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The First National Political Strike – Russian Wikipedia

The First National Political Strike – Russian Wikipedia

The Russian-speaking section of Internet encyclopedia Wikipedia stopped working in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday for one day to show protest against offered amendments to the bill assuming introduction of “black lists” and filtration of "wrongful" content on the Russian Internet.

"Today, on July, 10th the Duma will hold hearings about introduction of amendments to the Law on information which can lead to creation of extrajudicial censorship of all Internet in Russian as well as to closing of access to Wikipedia in Russian", - is stated in the address on the main Russian-speaking page of the encyclopedia.

Bill No. 89417-6 "About Introduction of Changes into the Federal Law "About protection of children from information harming their health and education" and Separate Acts of the Russian Federation" being on consideration in the State Duma assumes creation of so-called "black lists" with illegal content.

"Lobbyists and activists supporting these amendments assert that they are directed only against content like child pornography "and so on”, but following regulations and formulations submitted for discussion will entail creation of analog of "great Chinese firewall" in Russia, - is stated in the address of organizers of the action.

For example, Roskomnadzor which is expected to become supervising body will assign certain non-profit organization to monitor sites with illegal information. After finding out of such sites and pages NPO will transfer these data to Roskomnadzor which, in its turn, should warn the owner of Internet resource about detection of illegal content. If within few days the last doesn't react and doesn’t remove it, hosting provider should do it. If neither the first, nor the last do it, the page gets into "black list". Department will also control other illegal content on the Internet, such as propaganda of war or kindling of international discord - that is purely political aspects of activity of sites.

Practically all specialists of a branch - from the Minister of Communications and the Council at the president of the Russian Federation on development of civil society and human rights to Google, "Yandex", Mail.Ru Group, the Coordination center of the national domain of the Internet, Fund of assistance to development of technologies and Internet infrastructures - spoke against the bill. But the Kremlin pushes it forward with persistence of a rhinoceros.


From editorial board: FORUM.MSK isn’t available in a number of regions of Russia already now, it was done according to order of the authorities - without any laws, court decisions and so on. Though we aren't engaged in distribution of child pornography and any erotic materials in general. We don't call for war and ethnic discord. We do not teach to make drugs as well. Nevertheless in a number of remote regions of the Russian Federation it’s possible to visit our site only via proxy server.

It is possible to imagine what it will be, if some law and "lawful" body which will be authorized to forbid will appear.

Now there’s no concept "to clean content" in the legislation of the Russian Federation, but periodically authorities all the same demand to do it. Now they will start doing it right and left. Example - "Kompromat.Ru" which delegation of the domain is suspended by the national registrar on the basis of letter from prosecutor's office. Not on the basis of court decision, but just the letter "to close till backup". Well, if it’s possible to imprison a person for a half of a year while his case is under investigation, why not to delete “undesirable" information?

Now all of them amicably shout "Down with pedophilia!", though to fight against it there’s no need to enter additional restrictions into Worldwide network, it is enough to use already existing laws. While they need law for restriction of every, I repeat, every "undesirable" to the authorities information. Everything will be very simple then - access to your site will be forbidden "after a call" and you will have to prove that it was done wrongfully through the court, you will waste for it months without guarantees of having legal decision considering practice of the Russian courts.

However there are no doubts that discriminating law will be adopted – it will be done not only due to narrow majority of “United Russia” but also due to the support of so-called "opposition" (in fact swindlers and thieves of the second category). Let’s look at the position of CPRF fraction related to the law on NPO which voted solidary with "United Russia". Why? Because law on NPO restricts constitutional freedoms, if something happens constitutional majority in two thirds of voices of the Duma can be demanded. “Opposition of its majesty" as usual obligingly provided these voices.

Let’s look at the bill "About Introduction of Changes into the Federal Law "About protection of children from information harming their health and education" and Separate Acts of the Russian Federation" - the deputy head of CPRF fraction Reshulsky, experienced voter is among applicants, he used to vote for liquidation of the USSR. He won't bring down here as well, I think.

Actually it’s old trick of pseudo-opposition – to hide secret support of the mode behind nonconformist phrase. Well, if there’s some other mode which will allow these dull and useless citizens get ministerial salaries and privileges doing nothing and to receive monetary assistance from the budget for "oppositional" activity.

Here you are the reason why both opposition and the power act solidary against every freedom of speech. They don’t need it as well as Wikipedia. The deputy of the State Duma is considered to be educated person even if he is hardly able to read and write.

Therefore civil society in Russia should equally fight for freedom and progress both against authorities and pseudo-opposition which don’t need both.

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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