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Around One Letter. If Love of Working Ural to Putin Is Strong?

Around One Letter. If Love of Working Ural to Putin Is Strong?
А. Zimbovsky 10.01.2012

Recently there was a letter from workers of UralVagonZavod in Nizhny Tagil made public in press. Authors of the opus declared that they created committee to support Putin and urged all other labor collectives to do the same.

To say that editorial staff was strongly surprised means to say nothing. The matter is that our correspondents periodically visited working Ural and what was read strongly dispersed from what they saw and heard personally. However, additional check will never be will excessive, therefore we decided to contact active workers of the working-class movement of Ural and to find out, whether that region of our power was suddenly overflowed by passionate love wave to one of two Kremlin gnomes.

5% can always be found

Naumov Anatoly Georgievich, the chairman of the shop committee of Trade Union of Mining and Melting Enterprises of Russia (of Nizhny Tagil metallurgical industrial complex) told that there really was the action where several employees of UralVagonZavod expressed support to Putin.

“All people are different, – he explained, - at every enterprise one could find about 5 percent of workers which pray on Putin. It is possible even to bring them to a meeting, especially, if they will be paid for it”.

However, according to Anatoly Naumov, opinion stated by that group “hardly reflects position of all collective. In crisis there were unproductive periods and job cuts at UralVagonZavod. As a result on elections Dzerzhinsky region (that is the region where the workers of UralVagonZavod use to live mostly) voted for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and Fair Russia”. On Anatoly Georgievich, moods at his industrial complex are similar.

““Fair Russia” was the first on the affiliated polling district of our shop, “United Russia”- occupied the second place. I personally have a lot of acquaintances, almost nobody from them voted for “United Russia”, all were very surprised, when it was declared that its rating is 49 percent”, - A.G.Naumov says.

He presented us to Rashnikov

Andrey Romanov (City Working Association of Magnitogorsk) declared that the workers of Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Industrial Complex (city-making enterprise of Magnitogorsk) didn’t like Putin much as Putin helped present owner of the Complex Rashnikov to become the owner of the factory and the city. It was Putin, according to the workers, who covered big business operation on "fair" taking shares of the workers away, even veterans of Magnitogorsk who devoted all their lives to industrial complex didn’t manage to escape it.

The fact that Putin's protege, having grasped MMC, made life of its workers extremely "cheerful" didn’t add love to the existing in Russia constitutional system. Two thirds of workers were transferred to work in branches (it meant salary falling practically twice), heavy-handed discipline were established for all workers (the worker of the enterprise can lose award, category and even work if he talks to the master not in that tone, if he comes to work for 13-14 instead of 15 minutes prior to the beginning of his change, if during the year he takes several sick-lists, if he refuses to hide injury at work).

Also, according to A.Romanov, Magnitogorsk was strongly surprised by officially announced results of elections. For at first mass-media officially declared that rating of United Russia is 37 %, then they kept silent for a day and after dumbfounded all with the rating of 63%.

Hot greetings from the miners

The leader of independent trade union of miners of North Ural Bauzite Mine Valery Zolotaryov asked to say hello to Putin and transfer the promise that Severouralsk won't vote for Putin!!

Shop steward of Sverdlovsk inter-regional trade union of railwaymen Matvej Salnikov describing attitude of working Ural to VVP told two following stories: “I come to the entrance, see people there who ask me to let them in. I ask: “Who are you?” They answer: “We are propagandists from "United Russia". I say: “Go away from here!” They: “Why people don't like us, they send us away from everywhere. While we are just at work”.

... Then there was protest action against fraud on elections. Though the meeting was unapproved, all the same several thousand people gathered. Instead of the poster they took a teddy bear, placed them on a stake, lifted. That is our attitude to Putin and United Russia”.

The author of the material has simply nothing to add to such exhaustive explanations!

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