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«Five Successors – Not Seven Samurais» and Leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation – Not the Communists but Gagmen, - Michael Deyagin Considers

«Five Successors – Not Seven Samurais» and Leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation – Not the Communists but Gagmen, - Michael Deyagin Considers
Anna Ivanova 25.09.2007

Question. Michael Gennadievich, what are your plans for the near future?

Answer. New kerfuffle  which would break to the next summer is being planned in the world and one should watch it closely. The crisis of the risk fragment of the American and English mortgage system influences the change of authority in the USA, sharpening of relations with Iran, sharpening of the Iraqi crisis.

There is very interesting situation with the prospects of global energetics, which we, by the way, have recently discussed on discussion club «Russia: Image of the Future from the Dream».

World financial market is being developed in such a way that Russia receives great opportunities to convert rouble into international, though not reserve, but accounting currency. It's hardly possible that such opportunities will be used - but they are unique in their concessionality to us.

There will be very important session of the Communist Party of China in the middle of October in China, it will define and constitutionize new world perception and self-sentiment of the Chinese nation. This session would have fateful importance may be even for the whole world but minimum for our country. More important than cats tea party of different puppets from the Old Square.

Elections on the Ukraine after which Timoshenko will become the prime minister will destroy all European policy of "Gazprom" and create the threat to transit union of the Ukraine and Belarus against putin's Russia. It became clear on the Middle East that Kazakhstan and Turkmenia sucked us, "Northern-European" gas and oil pipe "hung out" ... So, the events are highly interesting!

Institute prepares now an issue of a new version of «General Theory of Globalization», besides to the current changes we very seriously advanced in understanding of informational aspects of management and crisis of democracy in its modern Western understanding...

Q. And what about the Russian politics?

A. What's the reason to guess whom Putin will appoint as the next fall guy at Zubkov and whom Putin consider as five successors?

It's enough for me to understand that five successors - are not seven samurais, they won't change the situation. Now the system of management is being hastily constructed, the system which will keep the ruling crowd without Putin but for Putin - it could control situation, but is incapable of development and it opens new opportunities to us.

Q. What about you - will go to the State Duma?

A. It's too early question. Just wait about four days. Just few days ago I was in stop-lists of even oppositional newspapers, don't you forget?

Q. Well, it seems that you were going to go with the communists and even had negotiations with them!

A. I don't know who started talkings that I ostensibly have opportunities to be proposed in the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. I really met not once Zyuganov - the same way as I meet other politicians of the corresponding level. The difference is that there for some reason appear no reports about other meetings in the Internet. It's possible that the reason is that the communists who are present after Zyuganov's clearings off are more yakky, than representatives of other parties. It's possible that it's simply psychological reaction - people feel that danger "passed" them and they start talking - what they know as well as about everything else. It's normal. It's abnormal that on the base of this chattering some analysts start making conclusions - but who said that general decay touched only the state? It touched also analytical society.

Q. That is the management of the communists didn't discuss with you opportunities of your entering into their list?

A. I don't know. Management of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation could discuss quadrature of a circle, though they hardly know what is it - these are their problems. I didn't discuss it with them seriously because their price in the Russian policy is known to everybody as well as their functions. It's possible that they had some delusions due to the change of pressure, percent content of alcohol in blood or age factors, but these are their problems.

By the way, why do you call them Communists?

Q. Well, why - they call themselves so...

A. It's not an argument. Hungarians call themselves Maguars, putinoids - according to the mood - «owners of the Russian land», patriots and effective managers, criminals - representatives and fighters for social justice, thieves - political technologists...

But the leaders of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation you persistently call communists though the sale of authority of social protest of desperate people in return to private privileges being specialization of these misters has no relation to the communism and communist ideology.

Q. So, how to call then the fans of MR. Zyuganov?

A. Gagmen. This is Russified and modern variant of the American "комми". Let's take the discussion on URA.ru by Michael Tulsky - people seriously were discussing whether they should demand 2 million or half of million dollars from Delyagin. I know Tulsky not bad, sometimes he exaggerates things and not everything understands correctly but doesn't invent information. He doesn't have such feature of character. That's why I suppose that they had such a conversation. So, do you imagine the following: I don't sleep, sit and think how to find seventy five thousand roubles on the current needs of the Institute - and it turns out that they are going to get half million dollars from me!

Where do I get them from? Paint? Who do they think I am - Abramovich? A daughter of the democrat? A granddaughter of the colonel?

Though they still can't get their senses form the harvest they got in 2003. They think, probably, that they will always earn, that they have such a living wage.

Q. But you know, a lot of people are sure that Zyuganov gave you some guarantees to get into the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation on trough passage place, and then kicked in.

A. Gennady Andreevich Zyuganov can't kick in anybody in general. It's not possible from technological point of view. Just because attitude of this character to his own words is known to everybody who is in any extend interested in anything. And if he told somebody something and more than that promised, it could be taken seriously only by the most naïve person. Once Lenin called Trotsky «political prostitute» but ... how I can put it... Mr. Zyuganov according to the analogue could be called only «political tracking». He is not worth even be called «prostitute» - I don't know, unfortunately or to the best.

I'll remind that already in May in Zyuganov's wall newspaper «Pravda» was stated that I didn't like Zyuganov. It was signed by Rashkin - but I think that the respectful deputy neither wrote nor even read that quite pornographic text. I am afraid that that text is too long for him, there are too many letters in it and they all are different.

Q. But our sources in the party inform that Zyuganov wanted to introduce you into the list to agree it with administration of the president - but, fortunately, didn't dare to do it.

A. If these are trustworthy sources - I think that he simply told lies to them. For people of a certain type it's natural. I have no info that he entered my name into the lists for the agreement with administration.

But I can assure you that not for a second I treated opportunities to get into the State Duma per the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation seriously and only Zyuganov could laugh at such publications louder than me.

So, it's a trifle discussion. There are 5 or 6 people according to the list of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, they would pass as soon as Zyuganov was promised 17-18% and after the failure he would get 14% as a kind of a servant. A bit more than they would give to "unshaven muskrat", so he would even have the possibility to blow up a bit before the party kicked in by him would go to organizations which are busy with real business.

Q. Which ones?

A. Speaking conventionally - to regional organizations of parties of common sense. There should appear such party - may be under the different name.

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