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Lukashenko Decided to Close Russian Mass-Media in Belarus

Опубликовано 29.05.2011 в разделе

Lukashenko Decided to Close Russian Mass-Media in Belarus

On Friday the president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko declared about possibility of closing of some foreign mass-media in Belarus, first of all the Russian ones, having accused them of accelerating tensions. He charged the head of Presidential Administration "to make everything that these mass-media escape" from the territory of the country.

"Mostly Russian mass media makes hysteria. I observed either "our" foreign mass-media here which thanks to Presidential Administration became dominating and foreign. I won't name them not to raise their rating. Do everything that these mass-media don't be present in our territory", - "Interfax" quotes Lukashenko's words.

Lukashenko noted that "as a result of media hype some politicians from abroad have already started to make queers and shout: tomorrow Lukashenko starts selling actives of the most liquid enterprises". He declared that the country leaders, despite economic complexities, won't go on mass privatization of state property. The president also noticed that "there will be no official and other privatization" (it's direct dig at our garden - comment of the editor-in-chief).

Statements of the Belorussian management about the Russian mass-media cause deep regret in Moscow, prohibition on their work can do much harm to relations, the official representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Alexander Lukashevich declared.

"Once again we receive from Minsk reproaches to a number of the Russian mass media which ostensibly incorrectly treat situation in Belarus. Similar statements of the Belorussian representatives cause deep regret", - site of the department results Lukashevich's statements.

"Minsk decided to follow the line of least resistance instead of serious analysis of difficulties which the Belorussian society undergoes today, international situation which has developed round Belarus and search of measures of their overcoming. Certainly it's easier to find guilty outside of Belarus and simply to forbid activity of some mass-media in the country. Though it would hardly help creative work, improvement of atmosphere of the Russian-Belorussian relations, realization of our important arrangements. It can only do much harm", - the representative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation underlines.

From editorial board: Actually situation is strange, it is possible to say even - unexpected. On the one hand, we have Common State with Belarus, visa-free regime and so on. While on the other hand - the Russian mass-media is for some reason in Belarus foreign. We have uniform customs space and we don't have uniform information spare - it isn't present and isn't expected. Moreover, the uttermost arbitrariness in this sphere is evident - the head of press center of NTV in Belarus Pavel Selin has been exiled and forbidden to enter the country for five years. Many remember Lukashenko's conflict with the journalist Pavel Sheremet who investigated the story with disappearance of the operator of ORT Dmitry Zavadsky. There was a scandal in 2006 when the journalists of "Kommersant" and "Moscow Komsomolets" were forbidden to highlight the summit of the CIS passing by the time in Minsk.


Here you are again this strange order of the Presidential Administration to close the Russian mass-media. Let's note, there's no court decision, the dictator simply gives the order to subordinate: "Make everything that these mass-media escape from our territory". It's clear thing - they will make and they will try their best.


It's already inadequacy.


However hotheadedly Lukashenko made very serious statement on privatization in Belarus. There will be no privatizations! That is all governmental program of privatization is no longer void? What about the plan of privatization for 2011-2013 which has been confirmed by the government of RB on March, 21st in coordination with the head of the state?

Certainly, if Lukashenko by only oral order can close a number of the Russian mass-media in the territory, what prevents him from closing privatization program as well. However the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Kudrin joins the plan of privatization with the credit so necessary for Belarus: "The program of privatization will increase private sector share in economy of Belarus. Preliminary we have coordinated that privatization volume will be not less than $2,5 billion annually, - Kudrin told at the meeting in the government. - That is totally $7.5 billion of privatized actives should appear as a result of the program". A bit later he added that allocation of a $3 billion credit to Belarus from Anti-recessionary fund of EvrAzEs within 2011-2013 was coordinated with total amount of privatization actives in Belarus which for that period should make $7,5 billion.

Certainly, it is good if Lukashenko cancels privatization, however, it is much more probable that soon he will refuse his words, the more so it's not the first time.

As to the position of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, only yesterday human rights defenders pointed out its inconsistency - Ministry of Foreign Affairs very sharply reacted to meeting dispersal in Georgia but kept silent about numerous dispersals of meetings in Russia. Literally yesterday permitted earlier picket against governor Gromov in Moscow was dispersed - and nothing happened.

It's possible to tell the same about the Russian mass-media - both Public chamber and the Union of Journalists and also Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation rose in its defense in Belarus. What about mass-media closed in Russia? What to do, say, with FORUM.msk which since 2007 works in emigration? What to do with criminal case against our constant author Yury Mukhin opened literally yesterday?

It is clear that it interests nobody in the Russian Federation.

However other thing interests us - why Lukashenko behaves so inadequately? Nothing stings like the truth?

However, if presence of the Russian mass-media in Belarus can be "exchanged" for Lukashenko's refusal of privatization - it is possible to accept such variant. Though there is serious fear that presidential reprisals of the Belorussian media resources have far-reaching aim - to hide as much as possible what actually happens in Belarus from world public opinion. Including privatization...

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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