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The USA – Germany’s Allies

Опубликовано 01.09.2012 автором Boris Ikhlov в разделе

The USA – Germany’s Allies


Victor Puzyrev, the colonel who because of senile idiocy confused Americans with Germans, says that lend-lease started arriving right after beginning of war, he speaks about declarations about Churchill and Roosevelt's help.

The colonel says that lend-lease wasn’t talked about a lot, that huge work of seamen and motorists thereby was concealed. It appears, the majority of "Katyushas" were placed on foreign cars. That almost all army was on foreign “Willys”, “Dodge” and “Studebaker”.

TV host of “Military Secrets” Prokopenko also poached: “12 thousand tanks were delivered by allies, while there were 25 thousands T-34 all in all”. Prokopenko didn't mention that allied tanks were heavy in management, it wasn’t possible to restore them, while T-34 were restored and there were self-propelled guns, IS, KV except T-34.

Actor Lanovoy continued: “Allies delivered 4% of military production of the USSR, but THOSE 4% were the MOST IMPORTANT IN WAR …” Should we mention 96% at all - nonsense.

However the Russians didn't fall in love with the American invaders.

TV channel “Zvezda” took the turn. Oh! Help of allies! Well, if Medvedev agreed with Goebbels’s lie that NKVD shot Poles in the Katyn wood, why not to recognize that Red Army couldn't have won war without lend-lease. Lend-lease – the most important thing. The States – the most important. They won Hitler, the USSR – well, made a trifle. “How they could reach Berlin, unless it’s possible to do in bast shoes”, - Vasily Aksenov told on TV. It’s participation in war without participation in military operations, TV echoed.

First deliveries began at once – tanks, planes and so forth. Tanks Valentine defended Moscow. If it’s so? After all it was also necessary to dethrone the shah in August and to divide Iran into zones. Hey say at once that on October, 2nd the contract on deliveries of the railway and cars from the USA 2 was signed.

They narrate in details, meticulously, how many help Yankees rendered. Then they say that deliveries started not on the next day but one month later. They also say that lend-lease was free of charge. Under resolution of the government of the USA.

Well, let’s see now what you are not saying.

It would seem clear even to the idiot that deliveries were made in exchange for the Soviet gold. It is possible to tell that deliveries were bought by malnutrition, hunger. After all people had to eat potato pealings. But that’s not all.

Such American companies as "Standard Oil of New Jersey", "Ford", "Dupont", "General Motors", ITT and others traded with Hitlerite Germany during war.

Here you are excerpts from Charles Higham’s book “Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949. New York, 1983”.

“… the highest governmental authorities of Washington and London not only knew, but in many cases authorized such frauds …

… threads of partnership stretched from offices of leading monopolies of the USA to the ranks of Schutzstaffel, Gestapo sitting in the staffs of the German firms and companies. There was no lack of signals from many Americans who learned about these or those facts of alliance with the opponent …

The government authorized such doubtful transactions before and after Pearl Harbour. Presidential decree regulating legal conditions following which official permission to trade with enemy could be provided was issued in six days after December, 7, 1941. The government really often gave such permissions during the war. ITT was permitted to continue trade with the countries of "axis" and Japan up to 1945 in spite of the fact that that corporation was very closely connected with reconnaissance service of the USA. The government didn't undertake any steps against Ford concern and it continued its activity in favor of Germany in the territory of the occupied France. They winked at the frauds of Chase bank and Morgan's bank in the occupied Paris. It is established that "Reichsbank" and the Nazi Ministry of Economics gave the heads of some American corporations guarantee that no harm would be made to their property after a victory of Germany …

… Rockefeller’s bank "Chase National". It became known that its Parisian office rendered services to Nazi Supreme Command up to the end of war…

On September 7, 1942 Thomas Makkitrik presented the first after Pearl Harbour annual report of BIS. To tell Washington that there were no representatives of the countries of "axis" at the meeting, he resorted to curious dodge: he made a speech in empty hall right after that directors of bank of countries of Hitlerite coalition were given printed in advance text of the report, then mixed management from representatives of the countries being at war with each other discussed it. Presented report didn't leave doubts that this time the bank operated in interests of fascist Germany. Conclusion of the separate peace with Germany and granting it large American loan on favorable terms via BMR was provided in the repost. It was the same installation which all Nazi leaders propagandized since Schacht. On October, 12 Strauss reported to the House of Representatives: Hitler and Goering are delighted with the report. …”

The book is actually long …

Here are you one more publication “Two Fronts War Lend-lease”:

“By recognition of the Americans lend-lease brought considerable benefits to the USA. "Deliveries in the USSR, – the former minister of trade of the USA John Jones noted, – were used not only to return money, we also got profit that was far not special case in the trade relations regulated by our state authorities". Lend-lease appeared a source of enrichment of the American monopolies.

… Those misters put help of the Western allies above Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk. In any case, all agree that the German policemen would make Ordnung in Moscow already in 1941 without aid of generous Roosevelt and unselfish Churchill.

Here you are quality of deliveries:

“… from 711 fighters which arrived from England to the USSR in the first half of a year of war 700 were hopelessly out-of-date cars of “Kitty Hawk”, “tomahawk”, “hurricane” type. Being strongly inferior to “Messerschmitt” and “Yak” in speed (520 km/h against 570–590) and maneuverability they besides didn’t have gun arms. Even if the pilot could make enemy the target, their machine guns of rifle caliber often appeared absolutely powerless against the armor of the German planes.

As to the modern fighters "Aerocobra", our friend Churchill delivered us only 11 pieces in 1941. Thus the first car arrived in disassembled condition, without corresponding documentation, in addition it appeared with almost completely fulfilled motor potential”.

Only the idiot doesn’t know that first the States and Great Britain pushed Hitler to begin war with the USSR and then waited when both parties would exhaust each other.

Idiots on the top – they possible know. But they are worse, than idiots. They are selling idiots. They are pro-American idiots. Impudent piggy eyes.

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