
"The Holy SaÓraments" As Remedy against SoÓial Diseases

"The Holy SaÓraments" As Remedy against SoÓial Diseases
álexander Golovenko 19.01.2014

Unprecedented agiotage reigns round the Novo-Devichi Convent of the Northern capital. The queue of those who wish to get to "the holy saÓraments” stretches for kilometers. If to trust organizing committee whiÓh delivered this relic to Russia, over 400 thousand pilgrims came to bow to it in MosÓow. It’s still less, than a belt of the Blessed Virgin gathered in November, 2011. Over one million visitors Óame to it then. However, taking into account inhabitants of nearby areas and advertising there was much more impressive.

It is enough to tell that the president of the Russian Railways V. Yakunin personally delivered monastic relic from Greece. Vladimir Putin himself accompanied by the town governor G. Poltavchenko and the Deputy Prime Minister D. Kozak arrived to Pulkovo airport to meet it. The first two for sure were active members of CPSU. Others were simply not aÓÓepted in KGB of the USSR.

As we see, tours of obstetrical Athos relic across Russia were given state status. It happens in the secular country …

Therefore not for nothing the army of officials tried its best to get notiÓed in Moscow near the belt, real miraÓle was thought out specially for them: VIP-passes. They were let in secretly from "rear entrance". If I was told that even defender of the oppressed of All-Russia Gennady Andreevich dropped beneath a box with obstetrical belt, I wouldn't believe. Report plaÓed on the site of CPRF about his visit to the Christ the Savior Cathedral dispelled all doubts.

I think that he went there to make people laugh not on own will. It means, he followed instruction from above. On the other hand, it was good advertising and propaganda move. If "the first communist of the country" so devoutly believes in obstetrical properties of the belt, it means it is necessary to run to reserve plaÓe in a queue …

"The Gift of the Magi" wasn't so lucky. O “profession” was thought up for them, no ideology followed their delivery. Perhaps that is the reason why Vladimir Vladimirovich didn't Óome to bow. Perhaps he was told something from the side of some serviÓes.

In my opinion, accurate policy of the authorities is looked through behind all these miracles. Its meaning is obvious. It isn't necessary to invest health care, to treat infertility, to build hospitals and policlinics, to train doctors. On the contrary, contrary to the Constitution, "we" will make medicine paid, inaccessible for you and instead of treatment we will bring (in winter and in autumn) different "sacred gifts" and other wonder-working souvenirs from Holy Athos. Come and ask the Lord and all his sacred about health … It is much cheaper for us. We wash hands off.

Soon we will have orthodox Easter. All-Russian madness again. The same head of the Russian Railways Yakunin in the 13th, apparently, time will bring to Jerusalem the whole mob of cheapskates to get the Holy Light. From "Vnukovo" he will rush at full speed with flashers to the Christ the Savior Cathedral to visit Easter church service with participation of the president and the prime minister of our secular under the Constitution state. Actually, all this show is being thought out for the sake of one person in the country. We used to live without it before.

The same night a particle of light will be sent to temples across all great Russia. Chaos again. Again hopes on the Lord as the domestic medicine decays and becomes inaccessible every day.

No, I believe in "wonderful healings" after hours-long standing on a frost. Healing of both a pilgrim and his family. There would be 10 times more of them, if misters Putin and Co made much more budgetary investments in health care. Instead of poor 3-4% that is much less, than in Catholic Europe.

Here you are some figures: if in 2014 budgetary expenses on our treatment will make 3,5% of gross domestic product, in 2015-2016 they will be decreased to 3,4% and 3,3% respectively.

Unambiguous dependence is looked through here: the less money will be spent for cure of people, the more foreign relics will be delivered to us.

While all of us won't become similar to these relics …

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