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Preparation of Adjusting of Constitution in Relation to the Third Term of Vladimir Putin Has Begun

Preparation of Adjusting of Constitution in Relation to the Third Term of Vladimir Putin Has Begun

In the weekly newspaper "Arguments of a Week" there is a material of A.Uglanoval which affirms that one of these days in the Kremlin the decision on expediency of creation of working group on making modification in the operating Constitution of the Russian Federation was accepted. Its aim - to carry out analysis what amendments of the Organic law became actual and what they can result in. The first vice-premier of the government Dmitry Medvedev will head working group.

Projects of changes of the Constitution prepared should be brought in the State Duma to autumn session. It is not excluded that by the moment of their entering there will appear a reference of some governors to the deputies. They will suggest to distribute norm about increase of quantities of election terms of the president also on the prsent head of the state. It is underlined also that the working group is necessary not only for the study of "presidential" amendments. It is high time to bring in the Constitution, for example, names of new subjects of Federation.

"By the autumn, - the newspaper believes, - some judgments of a life of the president can also change", it can be connected with a new cold war between the Kremlin and the West. "While the EU countries and the USA have not switched on the political and economic levers against Russia to the full. In Bruxelles and Washington consider that the Kremlin bluffs frightening the West with new rockets. But any concrete steps of Moscow in this direction will lead the countries of NATO to qualitatively new consolidation against Russia. They say in the environment of the new prime-minister of Great Britain - either we knock down Putin or will be knocked down together with him".

According to A.Uglanov, between the 20th and 30th of June in the largest American newspapers not less than 20 articles under the general motto "Don't Trust Putin!" will be published. Articles will be issued before a meeting of the Russian and American presidents on Bush's ranch and will ostensibly be paid by a number of oil companies which the Kremlin has deprived with licenses for extraction of gas and oil.

One may ask - what is the reason why the West wants "to crackdown" parting Russian president? The answer of the author of "Arguments of a Week" is as follows: they do not know there Vladimir Putin's true plans and at the same time they do not want him to stay in politics. In the West "Putin isn't heard and the hysterics, most likely, will only accrue, - A.Uglanov writes in conclusion. - Whether it is necessary to be surprised that now in Moscow the commission on entering amendments into the operating Constitution will start working?".

Making comments on announcements about the beginning of work of the constitutional commission, political scientist Vladimir Filin said: "The present Russian so-called elite does not have other way out of the "problem-2008", except for the third term. All other variants are fraught with an aggravation of struggle at the Kremlin top of authority and as a result they create threat of destabilization and situation not being controlled by the Kremlin. Certainly, the third term is not panacea, it's only a delay, change of authority sooner or later all the same will happen. But this process, as one may hope, can be delayed for 10 or even 20 years. It hardly can be so - most likely, the delay will not exceed 5-7 years, that is for the time which is necessary to the USA and EU to look convincing carrying out new cold war against Russia, undoubtedly, will end, as well as the old one, by the next rout of the Kremlin and further partition of the state - this time it will be the Russian Federation.

Simultaneously, rout in new cold war will end in "clearing off" of the federal "elite" which will appear to be excessive - to supervise the Russian oil and gas the USA and NATO can by controlling of the regional elites directly, without interference of Moscow which will be odd in the scheme. That is why "clearing off" of "elite" is inevitable and fatal".    

However, according to Vladimir Filin, the Russian "elite" didn't deserve anything else: "This public is very primitive. Well, they can steal in especially large scales, give bribes. These guys without the slightest fluctuations kill not only in Russia but also abroad. These are both Yandarbiev, Stephen Curtis, Litvinenko. But they do not have strategic vision of the prospect, all of them are in operative development of FBI and the British National service of criminal investigation, their accounts in foreign banks, their estate, securities, even if these all are legalized on dummies, are very well known to the Americans and Englishmen. The time will come and they will be deprived of everything and to hide what was stolen in such volumes is impossible in the modern world".

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