Ранний опыт государственного строительства большевиков и Конституция РСФСР 1918 года    7   22881  | Официальные извинения    962   96418  | Становление корпоративизма в современной России. Угрозы и возможности    231   77746 


комментарии - 2
На все воля Алохи , Aloh ' и 10 августа 2023 г. 1:20

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Seclookup Malicious

TomWilliams 18 декабря 2023 г. 19:56

In Iran, the type of government is a Unitary presidential republic. In Iran, the legislative power is vested in a Islamic Consultative Assembly. The governmental structure of a country determines the manner in which laws are written, approved, and interpreted. Government type determines the manner in which elections are held as well as the country's system of policing its citizens. The term of office of the head of state in Iran lasts until 1 January 2021. The length of a head of state's term has a direct effect on the power and influence of the executive position. A longer term of office provides the head of state with increased authority. The term of office of the head of state in Iran lasts until 01/01/2021. The length of a head of state's term has a direct effect on the power and influence of the executive position. A longer term of office provides the head of state with increased authority. The Global Peace Index (GPI) for Iran is 2.409. The strength of legal rights index for Iran is 2. Overall, it is considered to be rather weak - bankrupcy and collateral laws are unable to protect the rights of borrowers and lenders in case of credit-related complications; credit information, if any at all, is scarce and hardly accessible. In 2013, Iran received 148.8 million USD in foreign aid. In 2014, the foreign aid amounted to 100.9 USD.

