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Putin Recognized That the Russian State “Is Divided against Itself”

Putin Recognized That the Russian State “Is Divided against Itself”

Putin signed the decree about creation of the Presidential Council on Inter-Ethnic Relations, the press service of the Kremlin reported. The Council was headed by the head of the state. The first deputy administrator of the Presidential Administration Vyacheslav Volodin became the vice-chairman of the Council. Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak occupied the same position in the Council. Ensuring of interaction of the federal public authorities, authorities of subjects of the country, local governments, public associations, scientific and other organizations on the international relations is among the tasks set before the new state body.

"The Council is advisory and consultative body at the president of the Russian Federation formed with a view of ensuring interaction of federal public authorities, public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation, local governments, public associations, scientific and other organizations in consideration of questions connected with realization of the national policy of the Russian Federation by the state", - is stated in the message.

The structure of the Council can include representatives of the Presidential Administration, the government, federal public authorities, public associations, scientific and other organizations. The chairman of board – in this case – it’s the president – will define the heads of the working groups.


From editorial board: It is necessary to understand that creation of the Presidential Council on Inter-Ethnic Relations is a peculiar answer to actual self-destruction of the Human Rights Council which remained almost without any significant representatives of protection of rights (unless Yurgens, Karaganov or Kuzminov can be considered human rights defenders). Position of the chairman of the Human Rights Council Fedotov, who “distinguished himself” in public space by proposal of the new law about meetings, is also very shaky - after coming of the law into action he would have either to resign or to pass to the category of "buns".

Creation of "inter-ethnic" council reflects in general ideological drift of a mode - from liberal personal protection to quite fascist practice of "collective responsibility" in its most archaic form - national. Putin's Russia by leaps and bounds goes away from uniform civil society of "the Russians" to tribalism – in the time when the Caucasus, for example, passes from the breeding relations to uniform Islamic idea of Caliphate. Moreover, semi-official Russia more and more often treats relations with Muslims as "international" - thus we are talking about enormous level degradation of the mode.

Actually, the process began already at Gorbachev when from the idea of "uniform community of people - the Soviet people" it gradually passed to the multinational state, even the Lower Chamber of the Supreme Council started being called the Soviet of Nationalities headed by unforgettable Rafiq Nishonovich... It ended, clear thing, with the country disintegration under the national territorially principle.

However disintegration of the USSR didn't create competitor with higher level of self-organization for Moscow - the republics took runs becoming "small USSRs". On the national suburbs the Islamic world today opposes “empire” the supranational organization - in counterbalance to the "empire" running into madness of the national contradictions.

Creation of the inter-ethnic council is after all also recognition of disunity of the Russian cultural, national, historical and, finally, political space. It’s natural that one can’t talk about personal united human rights in disunited space – actually one can't talk about any rights in general.

“If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand” (The Holy Bible, Mark).

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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