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Revolution Is Over, It’s High Time to Go on Vacation?

Revolution Is Over, It’s High Time to Go on Vacation?
Yury Mukhin 14.06.2012

40 years Mose conducted Jews in the desert to punish those who didn't believe in miraculous force of the Lord (however, it didn’t help Jews a lot). Consequently it is possible to admire Mose who grasped mass media of that time of Jews who found way from Egypt and managed to conceal suspicions of other navigators concerning the aims of that journey. The same way it is possible to be surprised with Jews who followed such navigator so obediently.

After “March of Millions” I have a natural question to "moses" bringing active people of Moscow to aimless meetings – what was the reason of your decision to punish these people? The question to people – why do you follow these navigators?

Having gathered tens thousands people organizers of a meeting on June, 12th announced “Manifesto of free Russia” to them. The following things are demanded from the fascist power in Russia in the document:

“1. V.V.Putin's resignation as system symbol.

2. Working out of a draft of a new law on parliamentary elections providing elections in honest transparent competitive elections. These projects should take into account the requirements put forward during mass protest actions.

3. Adoption of this bill by operating Parliament. It becomes its last and unique function.

4. New parliamentary elections should be carried out under new legislation.

5. Newly elected Parliament considers and brings to referendum the draft of the new Constitution of Russia, essentially limiting powers and presidential term (one term in 6 years or 2 for four years), expanding powers of the Parliament in formation of the government and carrying out of parliamentary investigations.

6. Newly elected Parliament passes new law on presidential elections and appoints date of elections. The laws guaranteeing local government and direct elections of governors are adopted.

7. Newly elected Parliament considers and passes the law on transformation of bodies of court, prosecutor's office, inquiry and police assuming their clarification from persons having smirched themselves with crimes. It also passes new law on referendum, considerably facilitating procedure of its carrying out”.

I will start with a question, if these requirements are based on some constitutional provisions, laws or at least customs of any Russian village? If there’s some collective farm where it is agreed to carry out basic changes of the collective-farm charter only because 0,1% of collective farmers is howling?

Note that in those requirements moses absolutely forgot the fact that the Duma elections were forged and the result of those elections wasn’t established since then. As you can see, moses aren't going to establish this result and change the Duma structure as a result to satisfy true requirements of the holding meeting. These moses have already made the decision for the people coming to meetings who are initially outraged only with falsification of elections – modern moses already agree to have the Duma of the forged structure with absolute majority of “United Russia” in it. Моses already recognized Putin's elections lawful.

Well, look at the requirements modern Moses from outside. What is the peculiarity of these requirements (as well as peculiarity of all their resolutions since meeting on December, 10th)? Nobody - either in Russia, or in the world - HAS NO RIGHT to EXECUTE the requirements of the protestors declared by moses! As it’s a crime for the power to execute requirements of even 100 thousand protestors (0,1% of adult population) contrary to the will of tens millions voted for the Duma and the president.

That is on behalf of the protesters who gathered for protest meeting against falsification of the results of elections moses by request of Putin and his supporters demanded from the power to commit one more crime. As you can see, moses don't convict the power of the committed crime and don't demand to punish guilty of it, but demand to commit one more crime, now as though not by request of Putin’s supporters, but these moses.

Take three tries to answer the question – if Putin's fascists will think over performance of resolution of the meeting, or at least read it? Note the difference between those requirements to the power and those requirements which were put forward from the very beginning by IGPR "ZOV" which were silently and persistently ignored by moses. If moses demand from the power what the power HAS NO RIGHT to execute, IGPR "ZOV" demands what the power is OBLIGED to do, I will remind:

1. To check the results of elections all over all Russia using forces of the State Office of Public Prosecutor, to establish their true result having punished all guilty of falsification.

2. To bring criminal case and punish all policemen and judges guilty of dispersal of meetings.

By the way, my comrade reminded me of the events of May, 1993 which participant he was. That time OMON also dispersed meeting, there was criminal case brought upon those disorders. As Russia had something reminding parliament by that time, inquest was conducted as if under the law. As a result the charge was brought to one demonstrator and six OMON soldiers. The parliament ceased its existence then and criminal case ended with amnesty.

So what prevented moses to demand punishment of present criminals dispersing peaceful actions of citizens? What prevents them to do it now? Why, for example, Udaltsov demands to release arrested after meeting on May, 6 demonstrators without giving any reasons, but doesn't demand to arrest those policemen who beat demonstrators?

I will remind also that as the requirements of the protestors supported IGPR "ZOV" aren’t executed by the Public Prosecutor Chajka, IGPR "ZOV" organizes collection of signatures under the letter with the requirement to EU to deprive Chajka of visas and to arrest his foreign accounts to force him to check the results of vote and to punish falsifiers http://www.otvechayka.org/. Yes, EU isn't obliged to execute this requirement, but it has the right and IS ABLE to do it. All depends on the quantity of signatures. Here almost all moses defend what Chajka “has earned by ball-breaker”, refuse to place their signatures under this letter and keep silent about it. This refusal, naturally, prevent protesters from achievement the goal for the sake of which they come to the meetings.

Thought whether it means that ordinary citizens need to evade from this civil duty?

The more so moses go on vacations and Udaltsov declared that the next action will take place already on October, 7. It’s high time for citizens to make own decision, without moses.

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