Ниже представлены статьи с этим тегом
Pulse of Time
The author of review dedicated to the monograph, written by sociologist Alexander Shipkov, emphasizes the organic connection between neoliberalism and fashism, which explains the fact of support of the contemporary Ukrainian neonazy regime by Western democracies. A. Shipkov researches the origins of fascism as a dictatorship, installed in the interest of main capitalist groups. He argues the difference between the right and the left types of traditionalism. The reviewer highly evaluates the content of the reviewed book.
Chilean Model of Development. Democracy and Authoritarianism
The article is dedicated to analyze the problem of specialities of political development of Chile from the end of the 20 th to the beginning of the 21st centuries. The author analyzes democratic political culture and a special part of the army in national politics. The regime of A. Pinochet is described as a model of cruel modernization, which constructed the economical basis of national development, but created some great unhealthy political and social contradictions.
№ 6/2024
Январь / 2025
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