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Fraud. Preview of Some Polling Stations in Free Russia

Fraud. Preview of Some Polling Stations in Free Russia

Source: d-schedrin

Village Mosrentgen, nowadays the geographical center of Moscow, situated in 10 km from Moscow Ring Road. Usual construction market. Polling station №3377 is situated among these jungles, between trading tents with nails, doors and doner kebabs, in small pavilion №41.

The chairman of the polling board №3377, if to trust the protocol, is Frolov V.A. Actually all election commission consists of 3 people – the above-mentioned chairman, his deputy – Perkulaeva S.M. and the secretary – Muzalevsky N.G. They haven’t heard here about such phenomenon as members of commission with the right of a casting vote, the more so with consultative vote.

At 17.00 call-center of "Citizen-observer" received a call from one of the candidates (if I am not mistaken in municipal deputies) who informed that he found polling station №3377 in the settlement of Mosrentgen in the construction market. There’s no polling station with such number in the settlement in general. There’s such in Moscow, Oleko Dundich Street, 11, in maternity home.


Observers went to the building market and confirmed presence of such polling station there. The chairman found out there explained that the maternity home doesn't cope and it was decided to organize additional polling station outside Moscow Ring Road on the territory of the building market (23 km far from maternity home!!! - comment of the author). He even showed the decision with seal.

That was the beginning of funny things.

It was found out that already 1033 people voted, i.e. approximately 50% of the voting turnout. Though observers present there from 18.00 didn’t see any voter. The answer of the chairman was: “All voted before arrival of the observers”.

The chairman "forgot" to write down numbers of absentee ballots.

At 20.00 as well as across all Russia calculation began. Several packs of accurately held packs of bulletins were taken from ballot box. No scissors were found on the site. The police officer tried to pass them through fan lattice. Somehow the question with scissors was solved. Enlarged copy of the report was used by the chairman as a draft copy. He heard nothing about flip-charts. He spread it directly on a table and filled it in there. It was inconvenient to do it. "Big" report was curving all the time. According to some observers he didn’t understand the aim of the enlarged copy of the report at all. After all there’s small report.


A tag with the number of the polling station at last appeared on a site of web elections. Officially it is called shopping mall “Slavyansky Mir”. There are no translations from there. The polling board wasn't connected to the Internet. By the way it’s still hanging there.

Results: 87% voted for Putin. Nobody saw the voters.

PS. Though the readers sent a photo of even more original polling station - this time in free and happy Chechen Republic.



On the photo – polling station №49. Less than 500 people vote there.

The Chechen Republic, Vedensky municipal district, Guninskoe village settlement. Village Meseda, private house.


How many such “polling stations” are there in Russia?

From editorial board: Actually it’s very interesting question - what for? All know perfectly well that Putin has simulated elections long before the beginning of election campaign - at first all opposition parties trying to undergo procedure in the Ministry of Justice weren’t allowed to participate in the elections. Then all self-promoted candidates – except Prokhorov whom Putin sent “to struggle with himself” - received natural refusals. At last Yavlinsky was also removed from elections. As a result the set of candidates consisted of absolutely chanceless candidates - and nevertheless Putin's popularity appeared so great that enchanting frauds were necessary even against candidates "Coward-Bonehead-Former" (on accurate Kasparov's expression) to get the majority in the first round.

Someone should show these photos to Obama, let him be pleased with the Russian modernization when he would next time guzzle hamburgers with our "mubarak"...




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