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We Were Won?!

We Were Won?!
Grechaninov Vladimir 07.03.2012

"We won!"

V.V.Putin. From public speech at a meeting on March, 4th, 2012

"Mysterious Island" was one of favourite books of my childhood. I was bewitched by story about a handful of colonists as Jules Verne called them which without instructions and tools, using only brains and hands transformed wild island into small, as we call it now, industrially developed region.

However, such anthem to a man – creator in general tuned in an era of great buildings when I was a child. In the end of the novel, if you remember, colonists went on balloon somewhere towards the Washington Regional Committee and their remarkable technical creations were destroyed by volcano. It is correct because if their innovations would fall into hands of local natives, evolutionary catastrophe would happen on that beautiful island!

Just imagine, a caveman needs to take a stick to invent spear, lever and written speech, while all these things have been already invented. Water falls from cranes, wells are full of oil and gas, electric current runs by wires, cars and mechanisms turn and produce consumer goods by their own. So, like a pin in clover and there’s no need to work. Heygh!

It’s on one hand, on the other hand obvious degradation of natives will happen then. As it’s impossible to become high-grade homo sapiens without constructive labor, but what’s the need to work, if everything’s already present?! The main thing is to come closer to the crane, consequently instead of becoming sapiens – promote development of different useful skills, science and industry - local population entirely plunges into race for power, starts to produce inutile parties and the same way inutile leaders, to arrange pre-election representations and other nonsense, well, you know.

If to trust the old man Darwin – that’s all, that’s the end of development. Population is compelled not to work, but to fight for a place next to a feeding trough, artists are compelled to decorate walls of caves not with hunting scenes, but with portraits of degenerate leaders, that’s all, finite. The main thing is that all this system can exist exactly until something will not be broken inside, because there’s no one to repair it, they don’t know how to do it. Then - collapse, if not a Big Bang.

So already for many decades those handy and brainy Jules Verne’s colonists have been leaving my poor country. They aren’t necessary here. There’s need in footmen who haven’t learned how to work, but they know how to pinch crumbs from thieves' palms perfectly well. It’s becoming more and more visible from year to year.

In the day of elections I with colleagues visited sites, spoke with languid observers who asking no identity documents jumped and reported – everything’s going on quietly, no stuffings and roundabouts are revealed.


So, nothing was revealed! Moscow was full up to eyeballs with nonresident buses, in the evening I went to the neighbouring shop which is usually empty on Sunday evenings and found huge turns of not local people which filled full bags with products and paid off with large notes. Certainly, one can’t find local faces in my street now, but those were not new Muscovites, those were people who in the evening went to the center to celebrate victory over us.

It’s interesting how many they were paid for the future of their children? Tomorrow they will return to their sad cities, will complain of inutile life, to curse the capital and to wait for next happiness when they would be again invited to Moscow to earn additionally, to buy up the goods. What else can they wait from their pity life?!

Probably, they think that holiday on Manezhnaya will proceed eternally and money for elective voyages has fallen from the sky?! So, no, this money - from their pensions and salaries and the holiday has already come to its end, that’s all, long hang-over is ahead. If it is possible to imagine colonists from "Mysterious Island" who go to the nearest island to vote for some local joker? Never. But after all no one read now such books, the hero of our time is inutile Harry Potter who is able to swing only magic wand, while if to take this gadget away, he turns to a full zero. Very useful philosophy: you are nothing without a stick and chief, sit and be silent.

Therefore our money is invested not into education, but into principals, not into the health of people, but into the head physicians, while then they decide themselves - who and what needs in the first, the second and subsequent turns.

Last night I was called up by the acquaintance of mine who works in polyclinic, she complained that all of them were ordered to go to the meeting on the occasion of Putin's election as the president. It, I will note, happened when voting on the most of the territories hasn't ended and calculations hasn’t started in general. She asked what to do?

Good question! Our people - in general adores not to do something, but only to ask what to do. You shouldn’t do anything, just send everything to devils and not to go! Not to vote, not to stuff, not to be slaves... To wake up every morning and to feel oneself decent person... No way! The chief is malicious, the salary is small, it is necessary to go. What else could be said here?

It is possible, of course, to quote some import Goethe that only that one is worthy of happiness and freedom who fights for them every day. Though no one knows him, it’s other thing if it will be said by our Galkin...

... One of Azimov's stories, as long as I can recollect, ended with remarkable phrase: "Long-long night came". Here you are. However, it’s possible that I am unduly pessimistic after yesterday's joyful votings, it’s, however, quite clearly. But I am afraid there will be no special occasions for optimism during the next years.


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