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New Method of Suppression of Fires - Treading with Boots

New Method of Suppression of Fires - Treading with Boots
Ivan Kudryavtsev 03.10.2011

"If you understand that you have actually in city center, in recreation park the laying which decays and your size of footwear is capable to trample it ..." - that's the reaction of our "emergency" minister on September, 13th on the information of citizens of Bratsk that it's practically impossible to breathe in the city because of burning wood.

Rigid reaction. Really, what are they doing there, unless are playing in preference all days long? Fail to tread 3.5 hectares of burning forest park.

Already in a while additional forces of the Ministry of Emergency Situations from Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tomsk were sent to help, moreover two helicopters Mi-8 and the plane water-carrier Be-200 were also directed there. All of them to suppress fires on 3.5 hectares of forest park? Whether it's not an excessive reaction?

No, reaction is normal. Simply our minister has got too much excited, he hasn't penetrated into the essence of the matter, has believed superficial information. Actually situation with burning woods in Bratsk isn't better today, than in Moscow region last year. After all the most severe draught has been established in taiga surrounding the city of Bratsk. There were no rains or snow for practically last three months. Just few drops fell. The soil in the wood has dried out to dust-like condition.

What could be said about wood laying which, according to local workers of the department of Emergency Situations, is capable to ignite spontaneously? Even in absolutely dry condition. What do you think? As far as I know, there are no forest parks in Bratsk. There are city woods representing several thousands of hectares of the same taiga, with difficult enough relief and very strong anthropogenous loading.

On October, 1st, air in Bratsk was transparent, the sky was dark blue and people breathed easily. But it's not due to the fact that fires were treaded. Simply the wind changed its direction and blew from the Bratsky water basin. Water, as you know, doesn't burn and doesn't spread smoke into the therefrom city. What will be tomorrow when the wind can change its direction again?

Why did such difficult, burning situation develop in Bratsk? Because one does believe in wonder when hear a sound of thunder. Here you are the reason of obvious mistake of certain officials in city administration and non-observance of fire prevention rules by the population, their devil-may-care attitude to interdictions of the authorities during stayin in wood - all these has led to such pitiable result.

Thus one shouldn't forget about administrative varnishing that is about desire of officials of all levels to embellish a state of affairs that nobody from the tops frown or wag finger. Apparently, minister Shojgu also became a victim of similar embellished information when he burst in so emotional speech dedicated to all fair people of Russia.

I think we shouldn't talk here about deliberate arsons. Childish pranks with matches - yes. Unintentional arson because of casual handling of fire - quite probably. Because sometimes vagabonds warm themselves near to the fire in the wood, pilferers, it happens, make their dark affairs there. While I can't imagine adult person setting fire round his house ...? I do not trust! Unless only mentally ill?

The version about deliberate arsons is very convenient for the authorities, it's been duplicated. It is possible to write off for it a lot of thing including inability to warn, to liquidate arising forest fires with minimum losses.

The most important thing - we have absolutely forgotten today about those who will be the owners of our woods tomorrow, about our children. We should explain to them that wood is a living organism serving hand and foot to a man from immemorial times. That it should be protected and cared more, than some users cares for their computers. After all wood resignedly "works" even for inveterate townsman who has no idea about it. Mister Wood provides all of us with pure air. This we can come to the conclusion that alongside with Safety of Living, rather doubtful discipline of the school program, it is necessary to give children knowledge of wood, of rules of dialogue with it. Dialogue, as with any other living being. Probably, then we wouldn't look at an orange disk of the sun through a dense veil of smoke from burning woods.


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