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The Fifth Solitary for a Little More Than Two Months in Colony

The Fifth Solitary for a Little More Than Two Months in Colony

Source: skalinkina


All is strangely organized. We write about important things: about hopes to get the IMF credit, about next rise in prices, about Libya and the youngest state in the world Southern Sudan. While people in Novopolotskaya colony methodically and slowly practically kill a guy.


For a bit more than two months in the colony - he is sent to a solitary the fifth time. All in all it means more than a month staying in the solitary. Not the murderer, not the recidivist, not the tyrant, not the suppressor of small children and grandmothers. On December, 19th Nikita Likhovid just went to the street to protest against such system where people is a camp dust. Where everyone can appear tomorrow in prison and some "new Byelorussian" - the host of the prison - can scoff at everyone.


Solitary - is when you can have a walk only once a week. If you can imagine what means to sit in a stone cage in thirty-degree heat?!


Solitary - is when everything's forbidden, even to read books or newspapers.


Solitary - means constant hunger.


Solitary - is a torture. Even rights advocates speak about it.


More than a month of tortures...


Already in the end of May at a meeting with the son mother saw that he is a half of what he used to be. Thin, almost children's, icy hands. She all time rubbed those hands to make them at least a little warmer. While he calmed down: "Mum, don't worry, I breathe in a window leaf".


I am sure: Nikita can't tell anyone what he actually undergone during these two months because good sons have taboo on complaints; it is formulated simply: "Mum, don't worry..."

Staying in solitary for so long will either kill the guy, or make him cripple. He doesn't sign any papers in the colony and represents himself illegally condemned. He wakes up, goes to the place for morning exercises but doesn't do them, he simply stands there. On the question why - he answers that he is sentenced illegally and that he won't obey instructions till the charges are dismissed. All see this revolt and, probably, there are a lot of illegally sentenced there. So that example wasn't infectious, that other prisoners didn't ask for revision of the sentence using the same way, Nikita is over and over being send in the solitary. Ten days in the punishment cell, fifteen, five, twenty...

If he declared hunger strike, if he cut veins - it would be a grandiose state of emergency, the colony administration would scribble explanatory letters to all instances and would hardly be justified. But Nikita chose other form of revolt, as a matter of fact - other form of suicide. All events seem to appear within the limits of the law.

The most terrible is that all of us understand: none court in our country would reconsider sentence to Nikita Likhovid and other political prisoners. As the head of the state told: "Sentences are fair, there are no political prisoners in Belarus". Even if Nikita will die in punishment cell, neither judge Natalia Pykina, nor public prosecutor Anton Zagorovsky recognize that human life is on their head. The chief of Novopolotskaya colony Alexander Sivokho will not recognize either. The same way the chief of this chief... Though at heart each of them understands that this guy is not the criminal, he is hero.

Semi-official ideologists will always lose now in struggle for minds and hearts of the Byelorussians because they struggle with such boys - thin, big-eyed but staunch in their desire to live in free and fair country. Heroes of such ideologists at first train to break bricks with their heads for big money, then go to the streets and in groups of three-four attack peace people receiving from it some wild pleasure.

Thus if I had possibility to meet Nikita Likhovid I would ask him to take care of himself and do that morning exercises. After all normal people should live and to live long life that bad people don't run the show.

From editorial board: Today the Russian mass-media greedily retell "batka's" words that: "I want to confirm that I am wedded to the idea to develop relations with the Russian Federation". You know, I unconditionally trust "batka" in this case - he is wedded. Because similar people sit in management of the Russian Federation. Eventually, Lukashenko rescued the Belorussian industry and manufacture of inexpensive qualitative cheese, for that he can be forgiven several likhovids - you can't make omelet without breaking eggs. After all Putin also rescued Russia from disorder and lifted it from knees, for that he also could be forgiven... Big thing - several dead national socialists, several hundreds of political convicts and a pair of blown up houses. At that - Russia, go ahead!

So, Likhovid is in the solitary so that you, dear Russian brothers of the Belorussian brothers could gorge cheap cheese. Very good cheese, very cheap - in comparison to the European measures it's simply free. For the sake of such matter - to offer several likhovids is a very favourable exchange!

Well and, certainly, the Byelorussians are proud of their country, they are really free. Unless a person receiving 2 thousand roubles in the Russian currency monthly can not be free? Actually it's a reward of the work of those who makes cheese and cottage cheese, kefir and sour cream for us. Only Uzbeks and Tadjiks can be more free.

You can't hear now Tsoy's song "Changes" on the air of the Belorussian radio and TV. It is correct! Unless people already living almost in paradise can demand changes?

Only one thing confuses. Earlier "batka" spoke about uniform state, now - only about relations between the Slavic states. With Poland, likely?


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