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Workers in Russia Continue Dying and Becoming Cripples

Workers in Russia Continue Dying and Becoming Cripples

New tragedy occurred in Kuzbas which didn't still recover from the event on the mine "Raspadskaya". Next explosion took place on ferroalloy plant in Novokuznetsk on Wednesday, as a result of it one person died and 18 are wounded. Eyewitnesses write in blogs that strong clap was heard at first and then huge cloud of white smoke rose over the plant. Explosion was of such a force that it tore metal sheets from external covering of a building away and threw about enterprise territory.


Investigators opened criminal case under article "infringement of rules of labour safety". However nobody gives comments on the situation on Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Industrial Complex which group includes LLC "Kuznetsky Ferroalloy", probably, considering it purely corporate business which shouldn't be interesting to the society.


Explosion of a dust of alloy of iron and silicon in crushing workshop №5 of ferroalloy plant took place in the height of the working day - approximately at 11.00 a.m. of local time (08.00 a.m. of Moscow time).

The head of the press-service of Chief Directorate of the MES across Kemerovo region Valery Korchagin told to news agency RIA Novosti that, according to preliminary data of rescuers, "there was a dust clap of ferrosilicon".

Later on a site of Kuzbass management of Committee of Inquiry of the Public Prosecutor Office of the Russian Federation appeared information that "there was a local flash and ignition of the industrial dust of ferrosilicon in suspension the closed space". According to the department, 5 workers from 18 injured people as a result of the explosion were hospitalized. Condition of two of them is estimated as heavy.

The work of the enterprise ahs not been stopped in view of state of emergency.

Official representative of management of Committee of Inquiry of the Public Prosecutor Office of the Russian Federation across Kemerovo region Nadezhda Ananeva informed news agency RIA Novosti that criminal case under article "infringement of rules of labour safety on imprudence entailed death of a person" was opened. Punishment under this article - up to three years of imprisonment.

Civil liability of LLC "Kuznetsky Ferroalloys" was insured by the company "GUTA-INSURANCE", press-service of the insurer informed news agency RIA Novosti.

"LLC "Kuznetsky Ferroalloys" is our insurer under the contract of insurance of civil liability of exploiting organisations and proprietors of hydraulic engineering constructions for life tresspass, health and property of other people", - the company informed.

"Workers of the factory are not covered by insurance", - press-service noted.

It's the third time for last month when Kemerovo region appeared in the centre of attention in connection with state of emergency. On the night of May, 9th two explosions took place on a colliery "Raspadskaya" - one of the world's largest. According to all available information, 67 people died, the destiny of 23 is unknown. As a result of explosion more than 100 people suffered. In ten days, on May, 19th accident took place on the mine "Aleksievsky" in Leninsk-Kuznetsk area. Two underground drifters were mortally injured.

- There is an impression that proprietors of factories, mines and other objects of the former national economy of the USSR have the sensation that they privatized not only workshops and machine tools but also all space around, including information field together with destinies of people working for new owners, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - Let's see how deeply expression "my man", "my people" entered our lexicon. The prospect to appear "someone's man" embraces or offended nobody and at times it even pleases as future serfs in beginning of 17th century were glad to receive sowing grain under the deed of purchase - the document about personal dependence. We also do not understand today the degree the customs simplified and environment of our dwelling degraded. There will be a lot of sensation, if some general or known actor died. While here - well, "someone's people" suffered, who cares except their "owner"?

PS. Rock collapse on the mine "Мagnetite" of Vysokogorsky Ore-Dressing and Processing Enterprise located in Nizhni Tagil of Sverdlovsk region occurred today. "Report about the incident arrived at 13:00 of local time/11:00 of Moscow time/. The borer of the mine died and mine surveyor suffered, he was brought to city hospital with limb fracture", - Ministry of Emergency Measures noted. Accident did not affect the work of the extracting enterprise, ITAR-TASS informs...


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