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Ecologists Bury the Water Code, While Zyuganov “Acts As Sponsor” of Barbarian Building Up of Serebryannyy Bor

Ecologists Bury the Water Code, While Zyuganov “Acts As Sponsor” of Barbarian Building Up of Serebryannyy Bor

Action “Commemoration of the Water code” will take place on August, 2 on reservoirs of Moscow. Organizers — party "Yabloko" and movement “Open Coast” — intend to examine three "flashpoints" of the North-west administrative code of Moscow, protected territories: Karamyshevskaya Naberezhnaya, Serebryannyy Bor and the Shchukinsky Peninsula.

The authorities of Moscow allow businessmen to build elite settlements in the “green zones” still remaining in the city. “Serebryannyy Bor” causes special fears of ecologists today: according to some data, coordinator of social movement “Open Coast” Sergey Menzheritsky told Radio Freedom that town-planning and ground commission of Moscow approved mass building in the nature sanctuary territory. The quantity of elite mansions and townhouses in the territory of the pine-forest will increase in 8 times, the ecologist affirms.

— The government of Moscow actually spoiled a strip of the coast, it’s been digged, trees were lost. That zone was recognized invaluable though it is the only wood on the bank of the Moskva river. Wood strips will also be built up, the territory of "Mosdachtrest" will be condensed even more strongly.

“Serebryannyy Bor” is a part of the Moskvoretsky park as well as nature reserve the Shchukinsky Peninsula. Capital construction is forbidden in this nature reserve territory. However situation changes, Menzheritsky says:

— The territory was grasped by anonymous powerful structure, it was fenced, security appeared. Several months ago by means of press and militia we tried to get there. We opened the territory, but it was fenced again. Officials allowing such things — "werewolves" from ecology — the activist assures.

One more flashpoint — Karamyshevskaya Naberezhnaya. 6 mansions were erected there in 2008. As activists say, “in a style of soap opera "Santa Barbara"”— with pools, high fences and own mooring berths. Thus, access of the Muscovites to the river is limited that breaks article 6 of the Water code of the Russian Federation. Article guarantees citizens free access to the water coasts of the country. Two years later Kuntsevsky court decided to demolish uncontrolled settlements, however demolition was stopped. Now there are about 12 mansions on Karamyshevskaya Naberezhnaya, activists raise alarm.

Within the action “Commemoration of the Water Code” ecologists and public figures want to pay attention of the society to violation of the law. A meeting authorized by the Moscow authorities will pass on August, 4th with the same purposes. It will begin at 12 o'clock at the intersection of Narodnoe Opolchenie Street and Marshal Zhukov Avenue. The chairman of the Moscow city society of protection of nature Galina Morozova assures: “involvement of Muscovites” — one of the ways to achieve protection of green zones of the city. Russians should understand that protection of green territories — not a whim of mad ecologists, health of their children depends on it, Morozova considers. First of all it is necessary to toughen legislation:

— Unfortunately, our Environmental Legislation after 1995, when laws “On Ecological Examination”, the Water, Wood and other codes were adopted was emasculated from position of ecological requirements. It protects nothing. Using laws “About environmental protection” and “About animals” we hardly protect habitats of animals and birds written in to Red Book of Moscow. It is necessary to change federal legislation, but it’s too long to wait. With reference to Moscow it is necessary to toughen law of Moscow “On especially protected natural territories” according to which it was authorized to build commercial objects. Sports complexes and outlets — are after all also commercial.

Galina Morozova added that since the end of 2010, when the mayor of the city was replaced, building up of a large number of “green zones” were carried out under pretexts of beautification.

— If you can imagine that the Department of Natural Resources Management initiated and carried out such building up as in the landscape wildlife area “Teply Stan” or in “Bittsevsky Wood” at Luzhkov? There was no speech about slaving slabs on the roads. Everything was ecologically safer, — Galina Morozova assures.


From editorial board: It’s not true that it was ecologically safer at Luzhkov, "the best mayor" simply didn't have enough time to reach those territories. For example, the bank of the Butakovsky Gulf in the same North-west district was spoiled at Luzhkov. At the same time it became impossible to swim in the Moskva river anywhere along Svoboda Street though earlier there was a set of natural beaches there. Sobyanin only continued tendency though it should be noted – he really succeeded in it.

It’s strange in general - the law not allowing to block access of citizens to water exists since the 12th century in the Scandinavian countries, while in Russia every pitiful official behaves as "wild barin". At that we have laws, but the authorities don't follow them - moreover representatives of the power are the main violators.

By the way, very few people know that the territory of Serebryannyy Bor is a lawful property of the newspaper Pravda - it was bought by edition from the Moscow City Executive Committee in the middle of the 30s for construction of resort center for employees of the publishing house. It was used on that purpose for ten years until the first mayor of Moscow Gabriel Popov together with the deputy Luzhkov signed the contract with the editor-in-chief of "Pravda" of that time Gennady Seleznev about gratuitous (!) transfer of the territory of resort center to the city for treatment of children. For a period of 3 years. Since then edition didn’t hear a word about that earth. As well as sick children.

I think that sooner or later summer houses and mansions in Serebryannyy Bor should be returned to the lawful owner - even under purely bourgeois laws. If Zyuganov didn't dismiss me from the post of the editor-in-chief of "Pravda" – judicial trial would have been passing at full speed and the prospect would be obvious. And now... Actually Zyuganov is the main "sponsor" of barbarian building up of Serebryannyy Bor. Vampires in power shouldn’t be afraid - the main "oppositionist" will never decide to return the property to "Pravda" even through bourgeois court. He is quite satisfied with free small house in the resort area of the Presidential Administration in Snegiri.

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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