Проанализирована инновационная политика Китая. Показано, что наращивание инноваций — зна- чимый фактор его устойчивого развития. Обоснована необходимость всестороннего развития инновационного потенциала и повышения эффективности внедрения научно-технических достижений.
Innovation as a factor of sustainable development in China
The policy for the implementation of innovative activities in China is analysed in the paper. The author states that the improvement of innovation is a significant factor for ensuring sustainable development in China. The findings of the analysis of documents and statistical data show that despite the high assessment of the role of innovation by the Chinese government in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals it is necessary to fully develop the innovation potential of the country as well as increase the efficiency of the implementation of the scientific and technological achievements.