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Real Politics of Squares

Real Politics of Squares
Alexay Lapshin 13.02.2012

As one would expect, presidential candidates Gennady Zyuganov and Sergey Mironov didn't take part in the procession along Yakimanka and in the meeting on Bolotnaya on February, 4th. Oligarch Michael Prokhorov joined procession, but didn’t appear among its orators. It’s not so important what true reasons of their decisions are: instructions from the Kremlin, some personal tactical reasons or frost in general. Their refusal is indicative, it unequivocally testifies that these figures aren't going to stake on the national protest.
Actually, what doubts could be about it?! After all all candidates admitted to "election campaign" are selected just because they aren't going to struggle for a victory. It wasn't clear, apparently, to theorists who lost like a child in the woods calling to vote “using Navalny’s method”: for every candidate, except Putin. Those candidates showed their attitude to protest movement on February, 4th. If it’s not clear that they will accompany the power at any results of voting?!
However, I will not be surprised, if supporters of "Navalny’s method” or idea of "the transitive president” will continue insisting further on their variants. To invent new arguments. As liberals who are the main supporters of this tactics like to talk about morals in politics, I will not be ashamed to say banal things and will cry out once again: it’s IMMORAL to urge people to vote for those whom they consider unworthy! As we see after events on February, 4th it’s useless to count on Zyuganov, Mironov, Prokhorov and others.
On the other hand, it looks like the grouping of so-called system liberals in the Kremlin tries to use situation now to push notorious agents of the national security aside from the power by means of easing and in the long term elimination of become odious Putin. (Several years ago I wrote article where I predicted V.V. destiny of Michael Jackson. I meant that mass-media have inflated soap bubble from Vladimir Vladimirovich and that the same mass-media will be the first to tear him to parts, to destroy as pop idol. Now information attack on Putin has already begun and is quickly enough developing.)
For achievement of its target the grouping of the Kremlin "liberals" aspires to take control over powerful wave of the national protest. Appearance of ex-minister of Finance Kudrin and other “negotiations initiatives” on oppositional scene is connected with it. In the given context it’s also necessary to note active participation in organization of meetings on Bolotnaya Square and Sakharov Avenue of such "system oppositionists” as Gennady Gudkov and Ilya Ponamaryov from «Fair Russia». As we see, already third action which gathered not less than hundred thousand people comes to end with deja vu resolution. The power seems to pay no attention to these resolutions, but after all we see only the top part of an iceberg. It’s quite probable that redistribution of forces takes place inside the mode now.
Some words about distinctions between Bolotnaya and Poklonnaya. Conflict kindling between areas is actually favourable to the power. The matter is that those who came to Bolotnaya and those who came to Poklonnaya represent each other very badly. For people from Poklonnaya Bolotnaya – is a place of gathering of liberals-Westerners, Russophobes, supporters of Chubays, Gaydar, Hillari Clinton … For visitors of Bolotnaya - walkers on Poklonnaya – violently driven supernumeraries from budgetary establishments or paid lumpens. In both cases representations are schematic.
Certainly, the protest on Bolotnaya isn't inspired by the State Department and “the fifth column”, but is caused by very deep social reasons. There’s nothing to speak about here. But to offend people from Poklonnaya as wholesale is also improper thing. The matter is that among organizers of oppositional meetings there’s really obvious prevalence of the right liberals-Westerners today though their ideas aren't dominating in the protest movement. Meanwhile this category of politicians causes extremely negative emotions among very considerable part of our people.
There shouldn’t be any illusion that it is a result of work of Putin agitation propaganda. Aversion to liberals is connected with memoirs on their stay in power in the ninetieth. Alas, not all understand that at Putin the country continues to follow neoliberal course. Only rhetoric has changed. However there are no bases to doubt that certain part of people who came to "anti-orange" meeting on Poklonnaya was there not by someone’s order and not for money, but as conscious opponents of neoliberal revenge. Thus such people are not necessarily Putin's supporters. Simply V.V.P. seems to them smaller harm, than organizers of the meeting on Bolotnaya. The given position is defective, as it leads to ignoring of fair requirements of democratization of political system - general today both for liberals, for the left, for nationalists and for patriots of imperial sense. No matter what those who came to Poklonnaya wanted, but voluntary or involuntarily they became puppets in the games of the mode.
Nevertheless, it is obvious that protest movement will cause a lot of questions and suspicions among citizens of Russia until it’s been associated with neoliberals and characters of the ninetieth. It is objective factor, there’s no way to escape it and the power successfully uses it.


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