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Simple Citizens Would Be Allowed to the Olympic Games Only as Servants

Simple Citizens Would Be Allowed to the Olympic Games Only as Servants

Putin's decree entering additional security measures during the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi in 2014 came into force. The document signed by the head of state is published in "The Russian Newspaper". The most interesting in it is the list of controlled zones as well as the borders of prohibited zone. Since January, 7, 2014, that is a little earlier than a month before the beginning of winter Olympic Games till March, 21, 2014, that is one week after completion of the Paralympic Games access of people and vehicles to controlled zones will be carried out after carrying out of their examination by police officers. Access to prohibited zones will be allowed only for needs of the service or business.

Entrance of vehicles to the territory and movement on the municipality territory of resort town of Sochi will be limited during specified period. The ban won't concern railway transport, transport of locals and cars having accreditation certificates. Restriction of movement of transport through check point Adler will be entered.

The decree forbids to carry out meetings, gatherings, demonstrations, procession and picketing not connected with carrying out of the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games from January, 7 to March, 21, 2014 in the territory and in water areas where additional security measures will be taken.

Borders of the prohibited zone pass: from the frontier of the Russian Federation with the Republic of Abkhazia to the mouth of the river Mzymta with the exception of the settlement Nizhneimeretinskaya Bukhta, highway Dzhubga - Sochi (M-27), the river Mzymta, settlements Vysokoe, Akhshtyr, Monastyr, mountain range Aibga, natural boundary Grushevaya Polyana, cordon Pslukh; further from cordon Pslukh to the northwest down the river Mzymta, except the mountain range Psekhako and settlements Esto-Sadok, Krasnaya Polyana, Chvizhepse, Medoveevka, Kepsha, Monastyr; further to the northwest up to the mountain Semenovsky Shpil, except settlements Vorontsovka, Semenovka; further along the mountain range Alek to confluence of the rivers Sochi and Agva; further up the rivers Agva to the mountain Travyanoj Shpil except natural boundary Verkhneorekhovo, including natural boundary Budinok Aul; further up the rivers Bolshaya Monashka, Bzogu to confluence of the rivers Shahe and Bzych, except natural boundary Pyataya Rota, settlement Bzogu, natural boundary Bzych; further up the rivers Bzych to confluence of the rivers Beresovaya and Belaya, except the mountain Bolshaya Chura; further up the rivers Beresovaya up to the river Achipse; further along the left bank of the river Achips, down the river Laura, including the Khmelevskye Lakes, 2nd cordon of Achipse, natural boundary Battalion; further along the left bank of the river Laura up to the river Urushten, including the mountain range Levaya Pseashkha; further along the left bank of the river Urushten, down up to the river Urushten (Chernaya), including the lake Maloe, the camp Kholodnoe, camp Staryj Urushten; further along the left bank of the river Urushten (Chernaya), down the river Malaya Laba, except the mountain Lohmatay, the mountain ranges Mertvaya Skala, Krasnaya Skala, cordons Chernorechye, Tretya Rota; further from the river Malaya Laba to the southwest up to the river Tsakhvoa; further from the river Tsakhvoa to the southeast up to the river Yukha; further from the river Yukha up to the mountain Damkhurts; further to the south along the border of Karachai-Cherkess Republic to the frontier of the Russian Federation with the Republic of Abkhazia.


From editorial board: The most interesting in the decree, of course, is its compliance to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. That is its full noncompliance to it.

Thus article 4 of the Basic Law in point 2 says that

The Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws have supremacy in all territory of the Russian Federation.

Article 27 of the same law, point 1 claims that

Every who legally stays in the territory of the Russian Federation shall have the right to free travel, choice of place of stay or residence.

It is obvious that Putin's decree explicitly contradicts also to article 4 and especially to article 27. The same way to the notorious article 31 which assumes that

Citizens of the Russian Federation shall have the right to assemble peacefully, without weapons, hold rallies, meetings and demonstrations, marches and pickets.

Though maybe the Constitution of the Russian Federation does any exceptions? Really it’s described in article 55, point 3:

The rights and freedoms of man and citizen may be limited by the federal law only to such an extent to which it is necessary for the protection of the fundamental principles of the constitutional system, morality, health, the rights and lawful interests of other people, for ensuring defence of the country and security of the State.

Free presence of citizens at the Olympic Games doesn't in any way entrench upon bases of the constitutional system, moral, health and the more so defense of the country. What’s the matter then?

The more so it’s stated in the article 56:

In conditions of a state of emergency in order to ensure the safety of citizens and the protection of the constitutional system and in accordance with the federal constitutional law certain limitations may be placed on human rights and freedoms with the establishment of their framework and time period.

Unless the Olympic Games can be treated as state of emergency?

Thus we observe full neglect of constitutional rights of citizens from the part of the authorities.

It turns out that extremely expensive event is carried out on the funds of the state budget, that is on our general money and citizens whose money are used for this purpose will be allowed to it only as servants. Even monarchs don't allow themselves such behavior, not that "democratic" governors.

It’s interesting if the Russians will be just beaten and imprisoned for attempt to be present at the Olympic Games? The same way as for border crossing?

Certainly, it is possible to consider it appeal to the Constitutional court, but this organization is engaged, in my opinion, in everything, but for protection of constitutional laws of citizens. I can’t recollect a case when it protected... There will be no exceptions here.

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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