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Russia and Authority

Russia and Authority
Еlisaveta Alexandrova 09.12.2008

It's difficult to be superpower. It's a rare thing that racing for leadership can be weathered by several generations, grandsons and great-grandsons who usually experience the end of the mutative push, do not want and cannot answer infinite challenges, competition ceases to be attractive for them. Everyone lives for himself in inertial phase of the development being guided by principles of vulgar epicurism.

Having opened the borders, having become a part of the world, Russia was dissolved in it as sugar in water. Our contemporaries appeared to be a suitable material for a consumer society, they are quite satisfied to narrow down a choice of vital values to a choice in supermarket and to find existential sense in Hollywood cinema. Russian classics condemned narrow-mindedness, the Philistine was the main object of its mockery. While the true soul of people has come out to the day only today - there are no Gagarins, no won Olympiads, having handed over advanced positions, Russia has turned into the country of the third world - very few worry about it, epoch of stagnation has been replaced by era of corruption and criminality.

Открыв границы, став частью мира, Россия растворилась в нем, как сахар в воде. Наши современники оказались подходящим материалом для общества потребления, их вполне устраивает сводить выбор жизненных ценностей к выбору в супермаркете и находить бытийный смысл в голливудском кино. Русская классика осуждала мещанство, филистер был главным объектом ее насмешек. Но сегодня обнажилась истинная душа народа - нет больше Гагариных, нет выигранных Олимпиад, сдав передовые позиции, Россия превратилась в страну третьего мира, - это мало кого заботит, эпоха застоя сменилась эрой обскурации.

Successors of the Great Russia obviously lack imperial thinking, they are patient, obedient, they are getting adjusted to everything, they have come to terms with double standards of the West, their national pride which are being restrained continually does not suffer from their recognition de facto people of the second grade. Paradoxicality of the situation, however, consists in that earlier all troubles were justified by grandiose projects - space, military, scientific, demanded to cut down social package, now after refusal of arrogant state tasks incomes began to get settled in a pocket of not numerous elite - and the standard of living has fallen. The very concept of the state has changed.

The Soviet epoch was unique first of all from the point of view of the government. Declaring internationalism communists intentionally or involuntarily carried out foreign policy in interests of Soviet people with whom they identified themselves. Such was unless during the pagan period of the Kiev Russia, when Svyatoslav who used to say: "I shall go ahead of you!" heard in the answer: "Where your head lie, we will lay down our lives!"; and in the days of the Moscow princedom, when the Tatar-Mongolian danger, common enemy rallied authority and people.

World War II also showed association - there were difficult times but the burden laid down on all - Stalin's son went gone in the German concentration camp, Hrushchev's son - died at the front. "Cold" war still closed authority in national borders, pulling together "tops" and "bottoms". It is impossible to present that at the secretary of the Political bureau, as newly elected president, had relatives beyond that side of "Iron Curtain". While it was in the nature of things during imperial epoch. Awards and titles which should be recognized by "own" circle appeared more important for monarchs than recognition of own people, dynastic marriages were effected irrespective of language and confessional belonging.

Already in the eighteenth century known diplomat Kurakin, brother-in-law of Peter I, was distressed that the supreme class was struck with corruption and "no prospect on improvement is not looking through". In the days of Biron's boarding there were no Russian officers and even soldiers in Izmailovsky regiment. Class barriers then raised over ethnic ones, place of "grads" were occupied by "burgs", the nobility began to express in French passing into freemasonry not to stand in one church with the serfs. While barin was treated on waters in Baden or played in Monte Carlo, counterman managed the estate. Millionaires - factory owners Demidovs bought the Mediterranean islands, Italian earl titles and country houses in Florence extorting means from Siberia, the same way as "oil", "aluminium" and "nickel" kings living in Courchevel. Тurgenevs, gogols, ivanovs preferred warm climate and now the most known Russian-speaking authors live abroad, theatres stage plays of emigrants with the Russian passports, national studios shoot films being guided by the American tastes, at that the most insignificant success at transatlantic film-fair is presented as national triumph.

Certainly, phenomenon of decomposition of authority and people is not peculiar of Russia, dynasties of the German, French, Dutch origin, representatives of "blue blood" international occupied alternately all thrones in Europe but Russia surpassed all. Alexander I considering country as its own ancestral lands declared that victory in 1812 was brought by foreigners. The liberal for the West, he was despot of own people, times of Arakcheev withdrew Russia further from Europe. His successor speaking: "Russian officers serve the state, the German - to us!", ruthlessly punished decembrists who on Senate Square didn't dare to strike to raise their hands against sacred person and just hardly declared restriction of autocracy.

Absolute authority not only corrupts totally - it gives rise to exasperation. Alexander II was not rescued by gendarme corps, or indicative executions. (In XIX century there were still ones capable to endow themselves, those who despised own origin: Sofia Perovskaja, hung as regicide, was the daughter of the governor. Whether it is possible to present in the quality of "terrorist bomber" the daughter of the first mayor of Saint Petersburg?)


In fact the members of "Narodnaya Volya" demanded only to call the parliament and to accept the Constitution, that was "yesterday" for Europe. But the authority persistently refused dialogue. As consequence - murder not only of Nikolay II, but also of his children.

After seventy years the authority returned to habitual for itself form of board when one elite is more important for another elite, than own people. Police struggles not with dissidents but with the rests of nationalism and dissatisfied with globalization as with euphemism. With arrival of the transnational companies there was a revival of "blue blood" international on a new, financial basis, for money does not have native land, except for bank.

Authority is identified with domination, power for the sake of power which always was the main task of the state machinery. (I shall result known, but forgotten citation which became - alas! - again actual: "Bureaucracy is the imaginary state alongside with the real one. Spirit of bureaucracy is the secret provided with its hierarchical organization, its closed, corporate character. Open spirit of the state and also the state thinking is absolutely alien to it, it is represented by treachery in relation to its secret. Deification of authority is its way of thinking ... " (K.Marx))

Bureaucracy of Nikolay I generated "superfluous" people, party nomenclature of the late USSR made all population superfluous. Forming the state in the state, the nomenclature, having thrown off socialist fetters, sacrificed the country to own interests. Centrifugal forces which led to the ruin of the USSR were nothing but aspiration of elites to isolation and domination. In result on a place of the advanced socialism at which scientific cities were created "capitalist feudalism" came, when from presidential tribune they could declare that even "state-monopoly capitalism in the third millenium is inefficient". Having declined all responsibility, having released itself from necessity to share, the authority spreads the slogan: "Not the state to you, but you - to it!" and calls to consider society as the arithmetic sum of competitors. It remains a riddle the way to build civil society in these conditions. Cosmopolitan Moscow became the financial center, an enclave in the territory of Russia, seventy five billionaires (there are more only in New York that takes root into mass consciousness as a subject of pride!) live there.

Thus the country confidently occupies the leading places on a number of suicides, homeless, addicts. Only three percent of its population have a Central European prosperity, sixty percent, anyhow, live below the breadline. While TV, showing "beautiful" life, helps to forget that people and authority - on the different sides of the screen. All this ridiculous design, Leaning Tower of the Russian economy is being rescued while only by fabulous prices for oil. Therefore it's ridiculous to speak about "flight of capitals" and "brain drain" - from colonies (what is a raw appendage of the West if not its colony?) the best always aspires in mother country. Inflated by gas pipe Russian officials are ready to burst, frankly caste-ridden community appropriated the name of the state it, as well as antecedent to it bureaucracies found support in orthodox: "There is no authority not from the God!".

Here you are, in particular, the source of external blossoming of Orthodoxy in Russia, grandiose temple construction which is carried out, obviously, not on donations of believers, behind which the ideological program is being looked through. Means go to accounts of church in exchange for silent support of its hierarchs, who as if forgot that "any empire divided in will become empty and the house divided itself, will fall ... "

The concept of the state is frequently substituted by the concept of fatherland. They are never identical but the degree of their divergence characterizes relations in society. Now they, as never, are far. Authority which has come off from people serves only to imaginary state with which it identifies itself, speculating on idea of general welfare, on patriotism, it's engaged in extortion. "Bottoms" pay off with the bribes, no other relations between them and parasitizing on petrodollars "astride" are impossible.

There are no political prisoners in modern Russia, there is no opposition, there is no even passive resistance to mode, there is only an amorphous, befuddled populace which despises authority.

From editorial board: One should be more cautious about absence of political prisoners. If the author does not know the names and case, it does not mean there are no political prisoners in putin-medvedev's Russia. The number of political prisoners is in some times higher, than in Brezhnev's epoch, they are imprisoned for "crimes" which can be called so only in commas.

There is no opposition? Interesting, whom then authorities beat with the pipes on the head and sometimes even shoot? If the author does not know - it does not mean yet that it is not present. Look not only though own materials but also through the news line - every day someone from "nonexistent" opposition is pressed by authority. Probably, it's not from fear but from contempt?..

There is no resistance, even passive? Interesting, where does the author send texts to? Whether not to the body of "nonexistent" resistance and "absent" opposition?

Certainly, it's not out of place to scold people for passivity. But occasionally is possible to offend people which pay off "for your and our freedom" with own blood.

While in the whole - everything's correct...



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