development of the independence movement in Scotland. The author analyzes historical, confessional, economical and geopolitical aspects of Anglo-Scottish conflict. With consideration for results of Referendum of 2014 measures to resolve the Anglo-Scottish contradictions are proposed. United Kingdom, Scotland, the Scottish National Party, the Anglo-Scottish conflict, devolution, the Scottish roots of separatism, the history of England, the history of Scotland, Scottish independence referendum, the Scottish separatism | ИЗ КНИГ | Bachinin V. George Agamben's Political Anthropology of Homo SacerThe article provides an overview of the trilogy of Italian sociology, anthropology, political philosopher Giorgio Agamben, devoted to the phenomenon of homo sacer, “a man cursed”. Agamben takes Roman legal term “homo sacer” to designate a theoretical model of a man, relegated to an extremely low status of biopolitical being deprived of all rights, including the right to demand justice for oneself. Through the prism of this image the philosophical, moral and other origins of the most terrible tragedies of XX century are explored, first of all, the tragedy of Auschwitz and the Gulag.Auschwitz, Christianity, Giorgio Agamben, Gulag,Western philosophy, antiquity, science, theology | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Kosachev G. Palestinian-Israeli Conflict by Eyes of HistorianThe article is devoted to analyze the prehistory and the historical sources of Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The author connects acuteness of this conflict with the fact of incompleteness of the nation-building process in the cases of Israelis and Palestinian Arabs. In this situation every of two communities appeals to its “own” national “heroes” and “symbols”; this fact explains the aggressive character of the struggle.Arab-Israeli conflict, Arabs,Hebrews, Israel, Israelis, Jews, Palestine, Palestinian people | RES PUBLICA/ГОСУДАРСТВО | Olga Karbasova Fold the perception existing today in the practice of social and political space, a variety of international public (or "country") of images it is possible to qualify as indifferent or neutral. Such an attitude is confirmed by audience research Simon Anholt, the founder of the publication Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index ™ ("National Brands Index"). According to surveys conducted by the publication in 2005, "people's perceptions of other countries [over time] does not change very much or very fast: the majority of us seem to have a rather frozen opinion on other nations, and we prefer not to change it" . That is, once established in the minds of the audience, the international image of the country is extremely difficult amenable to change and if susceptible, then the minimum. The notion that the maximum impact on the image can be rendered only at the stage of its formation, effectively means you can not get rid of the "shortcut." This may entail the most serious consequences. Practice shows that the last few decades, the formation of a negative image of the country could lead to the most disastrous results up to the invasion of the enemy and territorial losses (as in the case of Yugoslavia, creating a negative image of the state and its leader was the rationale for the operation of NATO forces in the country and, ultimately led to the loss of Kosovo). image of the state, image losses, the adjustment of political image, negative imidzhmeyking, the structure of the image | VARIA/РАЗНОЕ | Avdonina Natalia Rhetoric of War The article is devoted to analyze the rhetoric used by US media (on the example of "The New Yorker") and Soviet media (the case of "Ogonyok"). The author concludes, that the differences between the two types of rhetoric were not very sensible. Both magazines used the same discourse of menace and enemy, responsibility to defend and to prevent. George. W. Bush, LI Brezhnev, the Soviet Union, the US military rhetoric, the war in Afghanistan, the war in Afghanistan (1979-1989), the war and the mass media, international security, image formation
| AD LITTERAM/БУКВАЛЬНО | Yaskevich J. Communicative Rationality. Its Part in Economic, Policy and in Adoption of Administrative Decisions In article specifics of rationalism in communicative practicing, policy, economy comes to light. The thesis about need of valuable turn for adoption of administrative decisions locates. decision-making, economy, management, policy, rationality, synergetic picture of the world, valuable approach
| STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Darensky V. A problem or Resource of Civilization? About the Social Abundance of High EducationThe author considers the problem of social abundance of high education. The phenomenon of this abundance is interpreting here as a process of new civilization construction. The author also promises the concept of “nonpragmatic education”, which are corresponded in this case to cultural context of human self-realization in posteconomical society. Special attention in article devotes to interpreting the phenomenon of “post-soviet” education activity as a representation of social crisis.civilization, human resource, non-pragmatic education,social abundance, social crisis, кризис общества? high education | ИСКУССТВО ВЕЧНОИЗ КНИГ | Arseny ZAMOSTYANOV Governor of Malorossiya. What was Inspired and what Was Reached by General Pyotr Rumyantsev? The article is devoted to analyze the last period of administrative activity of the great Russian general Pyotr Rumyantsev (1725-1796). The author emphasizes the prominent part of his administrative and military reforms of Russian administration in Malorossiya (modern Ukraine) and the influence of these reforms to the development of Russian-Ukrainian communications. Catherine II, Ruthenia, PA Rumyantsev, the Russian Empire, Ukraine, Zaporozhye Cossacks, the imperial administration, the history of the XVIII century, the history of Russian, Ukrainian nobility | RES PUBLICA/ГОСУДАРСТВО | Knyazev Y.Burning Necessity. About Planning of National EconomyThe author emphasizes, that the economic development of contemporary Russia demonstrates the week aspects of neoliberal economic model. This model can’t change the out-dated structure of national economy. State is the only subject which is able to do it using mechanisms of public private partnership. This activity needs to be coordinated from the only center. Really, it means to re-establish the public planning, which is to be able non to destroy the basic structures of market econ-omy, but to supplement it.Russia, de-industrialization, industrialization, industry, market economy,modernization | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Mikhail Delyagin Twilight of universal dream. Why the USA again should become America Painful failures of the USA on Middle East, their evident inability to constrain assured expansions of influence of China, increase of pressure in the global economy American and leaning it, no less than many other things the phenomena bring in the agenda a attention to the question on inevitability of a basic change today's "the world order", based on American - any more it is so much domination, how many leadership. America, Russia, the US, leadership, politics, economics | ИСКУССТВО ВЕЧНО | Alexander Buzgalin On That Side of Multiculturalism. Futurism as an Aufheben of Conservatism: Looking for Alternatives of Multiculturalism The article is devoted to analyze some specialties of contemporary conservative ideology, connected with so name «permanent values»; first of all the institutions of religion and family are explored. Growths of the level of secularization of society and global changes in the European policy in the last 30 year of the 20th cen. were completed by the fall of the Church political influence and by the rejection of the traditional interpretation of marriage like a union of man and woman. The contemporary conservative ideology adopted this notion. Under the pretence of plural sexuality European states implant unified, sexually indifferent and bureaucratized model of private life regulation. Marxism, multiculturalism, alienation, progress razotchuzhdenie, freedom, futurism, aesthetics |
№4/ 2014TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | MUHAMETSHIN F.To Defend Russian World.About Some Aspects of the Defence of Russian Compatriots Rights in Contemporary MoldovaThe article is devoted to analyze economic, social and cultural problems, which appear as a result of European Union Association Agreement, concluded by the government of the Republic of Moldova in June, 2014. One of the consequences of this act was a tendency to reduce the sphere of Russian language using, especially in the system of education and administration. The author emphasizes, that these steps are in contradiction not only with the national legislation of Moldova, but with the law and values of EU in the same time.Association Agreement,European Union, Republic of Moldova, discrimination, situation of Russian language, | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Smirnov A.In the Grip of Emancipation. Invaluable 5raditions and Untraditional Values of European ConservatismThe article is devoted to analyze some specialties of contemporary conservative ideology, connected with so name «permanent values»; first of all the institutions of religion and family are explored. Growths of the level of secularization of society and global changes in the European policy in the last 30 year of the 20th cen. were completed by the fall of the Church political influence and by the rejection of the traditional interpretation of marriage like a union of man and woman. The contemporary conservative ideology adopted this notion. Under the pretence of plural sexuality European states implant unified, sexually indifferent and bureaucratized model of private life regulation. Christianity, Europe,conservatism, emancipation, ideology, liberalism, secularity, values | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | L. Mosionjnic How to Become EuropeanThe final part of the article is devoted to analyze the key period of the Ukrainian state history, from 1917 to our times. The main phases of development of ideology and practice of Ukrainian nationalism are investigated. The author emphasizes, that the triumph of Nationalist ideas inevitably will be concluded by tragedy of Ukrainian peoples.Europeanization, Russia, West, elites,historical experience, modernization, radical reforms | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Wang Shun, Wan CHINSUN On the Way to Mutually Beneficial Collaboration. Silk Road Economic Belt and Eurasian Economic Union: rivals or partners?Eurasia now is in the center of world attention. Now the Eurasian Economic Union, initiated by Vladimir Putin, and the Chinese project of the Silk Road Economic Belt are the most important integration projects in the region. Two projects come to be in the same geographic space and fulfil some similar functions; so, they are rivals in some aspects. But in the same time the effective collaboration between China and Russia gives an opportunity to avoid the unnecessary competition. In near future China have to deal actively and step-by-step to put its initiative into practice.China, Eurasia, Eurasian Economic Union, Russia, Silk Road Economic Belt,economic integration | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | N. RabotyazhevPerson, Market and State. Evolution of outlook of European Social DemocracyThe author analyzes main causes, periods and results of ideological evolution of Social Democracy in contemporary EU. He demonstrates, that by the end of 1990th the ideology of some social-democratic European par-ties (Labor Party in Britain and SPD in Germany first of all) felt a sensible influence of liberal ideas. But the financial and economic crisis of 2000th in-creased the left direction in Western Social Democracy again.Keynesian economics, Social Democracy, democratic socialism, social equity, welfare society, | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | А.TarkoTo Reach the Situation of NoosphereThe article is devoted to analyze the factors, which demonstrate the mankind moving to the situation of noosphere, described and explored by Vladimir Vernadsky and Nikita Moiseev. The author argues, that no one key indicator of human development corresponds to the approaching to the situation of noosphere. Is suggested to impart to noosphere a status of fundamental ethic value of human civilization, to raise it to the level of the Decalogue of Moses and the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ.biosphere, economic growth, eschatological notion, global stability, noosphere | RES PUBLICA/ГОСУДАРСТВО | SMIRNOV A., SUNDIEV I.Media Resources in Extremist and Terrorist Activity. Functional analysisThe article is devoted to the problem of Media using in the extremist and terrorist activity. The authors demonstrate that the contemporary Media is a key instrument to transmit deterrent messages from terrorist organizations to the society. The social-psychological mechanism of media influence to the society is described in the aspect of transmit of the information about terrorist acts and extremist activity. The authors emphasize the part of media specially made by terrorist structures as an instrument of direct problems, ideology of terrorism, propaganda, terrorist and extremist activity, терроризм | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | V. KUZMINKOV Perspectives of Russian-Japanese Relations DevelopmentIn the last years in its relations with Russia Tokio tried to decide the problem of “Northern Territories”; this decision was promoted as a condition of Peace Treaty conclusion. Japan reached no results, but the government of S. Abe could really improve the atmosphere of mutual relations. The Ukrainian crisis of 2014 and Japanese politics of sanctions against Russia made a new cooling of relations between Moscow and Tokio; it can be explained by the fact of direct dependence of Japanese foreign policy from the position of USA. So, the author thinks, that in this situation Russia doesn’t need to conclude a Peace Treaty with Japan. It is enough to conclude a Treaty of Good-Neighborlines and Cooperation, similar with these, which were concluded by Japan with China and Republic of Korea.Japan, Kuriles island, Russia, foreign policy, | | А.LAVROVPerestroika and After. Notes of a Physicist from LeningradA physicist from Saint Petersburg, who lives and works in Lisbon now, remembers his life in Leningrad/Saint Petersburg from 1987 to 1998. Private memoirs of a common man are full of sincerity and dramatic nature. The fall of soviet system and the distraction of the USSR are perceived as a personal catastrophe.distraction of the USSR,perestroika, soviet economic system, soviet intelligentsia, soviet science | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | ANDREEEV I.Russia of the Aquarius Era. Strategical Resource of National Economy and World PoliticsThe article is dedicated to the problem of fresh water resources. The author is sure, that fresh water is a strategical reserve of national economy and a strong opportunity to improve image of Russia in the world.Russia, World politics, fresh water, futures studies, strategic perspective | ИЗ КНИГ | AUROV O. Olympic Games of our childhoodThe most fascinating pages in the history of the Soviet sports definitely include the confrontation between the USSR and the US Olympic teams. This confrontation began at the Olympic Games in Helsinki (1952), which the Soviet team attended for the first time, and ended in 1988 in Seoul, when the red Soviet flag raised and the Soviet anthem sounded in honor of the winners for the last time. The rivalry between the two superpowers’ teams, which lasted three and a half decades, is really worthy of the pen of the historian."Red Sports" stands out from the rather sad current picture. The Sochi Olympic Games has become a bottomless pit where several billions from the national budget have faded. Commercial excitement around the Games generates uncontrollably. Billions of dollars appear and disappear at the whim of bored tycoons - that's the whole strategy. Sometimes it seems that the days of the noble Soviet sports are gone for good. Olympic Games, USA, USSR, | №3/ 2014ДЛЯ ПАМЯТИ | V.Averyanov Russian Artel. Unclaimed Experience: From the Past to the Future?The article presents results of the fundamental investigation of Russian artel as the social, economic and cultural phenomenon. The author shows the reflection of specific features of Russian civilization in artel partnerships. Moreother artel activity combined characteristics of the team with deep individuality of sharers.Russia, artel, association, cooperation, social synergy, solidarity, team | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | V.Sapon “Only Agreements Between Citizens are Allowed”. A. A. Karelin on the State and its Anarchist-Communist AlternativeThe author of the article analyzes political and legal ideas of the prominent Russian anarchist Apollon Karelin; the object of the analysis are Karelin’s works “The State and the Anarchists” (1918) and “What is Anarchy” (1923). The first of them represented the critical review of the role of the State in social life, and also contents the polemic with statesmen of various ideological currents; the latter in-cluded the description of anti-statist social alternative.A. A. Karelin, the Anarchist-Communist doctrine, the State and its Anarchist Alternative | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | A.Fursov, K.Fursov “Party of the God” in the Battle for the MightThe article reviews the contents of two analytical studies devoted to the history, structure and global-scale activities of the Lebanese “Hezbollah” party. The part of Iran and Syria in the process of appearance and evolution of the party is emphasized. The influence of “Hezbollah” grew, when Palestinian secular oppositional organizations were in crisis in the 1970th. The peculiarities of political programs, tactics and strategy of “Hezbollah” are analyzed. The authors demonstrate, that the party tries to present itself like a “respectable” political fourth, but in practice is an international terrorist organization first of all.Iran, Islamic fundamentalism, Israel,Lebanon, Middle East, Palestine, Shia Islam, “Hezbollah” | ИЗ КНИГ | David EPSTEIN "And physicists are younger brothers ..." The Sixties at the Physics Department of Leningrad State University / Memoirs / Comp. E. Butorina, Drukarev E., A. Lavrov, IA Pogodin, Fedorov. Vol. I. SPb .: Publishing house FBGU "PNPI", 2012. - 656 p.The "Svobodnaya mysl" presents a review of the first volume of the memoirs of the students and teachers from the Physics Department of Leningrad University in 1960. It emphasized memorable, creative atmosphere that prevailed at the Faculty in the era heyday of the Soviet system and the apogee of Soviet science.1960s in the USSR, Department of Physics,Leningrad, the apogee of the Soviet system, the memories, the sixties | ИЗ КНИГ | Aurov O. Diplomacy at the holy places M.I . Yakushev, Antioch and Jerusalem Patriarchates in the policy of the Russian Empire. 1830s as the beginning of the twentieth century - M .: Idrik, 2013. - 536 p.The book by the candidate of historical sciences, the historian-orientalist Michael I. Yakushev, which will be discussed below, is dedicated to the history of almost a century of Russian diplomatic presence in the holy places: the second third of the XIX until nearly the end of the first quarter of the ХХ century. For smodern Russian reader, even those who are familiar with history, this concept is hardly associated with anything other than the medieval Crusades and the immediate prehistory of the Crimean War (1853 - 1856), for which the question of the Holy Places was only a pretext for expansion against the Ottoman Empire. The era of the Crusades is irrelevant to further conversation. We are going to focuse on the debate about the holy places that have unfolded on the eve of the Crimean War.Crimean War, Ottoman Empire, history, medieval Crusades | ИСКУССТВО ВЕЧНО | Irina Monakhova Episodes controversy Westerners and Slavophiles: VG Belinsky and KS Aksakov This article analyzes the characteristics of the views of VG Belinsky and KS Aksakov in the context of the controversy Slavophiles and Westerners. Author finds new arguments in favor of a certain idea of AI Herzen's fundamental ideas about the unity of Westerners and Slavophiles as the two directions of Russian liberalism XIX century. XIX century, AI Herzen, VG Belinsky, KS Aksakov, Russia, the Westerners, liberalism, political thought, the history of Russian Slavophiles | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | Political leaders as military leaders Leonid Levin The article is dedicated to analyze causes, because of which the leaders of the “Big Three” excelled the governors of Nazy Germany, Italy and Japan in the sphere of military leading. The author concludes, that the main cause of the United Nations’ victory was non only the concentration of military experience, but in the same time the capability to hear and to take their professional generals’ opinions into consideration. Is argued that the rejection of aggressive state’s leaders to take professional opinions into consideration was an initial point of the military defeats of “Axis” countries Churchill, Second World War, Stalin, military art, military leading, strategy, | ДЛЯ ПАМЯТИ | Arseny ZAMOSTYANOV The author analyzes the causes, which explain the prominent part of Alexander Suvorov (1729–1800) in Russian history and the fact, that the Suvorov’s name became a synonym of Victory. Are emphasized the Suvorov’s qualities like courage, patriotism, respect to a simple soldier, great military talent.18th century, Name of Victory, Russian Empire, Russian Turkish wars, XVIII век, lexander Suvorov, | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Brazil: Anatomy of a protest Dabaghyan Emil S. The article is dedicated to analyze the strong protests, which took place in Brasil in June 2013. Are discussed the causes and the possible consequences of these protests and explained the demands of the demonstrators. Is appreciated the position of national power, which understood the demonstrating young protestants and gave its positive answers to the protest activity. The author prognoses the perspectives of political protests development.Dilma Rouseff, Lula, creative middle class,football, parlament, power, youth | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | L.DYAKOVA Chilean Model of Development. Democracy and AuthoritarianismThe article is dedicated to analyze the problem of specialities of political development of Chile from the end of the 20 th to the beginning of the 21st centuries. The author analyzes democratic political culture and a special part of the army in national politics. The regime of A. Pinochet is described as a model of cruel modernization, which constructed the economical basis of national development, but created some great unhealthy political and social contradictions. A. Pinochet, Chile, S. Allende, authoritarianism, dictatorship, neo | TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | Vladimir Degoev Georgia Could not to Exist. About the Treaty of Georgievsk of 1783 The article is dedicated to the history of the treaty of Georgievsk of 1783, made between Russian Empire and Eastern Georgia and to historical consequences of this act. Russia tried to enforce its political and military positions in Southern Caucasus, and Eastern Georgia wanted to reach domination in the region. But this Georgian activity was resisted by Iran and principalities of Dagestan. The consequence was a dramatic defeat of Georgia by Persian army in 1795, when the Georgian state was about completely destructed. George's treatise, Georgia, Dagestan, the Caucasus, Iran, Russia, foreign policy, military raids, the Georgian state, regional empire | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | Vladimir AVATKOV Neoosmanism. Basic Ideology and Strategy of the Contemporary Turkey The article is dedicated to analyze the problem of neoosmanism, the ideological doctrine, which received official character in contemporary Turkey, governed by moderate Islamists. As distinct from secular nationalism of Atatu [1] rk, the neoosmanism is orientated to the imperial past of the country, but prefers methods of soft power. Turkey's foreign policy ideology, foreign policy, geostrategy, Eurasianism, an ideology, neo-Ottomanism, neopantyurkizm, pan-Turkism |
TERRA INCOGNITA/НЕИЗВЕДАННАЯ ЗЕМЛЯ | Andrew MALGIN «This Acquisition is Important ...» Reunification of Crimea in Years 1783 and 2014: Historical Parallels The author of the article tries to find analogies between the incorporation of Crimea into the Russian Empire in 1783 and the events of 2014, when the peninsula was integrated to Russian Federation. He is sure, that these analogies were not accidental facts, and that these phenomena have a deep historical foundations. The author argues that history can repeat itself and that is very important to hear its voice. United Kingdom, Catherine II, Crimea, Russia, USA, Turkey, France, historical parallels, the Russian-Turkish war, the sense of history
| PRO ET CONTRA/ЗА И ПРОТИВ | What is happening in Ukraine and what future awaits her? The Fifth session of the Intellectual Club of the magazine "Sovobodnaya Mysl" was dedicated to the analysis of the contemporary situation in Ukraine. The participants of the discussion were economists Mikhail Delyagin, Daisuke Kotegawa (Japan), Mikhail Khazin, political scientists Alexander Nagorny, Sergei Markov, Andrei Sorokin, Semion Uralov (Ukraine), Analoly Baranov and some others. The participant presented and augmented their opinions about the Ukrainian crisis and discussed perspectives of the development of the contemporary Ukraine. Donetsk People's Republic, the People's Republic of Lugano, Russia, Ukraine, aggressive nationalism, dictatorship, nazism, the party "Freedom" (Ukraine), political crisis, economic crisis | №2/ 2014THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Peter Alexandrov-Derkachenko UKRAINE IN COLLAPSE.The author analyzes the origins of contemporary Ukrainian crisis are determined by the history of national movement in Ukraine. The main attention is paid to the events of scholar and political activity of Ukrainian historian Mikhail Hrushevskyj.history, Russia, Ukraine, crisis, neonazism, «the fifth column», | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Fursov A. The Thirty Days That Changed the World. The Ukrainian Crisis, Its Instigators and Hidden ScriptsTrade between China and the Arab countries, trade and investment ties, trade boom, the growth in oil demand, the oil sector, the economy of the Arab countries, еру Middle East oil, energy security, exploration of oil, import of hydrocarbons, industry of China. Russia, Ukraine, crisis, neonazism, «the fifth column», | №1/ 2014MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | Y.GRANIN Changing “Beads” for Petrol. Modernization a ´ la Russe: Imitation and FormalismThe article is dedicated to analyze the character of modernization processes in contemporary Russia. Using the world experience of modernizations, the author demonstrates, that the course of the government can’t provoke any real changes in Russian economy and society; the rhetoric of “modernization” is only an instrument to quiet the public opinion in Russia.economy, education, industry, innovations, modernization, postindustrial world, reforms, science,technical progress, |
THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | А.TRUHIN Collaboration of China with Arab CountriesTrade between China and the Arab countries, trade and investment ties, trade boom, the growth in oil demand, the oil sector, the economy of the Arab countries, еру Middle East oil, energy security, exploration of oil, import of hydrocarbons, industry of China.Arab countries, China, economic interests, economy of Arab countries, energy security, foreign trade, import of hydrocarbons, industry of China, oil, world economy, |
AD LITTERAM/БУКВАЛЬНО | Personality and aesthetic relationship to reality Alexander Melik-Pashayev The Soviet school is entering a new period of development. The leading role in it becoming the most profound problems of education, the formation of a new human person, the whole system of his relationship to reality, his life values - what we call the spiritual world. History, Knowledge, education, university, scholars' work | RES PUBLICA/ГОСУДАРСТВО | VASELENKO I. Constructing the Image of Russia. Sociocultural Aspects of Russia’s Image Strategy The article provides the analysis of sociocultural aspects of Russia’s image strategy. The author stresses the importance of the fact that image strategy in Russia should use national cultural archetypes which present important signs for every citizen.foreign image of Russia, image policy, sociocultural aspects, state branding, | ИЗ КНИГ | "Rebellious Warsaw" Pavel Ivanov If anniversaries - it's always a reason to think about it, are not marked anniversaries - evidence of the importance of the small historical events, at least - in the eyes of posterity, or suiting suiting anniversary celebrations. If this is true, it means that the events of the Polish rebellion (or, if you prefer, the Polish uprising) 1863-1864 should be attributed to the minor facts of national history. I am afraid that is a peer-reviewed "Russian collection" is not was the only response to the sesquicentennial anniversary of those tragic events. Warsaw, Polish rebellion, Russia, history | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ | А.BUZGALOV Late Capitalism: Capital, Worker, Creator. Eight Thesis towards the Problem of Social Structure of Late Capitalism and Its ContradictionsThe central problem of the article is analysis of the social structure of late capitalism. Author accept well-known thesis, that now world capitalist system made industrial working class the biggest social strata, but He argues, that subject of the modern and future struggle for social liberation is class of “ordinary crea-tors” — employees working in the sphere of mass creative labor: education, health care, culture, science, recreation of nature and society. This social force together with the traditional working class is main opponent of not simply capitalist class, but first of all global corporative “nomenclatura” and so called “creative class”, which consists mainly from “professionals” working in “useless sector” — fictitious and parasitic part of finance, production of different simulacra and so on.Marxism, capital, creative class, creativity, late capitalism, political economy, social liberation,social structure, working class, world economy | RES PUBLICA/ГОСУДАРСТВО | А.BELCHUK Contemporary World Market Economy: A Passing Disease or a Structural Crisis?The aim of the article is the analysis of the factors effecting the mechanism of the modern cyclical movements of the market economy and the long term prospects of the world economy for the years to come. The author comes to the conclusions, that a noticeable deterioration of the recent world economic development and its prospects does not mean that the market system has exhausted the potential for growth. A rapid economic expansion of some developing countries, first of all China and India, changes the world economic structure, but at the same time strengthens the general foundation of the market economy. Some new theoretical propositions concerning the essence and the laws of development of the chinese socio-economic system are also made in the article.UN family, consumption society, credit expansion, demonstration effect, securitization,technological business stage, | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА RES PUBLICA/ГОСУДАРСТВО | М.GELMAN In addition to the above-mentioned levies, consumers pay dues for chetyrehstavochnomu rate: for electric power for the electric power transmission and collection of payment for its consumption. One of the principal advantages of the basin structure EEC flow of electricity is, as noted, the effective provision of peak load in the system. If a company has its own power, its power must comply with the maximum possible load. Even if this maximum occurs once a day, for one minute. Key words. Energy resources, oil, gas, coal, power strategy, sanctions, embargo, drilling, gas pipeline | ДЛЯ ПАМЯТИ | I.KOMETCHIKOV About one Propaganda Campaign. «All-Union March of Komsomol and Youth for Culture» (1958—1960) in Rural Area of Central RussiaThe author analyses idea, realization and results of the propaganda campaign, which was began by the Communist Party in the year 1958, in the period of N. Khrushchev’s leadership in the Soviet Union. The aim of the campaign was to develop the activity and the material base of rural institutions of culture (rural clubs, libraries etc.). The campaign had a public and mass character and intended an active participation of young people in the margins of so named «All-Union march of Komsomol and youth for culture» (1958 – 1960). This campaign was a part of a great plan of “people’s state” building.Kaluga region, Komsomol, rural area of Central Russia, | MODUS VIVENDI/ОБРАЗ ЖИЗНИ | ZAMOSTYANOV a. Yuri Andropov: Legends and FactsThe article is dedicated to describe the main facts of Yuri Andropov’s biography (he was a Soviet leader from 1982 to 1984). The author emphasizes some features of Andropov’s character, like sober mind, rationalism and strength of will. A conservative-minded man, Andropov wasn’t a precursor of Perestroika, but his vision of the situation in the USSR and in the world of his time was adequate.KGB, Leonid Brezhnev, Mikhail Gorbachev, Yuri Andropov, history of the USSR, stagnation, | VARIA/РАЗНОЕ | A.SAVCHENKO Run without Moving. Why Plans for Expansion for Russian Far East don’t Work?The author analyzes historical experience of realization of regional plans of expansion for Russian Far East since 1987. Is emphasized that the principal causes of the negative results were abuse of gigantic projects, underestimation of local resources and opportunities etc. So, the contemporary Russian Far East till now is depressive and underdeveloped region.Government of Russian Federation, Russia, depopulation, economic, development, industry,investments, rough resources, state corporations, | MODUS VIVENDI/ОБРАЗ ЖИЗНИ | Igor Andreev, Lionella Nazarova Digital Trap. Real Riscs of the Virtual World The subject of the article is an influence of the digital technologies (Internet, mobile connection, virtual games) to human psychology and physiology. The authors emphasize the negative character of this influence. They think, that virtual reality cases a real danger for demographic, criminal, social and economic situation of the country, including the sphere of national security.Internet, human physiology, human psychology, mobile connection, simulator, urbanizational trauma, virtual games, virtual reality, virtual world, | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | B.MARTYNOV Brazil in the World Area. Foreign Policy of the Worker’s PartyThe article is dedicated to analyze the main directions of the foreign policy of Brazil from the year 2003, when Luiz Ina´cio Lula da Silva (or Lula) was elected as a president of the country. Lula (2003—2010) like the next president of Brazil Dilma Rousseff (from 2011) was nominated by the Worker’s Party (Brazil); so the country guided by two socialist presidents played a great part in the “Left turn” in Latin America of the 2000th. Is emphasized, that the “antiimperialist” course of Lula was corrected by D. Rousseff and became more “pragmatic”, then before.Brazil, Cuba, D. Rousseff, France, H. Chavez, Latin America, Left turn, Lula, Russian Federation, Venezuela, foreign policy | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | Alexander Biryukov Dialectics of the “Accumulation of Capital” by Rosa LuxemburgThe author emphasizes, that in spite of the contraposition of the conception of Rosa Luxemburg to the opinion of V.I. Lenin, the contemporary practice confirmed the Luxemburg’s main idea about the interconnection between the capitalist countries and non-capitalist periphery of the world. It is no coincidence, that some of her key ideas were continued and developed by F. Braudel, I. Wallerstein and some other prominent expertsG. Luka´sc, Marxism, R. Luxemburg, V.I. Lenin, accumulation of capital, capitalist, center,dialectics, imperialism, non-capitalist periphery, political economy | THEATRUM MUNDI/МИРОВАЯ АРЕНА | Sytin Alexander Suburb of Europe? Baltic Countries and the Process of the Eurasian IntegrationPrimary attention is paid to the policy of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia for the European countries of CIS policy also addresses the Baltic countries in the Caucasus. Attention is paid to their counteraction for Eurasian integration processes, including Eastern Partnership policy.Baltic countries, Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), Estonia, Eurasian Union, Latvia,Lithuania, Russian Federation, integration, mass media, post Soviet space, | MARGINALIA/ЗАМЕТКИ НА ПОЛЯХ | Constantine Smoliy Reindustialization: Social and Philophical AspectThe article is dedicated to the content of the reindustrialization ideology; the author presents it like a positive alternative to the process of deindustrialization, which took place before. He thinks, that the reindustrialization is able to initiate the positive changes in the sphere of economy and social politics. In the same time the reindustrialization could take part in the renaissance of values of free concurrence, which were depressed by the traditional industrialization of the 19th and the 20th concurrence, ideology, industry, philosophy, postindustrial society, science, social politics,technologies, | STATUS RERUM/ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ ДЕЛ
№6/2013 | | Vyacheslav Sheyanov Aerospace Industry: A Jump Without Moving? . The author analyses perspectives of aerospace industry development. He concludes, that the desion of its problems is more active using of the opportunities of private investors. Some ways of effective regulation are offered. Key words: aerospace industry, state, economy, private capital, partnership of state and private investors, state regulation, management, joint-stock company | | Moisei Gelman How Much the Electricity Costs? The “Bad” Socialis Past and the “Wonderful” Market Present The author suggests some arguments against the conception of the administrative reform in managing the electrical power engineering, which took place in the year 2003 and was based on the neo-liberal principles of economic theory. M. Gelman shows that the direct conclusion of the reform was the increasing of price level in the field of electrical power engineering in Russia; now the prices are catastrophically high. Some ways to improve the situation are suggested. Key words: economy, electrical power engineering, neo-liberalism, reform, Anatoly Chubais, state interests of Russian Federation, industry, management in electrical power engineering, corruption, price of electricity | | Andrey Demidov The Roadmap of National Security. On Basic Documents Dealing With the Issues of National Security of Russia The author analyses three main official documents directly dealing with the issues of the national security of Russia: Federal Law “On Security”, Strategy of National Security of the Russian Federation till 2020” and Concept of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation. The article points out positive aspects of the above documents as well as their setbacks. The author recommends his ideas concerning an optimal modalities for the future work on the basic documents in this field. Key words: national security, basic documents, legal framework, Constitution, state, foreign policy, a federal law, strategy of national security, national interests, national defense, concept of foreign policy, interrelation, interdependence, hierarchy | | Kamalutdin Gadzhiev South Caucasus: Studies in Geopolitics The author analyzes the main aspects of the geopolitical situation in South Caucasus in the beginning of the 21st century. He pays main attention to the processes, which took place in the Caspian and Western subregions of South Caucasus. The main conclusion is that though the part of the region in the politics of USA and NATO is very important, but their opportunities to have an influence on the situation there are not unlimited. It was clearly demonstrated in the period of the “five-day war” (2008). Key words: geopolitics, South Caucasus, Greater Middle East, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Iran, USA, conflict of interests, oil and gas transporting, “five-day war” | | Sergei Biryukov, Alexander Davydov A Case of Bosnia. Construction of a Nation in the Epoch of Postmodernity The authors describe and analyze the history and the process of installation of the independent state of Bosnia and Herzegovina. They conclude the artificial nature of this state, which have no practical sovereignty neither de jure, no de facto. The possible models of the future development of Bosnia are discussed too. Key words: Bosnia, ex-Yugoslavia, building of nation, postmodernity, ethnic identity, religious identity, islam, Slavonic peoples, Serbs, Croatians, Bosnians | | Alexandr Smirnov Psychological and Information Warfare. About One Type of International Information Struggle The article is dedicated to studying of the phenomenon of psychological warfare. The basic conceptual framework in studied area is considered, the genesis and place of psychological warfare in system of the international information warfare are revealed. The author in detail analyzes the purposes, contents, subjects, objects, directions and forms of psychological warfare. Key words: information warfare, information weapon, psychological warfare, subversive operations | | Nikolai Rabotyazhev, Eduard Solovyov Russian Conservatism in Epochs of Changes . The authors analyze the main phases of evolution of the Russian conserva-tive tradition, emphasize its specialties in compare with the foreign one. They make a pessimist conclusion about the part of Russian conservative ideas in dif-ferent periods of national history. Key words: conservatism, political ideology, tradition, Russia, slavophilia, byzantism, eurasianism, conservative utopia, socialism | | Nikolay Eisen Science. Production. Consumption. On the Convergence of Political Economy and Management To effectively manage the development of the «science-the production-consumption» must have an adequate theory. In connection with this, the author developed a resource-time model of the system. The values calculated by the model are compared with the actual. Sets out the mechanism of innovation development, given an option of solidarity finance the work of scientific and production cycle. The correlation between national income, national product and national wealth , as well as between the worlds of science, industry and services. The opinion on the causes of the current financial crisis and ways to overcome it. Key words: management, theory, law, simulation, fractal mathematics, time, labor, space, money, balance, proportion | | Andrey Gerashtchenko Unknown Belorussia The article is dedicated to the situation in the contemporary Belorussia. The author states a fact of growing of nationalist tendencies in Belorussian politics. It reflect in attacks to the common history of Russian and Belorussian peoples, in discrimination of Russian language, in anti-Russian subtext of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the Polish revolt of 1863—1864 in Belorussia. Key words: Belorussia, Russia, Union State of Russia and Belorussia, nationalism, building of nation, linguistic politics, discrimination, Alexander Lukashenko, Cyrillic letters, Latin letters, Polish Revolt of 1863—1864 | | Natalia Mikhailova, Vyacheslav Mikhailov Was the Tzarist Russia a “Prison of Peoples”? Impartial analysis, based on the information of published materials of official statistics . The authors try to analyze the assessment of tsarist Russia as a “prison of peoples”, given by Vladimir Lenin in the year 1899. Using the information of official statistics, the authors conclude, that this assessment was very subjective; it was based on the ideological criterions and made in the aims of propaganda. The authors try to argue, that in fact there was a successful conception of national politics in imperial Russia by the year 1900. Key words: “prison of peoples”, national problem, Empire, political nation, ethnos, national state, national politics, V.I. Lenin, bolshevism, Russian Empire, national identity | | Georgy Sinchenko Plays of Financial Regulation. As a Philosopher Tried to Place American Money into a Russian Bank The article describes some characteristic problem, which Russian consumers have to resolve because of some aspects of national regime of foreign currency. The author offers some ideas to improve the situation. Key words: banking system, dollar, euro, currency exchange, rights of consumer, the Central Bank of Russian Federation, circulation of currency, goods, money, Federal Reserve System of the USA | | Vladimir Khoros Ideas, that Live in the Time The review is dedicated to the book of selected works of Nodari Simoniya, who is a member of Russian Academy of Science and a prominent specialist in the field of Oriental and political studies in the contemporary Russia. The author of the review emphasizes the Marxist character of Simoniya’s conception; he thinks that the most important result of the scholar activity of Simoniya is the complete description and analysis of the phenomena of the “bureaucratic capitalism” from Asia to postSoviet Russia. Key words: Oriental studies in Russia, Marxism, political science, political revolution, bureaucratic capitalism, Indonesia, post-Soviet Russia, China, Asiatic “tigers”, neocolonialism |
№5/2013 | | Alexander Tarko A Story about Demography. Analysis of the Demographic Data of Russian Regions The author analyzes the fundamental data on demography of regions of the contemporary Russia. He demonstrates a high level of nonuniformity of these data, most of which are comparable with the data of the poorest countries of the world. For example, a level of mortality is one of the greatest in the world. These sad results must be connected with the character of Russian economy, which produces mainly raw materials, and with some other aspects of situation in contemporary Russia. Key words: subjects of Russian Federation, social and demographic conditions, demographic data, quality of life, integral index of demographic data, effect of political unification | | Alexander Skiperskikh Waiting for Slow Death. Local University in Contemporary Russia 40 The article analyses main tendencies of the university education system in the contemporary Russian province. The author thinks that de facto Russian local university lost its main functions, i.e. cultural and educational ones. It became a part of the model of autocratic political regime, which dominates on the local level of Russian power. Key words: Russia, province, local university, higher education, science, intellectuals and power, local political regime, autocratic practices, social body, traditionalism | | Nina Mamedova, Elena Dunaeva, Irina Fedorova Iran After Presidential Election The last presidential election of the 14.06.2013 had a great importance for Iranian state and citizens. The results of this election demonstrate the position of Iranian people, which supported the program of changes in the fields of internal and external politics, exclusion of radicalism and liberalization. In the same time the new president Hassan Rouhani is not a partisan of radical reforms out of the model of Islamic republic, declared in the national constitution. His reformism is resticted by the norms of theocratic state of ayatollahs. Key words: Iran, Islamic state, liberalization, Islamism, conservators, USA, European Union, Russia, Islamic world, Syria | | Emil Dabagyan A Questionable Success of the Power. Venezuelan Elections 2013: An Afterworld The article analyses peculiarities of a very fast election campaign of April 2013 in rich in oil and gas Venezuela. The programs of the candidates are covered and the results of the political fight are summed up. Also the attitude of the definite circles of the world community towards the situation is observed. Key words: H. Chavez, N. Maduro, E. Capriles, constitution, power, opposition, administrative resource, criminality, inflation | | Gumer Isaev Egipt and Russia. Political Elites in “Revolutionary Process” The article is dedicated to the comparative analysis of “revolutionary” situations in Egipt and Russia in the year 2011. In Egipt the “revolution” took place, and in Russia the conflict was resolved in the pacific way. Anyway in both cases the main processes occurred without the mass participation; the conflicts were initiated and resolved by elites. Key words: Russia, Egipts, revolution, elites, liberal, conservatives, authoritarianism, social protests, non-political organizations, world economic crises, Facebook, Twitter | | Eduard Solovyov Transformation of American Geopolitical Thought. Neoconservative Influence or Return to Realpolitik? In the 1990 years, which were the period of USA domination in the world, an interest to geopolitical ideas was very restricted. But after 2001 classical geopolitical conseptions and methods received many fellows. That was because of the fact, that the complification of the political situation and the mulipolar world reality provoked the need to formulate strategies and to correct global positioning. In the same time, very often the growing interest to geopolitical way of interpretation is caused by the fact, that the decisions, proposed by it, seem very simple. Key words: geopolitics, strategy, soft power, “smart power”, Realpolitik, USA, Russia, China, political geography, expansionism, Near East, Barack Obama | | Nikolay Eisen Science. Production. Consumption. On the Convergence of Political Economy and Management To effectively manage the development of the «science-the production-consumption» must have an adequate theory. In connection with this, the author developed a resource-time model of the system. The values calculated by the model are compared with the actual. Sets out the mechanism of innovation development, given an option of solidarity finance the work of scientific and production cycle. The correlation between national income, national product and national wealth , as well as between the worlds of science, industry and services. The opinion on the causes of the current financial crisis and ways to overcome it. Key words: management, theory, law, simulation, fractal mathematics, time, labor, space, money, balance, proportion | | Irina Lavrikova Rethinking the Phenomenon of “Oral History” The article is dedicated to analyze the phenomenon of oral history. The author proposes her own characteristics of the phenomenon. She makes a comparative analysis of the phenomena of oral history and folklore, oral history and ritual. She emphasizes the great social and political importance of oral history. Key words: oral history, Russia, power, society, studies in history, crisis of mentality, phenomenon of memory, collective memory, social memory, national memory, national identity | | Igor Andreev, Lionella Nazarova Psycological Health of Mankind. From Hippocrates to Internet Two scholars, a philosopher (specialist in anthropology) and psychiatrist analize main tendencies, phases and contadictions of historical evolution of human psychological health from Ancient Greece to the contemporary period of globalization. They emphasize the mutual connection between the physicological development of human brain and challenges of World History. The authors think that the contemporary Russia needs to formate the noospheric intellect as a way, which gives an opportunity to avoid the psychological degradation of population. Key words: man, mankind, health, psyche, psychiatry, informatization, intellect, noospheric thinking | | Irina Monakhova Effectiveness of Idealism. By the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Nikolay Stankevich The article is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Nikolay Stankevich (1813—1840), who was a famous Russian philosopher, poet and public figure of his time. The so named “circle of Stankevich” played a grate part in the cultural and intellectual life of the 19th century Russia. Key words: Russian history, 19th century, Russian liberalism, westernizes, slavophilia, political ideas, Russian philosophy | | Stanislav Bakhitov Labour, Capital, Postindustrial World. Post-industrial Conceptions of Social Development and Capitalist Estrangement of Labour The article contains the application of Marxist conception of estrangement for the description of the conditions of work and life in the 19th century in writings of H. Marcuse (“One-Dimensional Man”), E. Fromm (“To Have Or to Be?”) and G. Debord (“Society of Perfomance”). All this scholars emphasize the role of the phenomenon of consumerism in the economic systems of the second part of the 20th cen. Gui Debord considered what new society of consumerism is society of total performance. Alternative approach in end of XX century contains in the conceptions of post-industrial society, elaborated by D. Bell, A. Toffler, P. Drucker, R. Reich etc. Key words: estrangement, prestige requirements, consumerism, post-industrial society | | Andrey Lazutkin Imperialism: Rereading Again. Around the V. I. Lenin “Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism” The author tries to offer a modern interpretation of the famous work of V. I. Lenin, written not long before the revolutions of 1917 in Russia. The author is sure, that the Lenin’s answers to the most difficult questions of his time have can be used in the modern world. For the author the theoretic heritage of V. I. Lenin is not an archive, but the arsenal of modern politics. Key words: imperialism, Vladimir Lenin, globalization, modern capitalism, postSoviet space, market economy, social conflicts, working class, transnational companies, neoliberalism, liberal utopia | | Igor Sundiev, Alexey Smirnov Internet Opportunities and Internet Threats. Internet Resources in Extremist and Terrorist Activity The article is dedicated to the analysis of main types of threats, connected with the using of Internet by terrorist and extremist forces. The authors emphasize the importance of these threats and suggest some concrete ways of effective overcoming to them. Key words: threats, Internet, international terrorism, extremism, revolution of Twitter, revolution of Facebook, Internet-propaganda, US foreign policy, political destabilization, Freedom House, cybercrimes | | Sergey Shakhov Language and Speech as Object of Reserch. About the Philosophical and Psycological Approach to Decide Some Main Problems of Linguistics The article is dedicated to describe main paradigms of Russian linguistics development from the appearance of science till the beginning of the 21th century. The author analyses the history of the main Russian schools in linguistics and the perspectives of studies in psycholinguistic in contemporary Russia. Key words: linguistics, psycholinguistics, history of linguistics, Russian school of linguistics, semantic studies, semiotic studies, history of language, etymology, comparative studies in linguistics | | Oleg Kazakov About a Good Intention. To the History of Conflict About the Southern Kuril Islands The review is dedicated to the book of Russian expert Dmitrii Trenin and US expert Ju. Weber, which contains description, analysis and recommendations of territorial problem of southern Kuril Islands belonging. O. Kazakov thinks, that in fact the authors suggest to Russia to fulfill main demands of Japan without any feasible compensation. So, the suggested proposals have no practical value for Russian diplomacy. Key words: foreign policy, Russia, Japan, USA, territorial problem, “northern territories”, peace treaty, Joint Declaration of 1956, Kuril Islands, Yalta and Potsdam system of international relations |