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What Law Did They Infringe Persistently Trying to Get Audience?

What Law Did They Infringe Persistently Trying to Get Audience?

It’s forbidden to insist on acceptance

On April, 8 Moscow City Court upheld decision of Presnensky court which "punished" activists of Movement of Hostels of Moscow for attempt to draw attention of officials to problems of people.

Let’s remind that on January, 31 activists of Movement of Hostels of Moscow tried to get audience in the Department of Housing Policy. They were not accepted in the department, moreover, sent for OMON which kicked people who tried to get the audience off. In protest, Zimbovsky and Dmitrieva chained themselves inside the office of the department.

On February, 9, 2013 Presnensky court adjudged their actions as disobedience to legal requirements of police officers. Dmitriyeva got a penalty, Zimbovsky was sent to five days of administrative arrest.

Both Zimbovsky and Dmitrieva tried to find out in court on what bases legality of requirements of police officers was. Which law they violated persistently trying to get the audience. Neither the court of original jurisdiction which passed the decision, nor the court of appellate jurisdiction gave answers to their questions. Though it’s not so, I am sorry, "his Honor" of the second court deigned to explain that Zimbovsky and Dmitrieva came to the audience in "unprovided by law order".

It’s Possible to Break in

At the same time police gave official answer to the complaint of a violation of inviolability of residence of the worker of "Salut" Pavlova Svetlana Vladimirovna. Policemen wrote that they wouldn’t attract anybody to responsibility.

Let’s remind, on 19.03.2013 representatives of the city authorities and militia without any court judgment, having spat on the principle of inviolability of residence stipulated in the constitution and housing and criminal procedure codes, broke in the house of Pavlova (hostel on 9aya Ulitsa Sokolinoy Gory, 9) and tried not only to kick her off from the apartment, but also to make her come with them to the police station "for living without registration" (it should be noted that Pavlova, as well as other inhabitants of the hostel at the moment really lives without registration, but it’s not her "fault", it’s a will of the city and factory authorities trying to drive people out of honestly earned housing). Policemen got out from Pavlova's apartment only after intervention of other residents and appearance of the journalists on the scene.

Well, now police deigned to write that it refuses to make guilty responsible. Nothing has been received yet from prosecutor's office and investigative committee. Though orally it has been already said to Pavlova's representative that reaction would be the same. "The house where Pavlova lives belongs to the city, - they explained. – It means that city officials have the right to enter own property!"

So, such sovereign democracy we have, if you go to the official in "unprovided by law order" - offense, go under arrest. While officials and policemen can come to simple people -not owners of housing - when and how they like, even through the closed door.

Naturally, residents of hostel "Salut" don’t like it. They are going to join campaign of residents of other hostels who are going to go to the city hall (the action will begin on April, 10 at 16-00 before city administration of Moscow) and to demand explanation of the above described situation.

Additional information:

8-916-737-10-33, 8-905-537-22-99 Аlexander

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