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США и Индия: эволюция политики администрации Обамы

 282  53638

Статья посвящена внешнеполитическому курсу США в отношении Индии во время нахождения у власти администрации Барака Обамы. Рассмотрена эволюция американо-индийских отношений с 2009 по 2016 гг. Проанализированы основные направления «стратегического диалога» стран и выделены проблемы двустороннего сотрудничества. Сделан вывод об актуальных направлениях развития и перспективах американо-индийских отношений.


The article is devoted to the US policy toward India during the presidency of Barack Obama. His first term foreign policy was controversial. The Administration’s approaches towards Af-Pak conundrum and the idea of forming special relationship with China made New Delhi feel skeptical about the US perception of India’s role in the region. It seemed that Washington was decisive about its pivot to Asia, but couldn’t define India’s place in its plans. When Narendra Modi and his Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014, the US-India ties gained new momentum. Since then the bilateral relationship has been going steadily upward. However, there are some obstacles to broadening bilateral cooperation including trade disputes and the disagreements regarding nuclear deal implementation. And yet India sticks to the traditional careful foreign policy being wary of the Washington’s initiatives. Taking into account India’s participation in BRICS and SCO, it might be probably difficult for New Delhi to maintain the balance of interests. That is why the US and India will likely differ on some global issues.