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Country Gets Ready for All-Russia Protest Action on December, 10th

Country Gets Ready for All-Russia Protest Action on December, 10th

Large scale falsifications during so-called "elections" on December, 4th, the first after execution of the House of Councils in 1993 mass bringing of interior troops to Moscow, mass kidnappings, brutal beatings, violent and illegal detention of people carried out by a ruling clique last days have no justification. All guilty of this lawlessness should incur deserved punishment according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Pressure upon the power capable only to aggravate the problems of Russia and making impression of more and more criminal should proceed with the help of all accessible to citizens of Russia lawful ways.

These are the requirements of today uniting all healthy and reasonable forces of Russia:

• cancellation of making impression as obviously forged "elections" on December, 4th;

• discharge of political prisoners and cancellation of repressive 282nd article of the Criminal Code;

• carrying out of fair elections in the State Duma, the Federation Council and regional Legislative Assemblies to which all really existing in the country political forces will be admitted on the basis of notifying principle of registration of parties and blocks;

• postponement and carrying out of fair and free presidential elections of the Russian Federation.

At 14:30 on Friday press conference devoted to organization of the meeting will take place in the Independent press-center. The following people are invited to participate in press conference:

Ilya Ponomaryov, the deputy of the State Duma, fraction “Fair Russia”

Sergey Shargunov, a writer

Alexander Krasnov, “Great Russia”

Sergey Udaltsov, the Left Front

Anastasia Udaltsova, the main applicant of the meeting

Anatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

Dmitry Chyorny, a writer, a member of the Executive Committee of the Left Front

United civil meeting will take place in Moscow on December, 10th, its basic slogans will be “We demand coordination of the elective legislation of the Russian Federation and the Constitution!”, “We demand fair and free elections!”, “People are against dishonest elections!” The meeting will pass from 14:00 to 16:00 on Revolution Square next to the Charles Marx statue (metro station Teatralnaya).

Meeting is coordinated with the authorities – application to hold it was submitted to the Government of Moscow on November, 29th. The organizer of the meeting - Organizing Committee of joint actions of the Moscow opposition consisting of: the Left Front, "Solidarity", PARNAS, ROT FRONT, “Working Russia”, Initiative Group on Carrying out of Referendum “ZOV”, the party – “Volya”, “Fatherland: Common Sense”, the Left Socialist Action. All who consider "elections" which took place on December, 4th in the State Duma illegitimate are invited to participate in the meeting.

- There is certain problem with carrying out of meeting, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov reminds. - Coordination of the place of meeting on Revolution Square is last stage, the square is not so big, there’s unobstructed pass to Bolotnaya Square therefrom which is more spacy, but the place itself isn't pleasant to majority of the participants. Let’s note that Limonov has already cursed on the occasion, but organizers are reasonably afraid of slaughter. Limonov is right in a way – it’s silly to ask permission of the mode to do things which it should permit without it, if revolutionary situation becomes ripe in the country. But on the other hand, if a part of protestors would remain on Revolution Square – it will not be possible to avoid slaughter. Organizers can be understood - not everyone will incur responsibility to let several thousand people be beaten. Dilemma... Thirdly – well, may be they will be beaten… In our wonderful country one can be beaten without any reason, while there’s valid reason here. Besides the power can get afraid to make beating of peace demonstrators obligatory tradition. World mass-media (the Russian one is silent) speak about "disorders" in Moscow, Petersburg and other cities of Russia. But if these are disorders I one can’t show any broken store window, any burned car, there is no possibility to show even a small bruise which any OMON fighter has. All disorders occur exclusively because of actions of so-called "forces of law and order". I think it is necessary to show a little bit more organization and simply to go in very big organized crowd, the place is no longer important and to demand from Putin with his manual Medvedev and pocket "United Russia” to leave our country amicably.


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