Рассмотрен один из важнейших социальных феноменов ХХ столетия – государство всеобщего благосостояния, его современное состояние, вызовы и перспективы. С начала 1990-х годов обозначилась тенденция к свертыванию социальной деятельности государствах. Но и в условиях сокращения социальных обязательств государства большинство развитых стран пытаются сохранить систему социальной поддержки.
Challenges of the modern era and the prospects of the Welfare state
The article is devoted to the welfare sate, which is the one of the most important social phenomena of the ХХth century, as well as its present state, challenges and prospects. Since the beginning of the 1990s, there has been a tendency to curtail state social activities caused by a series of crises in social and economic spheres. However, even with the reduction of state social obligations, most of the economically developed countries are trying to maintain the social support system. Futhermore, structural changes are being made, the role of key agents of social policy is being rethought, and national features of the state are taken into account.