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Striking Workers of Kazakhstan Put Forward Political Requirements in Answer to the Murder of the Active Member of Trade Union

Striking Workers of Kazakhstan Put Forward Political Requirements in Answer to the Murder of the Active Member of Trade Union

As FORUM.msk already informed, active member of trade union Zhaksylyk Turbaev was killed on Tuesday, August, 2nd at the enterprise "Munajfiltrservice". It became a turning point when the strikers decided to oppose the party in power "Nur-Otan" actively and to join "Popular Front" collectively. 28-year-old oil industry worker was found out at the workplace killed after trade-union meeting. It's interesting: the employer meaningly left him at his workplace when all workers went to trade-union conference.

This murder stirred up all striking region. Death of Tlegen Sagyndykov, dispersal of a camp of participants of a hunger-strike in "Ozenmunajgaz" on July, 8th and 10th,  death of a young oil industry worker Dohtorbaj Sarsenbaev in the explosion in "Zhondeu", Ltd and now next murder executed by hands of hired gangsters filled up the cup.

Seeing position of authorities, deputies of one-party Parliament and the party in power oil industry workers decided to organize campaign against "Nur-Otan". Their mass (about two thousand people) joining of recently created "Popular Front" became the first step on that way.

It is possible to argue whether it's done in time and if it on the contrary can interfere with realization of requirements of the strikers but one thing is clear - the workers don't want to put up with their position and to suffer resignedly murders, beatings and reprisals. Already political demands are put forward and we - socialists - from our part shouldn't stay away from these processes. Now it is necessary to start immediately:

1. To creation of one uniform trade union from among trade-union committees and groups which support the strike;

2. To begin discussion about formation of own political organization with accentuation of attention on requirements of nationalization and working control;

3. To start together with local residents the process of creation of national committees and other forms of self-organizing for rendering help to the strikers and non-admission of power suppression of strikes.

Socialist movement of Kazakhstan considers that strengthened propagation of socialist ideas and alternative way of development of the country is necessary, it should become the program and ideology of the modern working-class movement.


From editorial board: We are ready to help in every possible way to the workers of Kazakhstan in covering the news about their struggle, we are ready to support them using other forms. Including help not to repeat other people errors. In particular, what does requirement of nationalization mean in modern Nazarbaev's Kazakhstan?


Let's take, for example, joint-stock company "Кarazhanbasmunaj". Its owners are the Chinese state investment corporation CITIC Group and the Kazakh oil joint stock company Investigation Extraction "KazMunajGaz" (which is supervised by Nazarbaev's son-in-law Timur Kulibaev). Well, let us suppose that the Chinese (state, by the way) company will leave, the "national interests" will be represented then by Nazarbaev's son-in-law? Unless the workers will feel better?


Nationalization is a transfer of property to the state. While the state in Kazakhstan doesn't belong to workers and peasants at all, it is feudal-bajskoe. All most valuable things in the country belong to Nazarbaev's "family" - if it is necessary to add something else?


As we've already written, in conditions of semi-feudal capitalism the only way to improve position of workers is to demand participation in control over the enterprise on the basis of blocking holding of shares which under the charter is gratuitously transferred to labor collective in indivisible, inaliennable form. Then the working control will be effective - it will acquire mechanism. Where would results of working control go without it?


Certainly, it's a rhetorical question, application to them could be found but this way is not a straight one. Conversation about it should be detailed and separate. While it's quite real to join "Uniform Requirements of Labor Collectives During Strikes and Protest Actions". It's already working somehow in Russia, these requirements are real and in some places they are in the process of realization. It is quite possible to act with them also in Kazakhstan - they don't contradict to the legislation. Basically, nothing interferes with including them into the program of political organization. There's material for work.



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