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Mechanism of the Collapse of the Russian Federation Has Been Started under the Slogan "Russia - for the Russians"

Mechanism of the Collapse of the Russian Federation Has Been Started under the Slogan "Russia - for the Russians"
As mass-media inform, the following opinion prevails in Lithuania that the Soviet and nazi modes were equally criminal. The results of the interrogation carried out on June, 15 - 18th by the center of telephone interrogation "Fonitel" under the order of a weekly journal "Veidas" promulgated in Vilnius testify.

According to interrogation more than 500 inhabitants of five largest cities, 54.1% of the participants of interrogation, Soviet and nazi modes were evaluated as "equally criminal". At the same time 21.1% of the interrogated evaluates the Soviet mode as more brutal. The same about nazi mode was said by 16.4% of the participants.

41.1% of the respondents consider an act of the pre-war president of Lithuania Anthanas Smeton who in 1940 ordered not to resist to the USSR and disappeared in the West a mistake. In opinion of this part of interrogated, Lithuania then should organize armed resistance to the USSR.

29.1% of the respondents consider refusal to resist to the USSR as correct act, 29.8% don't have any certain opinion on this account. Recently official Vilnius appears that the Soviet mode at a level of the European Union will be condemned in the same way as Hitlerite.

Making comments on the results of the interrogation in Lithuania, political scientist Anton Surikov said:

"It is not possible to place nazi and Soviet modes, nazism and communism on one level. The nazi ideology of the national and racial superiority of one people over others was initially criminal. At the same time the Soviet communistic ideology was and remains progressive.

It's a different matter that Stalin with his crimes against Lithuanian and other peoples, including the Russian one, up to unrecognizability perverted communistic idea, discredited it in opinion of people. But Stalin's crimes were exposed and condemned by the Communists themselves on the 20th and 22nd sessions of the Communistic Party of the Soviet Union.  

The fact that today some figures, including the ones which call themselves communists, set Stalin on a shield, finds words for the justification to his crimes, including reprisals to an ethnic attribute against whole nations, including children, speaks only that these figures are - not the communists at all and they are not left in a popular sense of this word but they are extreme nationalists and chauvinists. Finally, their position leads to disorder of multinational and multi-confessional Russian Federation.

Recently different parties began to exploit the so-called Russian theme. It reminds me events of the end of the 1980th - the beginnings of 1990th years. Why the USSR broke up? Not because of the fact that three republics of Baltic demanded independence. If it was all, there would be not a disintegration of the country but a split-off of some percent of its territory and population.

However when on the 12th of June, 1990 earlier virtual RSFSR announced its sovereignity - the future Russian Federation, disintegration of the Soviet Union became inevitable and it took one and a half year. The same thing we can observe now.

Nonexistent "Russian question" is being raised. That circumstance that the structure of the Russian Federation includes 21 national republics, including 8 with mainly Muslim population is being ignored. The perverted sight on the history humiliating their dignity including the justification of Stalin crimes against subjected to repression peoples and denying of a genocide of the Adygeis during the Russian-Caucasian war which purely unreal - let you try to deny somewhere in the West Hitlerite Holocaust of the Jews - is being imposed on the non-Russian peoples.  

The most bitchy Caucasus-phobia is being cultivated. If the authority, and the most important, the majority of the Russians themselves don't come to their senses and suppress the activity of the pseudo-Russian nationalists, the result can be only one - disintegration of the Russian Federation according to the script of the USSR under the slogan: «Let's Defend the Russians from the non-Russians», «Russia is - for the Russians» and so on.

Making public speech on "Echo of Moscow" on the same theme of interethnic relations in the Russian Federation, writer Julia Latynina also mentioned a theme of Caucasus-phobia. In her opinion, recent scuffle in Moscow near a monument to heroes of Plevna between the Caucasians, basically Chechens, people from Dagestan and the Armenians on the one hand and participants of the "Movements against Illegal Immigration" on the other hand is - the next stage of a coil of provocations after Kondopoga and Stavropol oriented to kindling of interethnic discord.

Julia Latynina declared that the Russian society faces a choice now: "whether Russia - Empire... Or Russia is - Moscow Princedom, Russia for the Russians and Caucasus for the Caucasians, Tatarstan for the Tatars, Mordovia for the Mordovians, etc. And it is probable that the Far East is for the Chinese. Our fascists want Russia for the Russians and do not think how much space it will lose and what will remain from Russia if it will not be Empire. The empire, by definition, is international. Our fascists want to build Moscow Princedom".

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