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We Are Being Persuaded to Start the Third Chechen War?

We Are Being Persuaded to Start the Third Chechen War?

Very suspicious report that Muslims are ostensibly going to fill Moscow with blood, if someone (who?) will interfere with introduction (where? in Moscow? in the country? in the world?) of Sharia courts was shown yesterday on REN-TV? This ridiculous declaration was made by certain ostensibly known lawyer, the statement was followed, of course, by rough and quite clear indignation of citizens that generated, which is quite clear, a set of anti-Muslim statements.

Certainly, all this is nonsense, wildness and barbarity and even at all indistinctness of the article 282 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation "Hatred or Hostility Excitement..." we can understand that it’s it in its pure form. As well as it could be article 280 "Public appeals to implementation of extremist activity". It is also clear that such declaration can’t be left unpunished.

It’s more interesting – who needs it and to whom it is favorable? Cui prodest? I will never believe that the lawyer though somehow familiar with the right and besides former militiaman, at present assistant to the chairman of the committee of the Federation Council on social policy and health care out of a blue sky made such declaration. I won’t also believe that channel REN-TV turned out to be so obliging to take initiative and let this bomb appeared on the air. Such statements can’t be done offhand, serious information occasion is necessary here - the conflict on the national base, unsolved crime, mistake of justice or something similar to it. If there was something of the kind recently? I can’t recollect. Then why it was necessary to show such obviously paid journalism, having no relation to journalism? They need exaggerated sensation? Or it was ordered? Putin, rescue and protect from the mussulman?

Whether on the threshold of inauguration some purifying way is necessary for unity of the nation, of the local character as our armed forces weakened by fashion of the designer Yudashkin have no enough strength to start world one? Unless some fool will bomb foreign banks with own capitals.

Or may be it’s necessary to spread a bit of religious dope with the Muslim musty smell for strengthening of authority of the church? Say, the Russians, wake up. There are also other variants - popularity of Pussy Riot popularity makes it impossible to sleep or imperialists-bloodsucker try to distract the workers from class fight. If so, everything turned out perfectly well – people reacted at once on a sore anti-Islamic theme. A pair of other exaggerated sensations - and nobody will remember about the results of elections. Что и требовалось доказать.

As to the courts, in my opinion, people worry in vain – you can enter both the sharia right and the Martian one – none will work in this situation.

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