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Followers of Contract Relations of Moscow with Republics of the RF and Recreation of the USSR Greeted Agreement of Federal Centre with Tatarstan

Followers of Contract Relations of Moscow with Republics of the RF and Recreation of the USSR Greeted Agreement of Federal Centre with Tatarstan

Political scientist Anton Surikov supported ratification by the State Duma of the contract between the federal center and Republic Tatarstan and called to accelerate the signing of similar agreements with other national republics in structure of the Russian Federation, in particular, with Republic Adygea. According to the political scientist, it s the only way to keep integrity of the Russian Federation in long-term prospect.

Anton Surikov reminded that "the statehood in the structure of the Russian Federation was given to present republics by the Soviet authority. In the end of existence time of the USSR autonomies were legislatively equalled in the status with union republics and were allocated with the right to sing independently a new allied contract. However under the initiative of the largest union republic - RSFSR   the Soviet Union was destroyed". "The Russian Federation, - the political scientist emphasized, - bears all the responsible for the ruin of the Soviet Union".

"If even Baltic which made up an insignificant share of population and territory of the country, raised a question of its leave from the USSR, that however would not mean its disintegration, the former RSFSR was initially oriented on destruction of our multinational Soviet Native land", - Surikov told. He reminded that "on June, 12th, 1990 Congress of People's Deputies of RSFSR practically unanimously accepted the criminal declaration on the sovereignty which included item on the priority of laws of RSFSR above nation-wide.

It served as the beginning of so-called parade of sovereignties. In a year the population of RSFSR in the first round elected the president-destroyer Yeltsin who didn t hid his plans on destruction of the Soviet Union. In December, 1991 the Supreme body of RSFSR again practically unanimously ratified Belovezhsky agreements thus illegally destroyed the USSR. At last, in December, 1993 with the help of forged referendum the Constitution of the Russian Federation into which RSFSR was renamed was accepted .

"Independent Russian Federation appeared as a result of a crime in Belovezhskaya Puscha and has no relation to Russia, - the political scientist continued. - Historically Russia - is Russian empire, it is Soviet Union but not RSFSR-Russian Federation. The Russian Federation is what destroyed great Russia under "reformatory" slogans "to get rid of skibbies and other parasites" and so that "everything was as in the West". Despite of it national republics in the structure of the Russian Federation don t put a question about their exit".

"At the same time republics unlike regions and areas are - national state formations which categorically do not agree with artificial understating of their status and actual deprivation of statehood which was given to them by the Soviet authority . "Here you are the reason, - Anton Surikov speaks, - of the aspiration to fix precisely conditions of membership of national republics in the structure of the Russian Federation in special bilateral contracts and not to rely upon the federal acts accepted by authorities bodies in Moscow which are being formed according to Eltsin s Constitution by simple arithmetical majority   de-facto by the Russians which make up 80% of population of the RF .

"Certainly, the federal centre can deprive non-Russian people of their rights and if those won t agree - "to get them in the toilet". On my supervision the overwhelming majority of the Russians would approve using of force against "skibbies". But it s possible to apply force only if there s some. Today Moscow has it. But life is changeable and it can happen that there will be none tomorrow. And then "fans of power methods" will feel to the full on themselves the hatred of whole nations. The only way to escape from such script is to agree on some decision now. Positive example of achievement of such an agreement   is an agreement with Tatarstan recently signed. Those ones who don t understand it or, being busy with political speculations pretend that they don t understand, objectively create among non-Russian nations of the RF to the Russians and thus bury a mine under the wholeness of Federation which earlier or later would burst,    Surikov concludes.  

Anton Surikov's position is shared by another political scientist   Ruslan Saidov. He said: "A Promise of contractual relations with federal centre became one of the motives which induced many Chechens to lay down arms and to stop armed resistance. If these people will see that they are deceived, it will finally undermine trust to Russia and the Russians and at the moment of the next weakness of the federal authority, new shootouts in Moscow will make historically inevitable separation of all Northern Caucasus. To avoid it is necessary to agree now and to build relations on the basis of concordance and mutual compromises but not by the way of imposing of opinion of one, though numerous nation, to all others. Today s agreement with Tatarstan, future   with Chechnya, Bashkiria and other republics which want it - that are really wise compromises which will help in the nearest restless future to keep integrity of the RF .

Natalya Roeva, a member of editorial board of FORUM.msk which is in the capital of Tatarstan - Kazan, also agrees that agreement of this republic with the federal centre was vital. Roeva considers that Moscow should sign similar agreements with the Udmurt republic where she lives as well as with all other national formations of Finno-Ugric and Nenets peoples of the Russian Federation. Thus Natalya Roeva reminded that "more than 90% of gas and 80% of oil of the RF is situated now on the earth of these native peoples. That is  now all population of the Russian Federation exist due to Finno-Ugric and Nenets peoples whose lawful interests should be respected by Moscow so that once Central Russia won t become  transit territory  and  victim of energy blackmail  as it happens now with the Ukraine and Belarus .

Political scientist Vladimir Filin believes that the agreement of Tatarstan with federal centre should be added not only by similar agreements with other national republics of Russian Federation but also to restore urgently the Soviet Union with those CIS countries which will be ready to give their voluntary consent to it. Thus Filin is sure that one  shouldn t talk about entering of some of them the structure of the Russian Federation, there should be reconstruction of the Union compose of completely equal in rights republics".

Vladimir Filin thinks that "despite of severe offence which the Russian Federation cause to other sister republics having excluded them in 1991 despite of their will from the structure of the USSR and then repeatedly subjected to energy blackmail, it s not too late now to recreate new Soviet Union in structure of the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenia, three other non recognized republics - Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Transdniestria as well as national republics in the structure of the Russian Federation. Later new Union can be adjoined in some form the Unkraine, though its offence on the Kremlin for gas blackmail of the last year, certainly, is too big .  

Nevertheless, Filin considers, "there is such an alternative in front of the Russian Federation today: to recreate with fraternal people Empire on an equal in rights basis, new Soviet Union or disintegrate itself further up to full dismemberment and transition of Siberia and the Far East to China. By the way, in this case those Russian patriots who now loudly insists on a principle "one person - one voice" at the settlement of national question having appeared among billion of the Chinese would have full opportunity to be in the shoes of small nation of the RF and former USSR and to demonstrate their fidelity to principles .

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