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Cattlemen Don’t Live In A Barn. They Simply Work There

Cattlemen Don’t Live In A Barn. They Simply Work There
Basanetz Pavel 02.08.2012

Main goal of the "owner" of herd and shepherds – favorable sale of meat and skins of animals. He saves on food and maintenance of a shed. He feeds cattle not with garbage from a lordly table, but with slops stuffed with chemicals. Individual stall – only for tamed, favourite sacrificial animals. Bleating and lowing beautifully. Capable to help shepherds to control the herd.

Shepherds and sentry dogs aren't elected, they are appointed by the "owner" of herd. Shepherd – the one who knows better how to receive more meat and wool from the cattle. Better a small fish, than an empty dish.

Today, Russian and other peoples of Russia are prepared life of the cattle on a farmyard. All of us have no rights to riches of the country which are mercilessly used by shepherds and those who consider themselves the "owners" of herd. After all in fauna the herd doesn't choose either shepherds, or the owner.

Though may be it’s correct that while people feel themselves not free citizens, but cattle, they should be obedient to a will of cattle-farmers?

There’s NO Russian State as it is. Everything that answers though to some signs of civilized country is destroyed. There are no independent legislative, executive, judicial authorities. Electoral right – at farmyard level – to make a cat laugh. Mass media are supervised also by suddenly grown rich cattle-farmers and breeders.

The top of cattle-farmers - Organized criminal group which plunders and destroys the country and its people. It pits various tribes and peoples.

People are mainly cowardly and can't realize that there’s NO DULY ELECTED POWER in Russia. After all no one in doubts that last Duma and presidential "elections" were forged. Cattle-farmers – impostors are at wheel. But not only people, but even those its representatives who apply for a role of leaders don’t realize it up to the end.

I agree with Alexey Navalny in some things, in other I categorically against. But even he, having proclaimed the power illegitimate and gone to the street together with other revolutionaries (not cattle), failed to abstract from the power and to make next step – to ignore it. "Free" mass media with ecstasy tell about visit of Navalny to "slaughterhouse" in the face of the Investigative Committee which is ruled by “foreign agent”. Where’s logic? Having told "A" learn the following letter of the alphabet. And if your hundreds thousands supporters can't protect you from arbitrariness of illegitimate, on your belief, power, whether you can help people to get rid of bestial consciousness? Of consciousness of a slave? Or your purpose – change of shepherds?

Fear prevents people from realization of them being people. Fear before sentry dogs. This fear obscures even instinct of self-preservation and parental instinct. People, first of all, Russians need to overcome this fear, otherwise neither we, nor the country, nor our people have any future.

It is necessary to explain to people once again that even duly elected power is only servants employed by us for simplification of life of people. We are employers. At any time we have the right to dismiss careless, inutile, caught stealing servants. It’s not necessary to be oppositionist to do it. It is necessary to be simply the citizen of the country, not creature on farmyard.

People who aren’t ready to change the future of the country and their children, who rely not on themselves, but that it will be protected by the power (read servants) are worthy contempt.

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