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The Power Wants to Make Exterminatory War against Own People Legal

The Power Wants to Make Exterminatory War against Own People Legal

The pro-Kremlin youth movement "Young Russia" and its leader, the member of the Public Chamber Maxim Mishchenko (earlier the deputy of the State Duma from "United Russia") suggest to cut budgetary expenses on seriously ill patients down for the sake of qualitative medicine for the majority of the Russians. As the youth leader told to "News", he suggests to enter "accurate ranging of public funds" judging from seriousness of the disease of patients.

— There are ten people who can be helped, they lie and wait for help. While there is one person, ill with cancer. We spend money on his life extension, thus depriving people who can be returned to system quickly. It’s paradox of a situation: humanity is imaginary. Certainly, we can't pass by person dying from cancer, but we all the same will lose him, he will die and we won't help ten healthy people.

This public man also suggests the state to refuse partially from payment of treatment of those diseases which appear as a result "long devil-may-care attitude to health".

— Say, person drinks all his life, smokes, leads dissolute life and then comes to the state and says: you should treat my venereal diseases at the expense of taxpayers.

Maxim Mishchenko promises to put forward his initiative in the Public Chamber at hearings devoted to paid medical services. If the idea is approved by his colleagues, then, on a plan of the youth leader, it will be sent from the Public Chamber to the Ministry of Health.


From editorial board: Actually approach which Mishchenko suggests to make general for all medicine exists - in conditions of war, when there are mass losses. So-called medical sorting is carried out then, at mass arrival of wounded and injured: they separate lightly wounded, with moderate wounds, badly wounded and hopeless. In field conditions help is rendered first of all to lightly wounded, then to moderate, badly wounded go in the third turn, those whom the doctor responsible for sorting considered to be hopeless are carried into a tent for the dying - there is no medical assistance there, only paramedics and large supply of drugs.

In conditions of war it’s inevitability, first of all it is necessary to return as much as possible fighters to the system. Death of the soldier in war is everyday routine, norm, simply statistics of losses.

Actually Mr. Mishchenko with all his youthful maximalism let us know here that there’s war in Russia and there’s no place for sentimentality. Who fights with whom? If we should understand that the power fights with all other population?

Proofs are on hand: in 2011 expenses on health care in Russia made 3,8% of gross domestic product. In civilized countries they spend for medicine 6% and more of gross domestic product. Thus Russia rose from knees long time ago and its budget is quite able to afford spending of more money for population, than used to be in the years of famine. Though within 10 years of budgetary surplus the government diligently "sterilized" "excess" money - instead of, for example, developing high-tech branches of medicine or, on the contrary, expanding network of preventive medicine, mastering production of the modern equipment, new medicines and so on using forces of medical industry. On the contrary, production was curtailed, preventive as well local network of medical institutions was reduced - budget money was saved at the expense of simple people.

Actually, top segment of the population with incomes are higher, than in middle European has passed to foreign medicine and pharmacology and all other should understand that domestic medicine has to become one big "tent for dying".

Proposal of mister Mishchenko suits such concept of health care in the best way. Business is business...

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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