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Priests of the Russian Orthodox Church Refused to Perform Funeral Service Free of Charge

Priests of the Russian Orthodox Church Refused to Perform Funeral Service Free of Charge

Source: rotfront.su

Yesterday representatives of the Krasnodar regional office of ROT FRONT visited Krymsk for the second time. They brought humanitarian help to inhabitants suffered from flood with them. It was transferred to one of the city evacuation center which became home to nearly 100 people. Everything that they brought was badly demanded. Many people after accident remained actually in one underwear as the strongest water stream literally washed them away from houses together with all things, furniture, linoleum and so forth. Though people still need a lot of things, but general situation in the city is already much better, than in previous days when the tragic hopelessness seem to be all around.

Big thank to our doctors who work for almost four days without rest trying to help everyone and to leave nobody in trouble. GAI officers whom suffered citizens treat now with respect began to work well. Unlike police which inhabitants for some reason treat very negatively.

Humanitarian help first of all drinking water, food and necessities is now arriving actively, though it’s being brought mostly by individuals who having no trust to the power try to bring and give personally in hands.

City streets are being setting in order, special equipment and volunteers work. People gradually start coming to their senses, but shock from what have happened is still very strong. Sometimes it is possible to meet on the streets people who don’t know where they go, they are walking paying no attention to passing cars. Certain stress is still felt in conversations, a person can suddenly starts crying or laughing having no force to keep balance. By and large the city extremely needs psychologists, but we haven’t heard that such service is present now in Krymsk.

Certain aura which hangs over the city as a huge black cloud is felt at the approach to the city. “The smell of tragedy” told someone from our people. This feeling is so bright that it sets its imprint on everything around. The city is simply impregnated with trouble and hatred to the power.

No one in Krymsk doesn’t want even to hear about the power. The softest words which are told in its address by inhabitants of the Crimea aren’t possible to mention here. People are absolutely fair in their anger. The heads of the regional administrations for some reason think it’s their duty to visit Krymsk. It will be great if they would make something for the city. While they come simply to show themselves. Even humanitarian help which they bring and say it’s from the state is given by individuals who are forced to collect it in voluntary-compulsory way. No, people are not against to help, they come sometimes after the work in the night. But it makes people furious when those who should do it in the call of duty attribute other people’s deeds as well as considerable state sums to themselves.

Trust to church among inhabitants of the Crimea sharply fell. People were simply shocked that priests of the Russian Orthodox Church refused yesterday to perform funeral service free of charge. As people appeared now in such situation that they have no money to pay to the priests, departed go to the final journey without funeral service. No church gave shelter to the homeless, it didn't give either food, or water, or means of hygiene. City received nothing from church. There was already written on the Internet that our patriarch refused to place at least few people in his palace with more than one hundred rooms and which is located near to Krymsk.

The power in every possible way tries to stop spreading of truth about situation in Krymsk. Special attention is given to the Internet where information spreads almost instantly. Thousands Internet trolls support the power, in every possible way they try to mock, despise and accuse of lie those who aren't afraid to tell the truth. Those who don't think it necessary to hide true situation are accused almost of extremism and terrorism, of stirring of hostility and hatred between people, they are called spiteful misanthropes.

Unless people are a source of hatred? Unless it’s not the power which made everything to be hated and despised? Unless it was not the power which extremely angered people? The power gets what it sows. People see real extremism and even terrorism coming only from the power. Unless it’s not terrorism - to destroy the whole city, to drown several thousand inhabitants? To bring armored machinery to the city in the first day of the tragedy instead of field-kitchens – if it’s not terrorism?

Unless it’s not demonstration of hatred to people to run around the city collecting signatures from suffered inhabitants of the Crimea to confirm that there was notification about flood, promising financial support in exchange to the people deprived of everything?

People absolutely fairly and naturally return love to the power. Tkachev was obviously afraid to come to the city for the second time, though he made an appointment, people could have kill him... Unfortunately, it’s not a joke. People won’t forgive the power what happened.

Most of all people are shocked with absence of normal organization of rescue operations. There’s a feeling that no one controls nothing, no one is responsible for anything. What enormous difference with rescue operations in emergency situations existed in the Soviet Union! Even at the height of reorganization the Soviet system of help in case of catastrophes was at quite high level. One of the representatives of the Krasnodar ROP FRONT used in 1989 to take part in rescue operations near to Ulu-Telyak when two passing each other trains blew up because of leakage of gas. Terrible grief and tragedy for all country! Mismanagement provoked by democrats-supporters of reorganization had already started making its black deed. Nevertheless, organization of rescue operations was as different as day and night if to compare to the Crimean tragedy! All services were instantly involved. Thousand people in an hour were on the place of catastrophe! There was everything that is necessary - the doctors and necessary equipment, people! Ideal organization controlled by uniform center leading all rescue and recovery operations!

Now people in Krymsk are carted off. If not to the help of compassionate inhabitants of neighbouring cities and villages many inhabitants of the Crimea who have endured flood wouldn’t manage to survive.

Krymsk showed to all Russia brightly and vividly – system of civil defense in the country had been destroyed. Unless it didn’t start operating in Krymsk out of a sudden? It’s expensive to support it and the power, apparently, doesn't want to spend anything for national interests. After all the same thing happens with housing and communal services, with education and health care. In Crimean the power recognized its full inability to protect population. At all levels. People felt it on own skin.

At all desire everyone will never provide himself personal security. Only collective rescue is possible in similar cataclysms when one helps the other and when there’s some organization which should direct mass of people during such critical moment. Historically it was understood by human community long ago. Therefore state as control system over big number of people appeared with a view of people survival as a whole. No rescue and protection is possible without adjusting of normal management all over the country. One man is no man.

Capitalism clearly showed us that it can’t give protection to the population in force-majeur situations. Often it becomes a source and reason of such situations! Capitalism isn't compatible to the life of mankind. It brings death and grief with it. Only absolutely naive and stupid person doesn't see behind beautiful European show-window of capitalism that this show-window is built on the bones and grief of millions deprived from other countries of the world. Twenty years ago Russia voluntary proposed its back to the European capitalism. Now it reaps the fruits of own stupidity.

The Krasnodar Regional Office of ROT FRONT

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