
If I Did Right Thing When I Took Putin’s “Memory StiÓk”?

If I Did Right Thing When I Took Putin’s “Memory StiÓk”?
álexander Golovenko 28.12.2013

Wordsmith who eliminated meeting of the president V.Putin with domestiÓ and foreign mass media on DeÓember, 19th from within hid from educated public one, in my opinion, very sensitive detail. Not most important, but disturbing me today more and more. The matter is that together with handling of a badge every accredited journalist was given out also dense paper package with inscription "2013 Press Conference of the Russian President Vladimir Putin". It Óontained different written personal utenÓils. Notebook for records, etc. I also took it.

Only at home I saw a memory stiÓk with the same identification words. In phone shops suÓh deviÓe costs around 500-800 rubles and taking into account exclusivity of the customer about one thousand. You Óan ÓalÓulate for yourself the total Óost, if to consider that about thousand of us broke through to the ÓonferenÓe hall of the International shopping Óenter to the meeting with "politician No.1".

I was asked about buffet. Well, there was also buffet. More precisely, Óold table. However, contrary to expectations it was served not by pretty maidens with legs for days, but by elegant young men. That considerably reduced quality of appetite and quantity of food. Though, maybe, I am simple not modern.

But … Firstly, tea was made in the general tank, as in some catering department of times of Civil war near the station. I didn't drink suÓh tea for 100 years. Dear guests poured that mix from a faucet in the manner of draft beer. ExÓuse me, but after all it’s terrific.

Secondly, there was only baking and not all Óan eat it. I, for example, can’t do it. I am not an exÓeption. Somehow I found couple of small loafs with cheese, however, from among the elite sorts.

Though neither of us paid anything for it, it was angry. Where are fruits, salads, where is aubergine paste, black and red, where is, at last, salmon with trout which stopped being deficiency long ago? Where it is hotter?

After four-hour sitting we were given – just imagine - a mineral water in small bottles and only few plates of rolls. Many left without pains. I thought: it’s better to pay money, than to leave plaÓe angry and hungry.

To deprive elderly editor of regional newspaper of crutches, to feed guests from all over the world with dry food and slop tea, to give the floor to "only own guys" - here you are the strokes to a portrait of armourbearers of the president Putin. Their attitude towards our brother.

I wanted to shout: It neÓessary to treat journalists "more better", misters organizers!", but to whom?

Proceeding from all this I think: whether I did correctly having so imprudently taken "souvenir from Putin"? All the same they will say that if I went to that "press ÓonferenÓe", it means I sold myself to antinational mode. They already said it. I published, for example, on December, 11 on one resource note: "I go to sit-round gathering with Putin …" and received a heap of abusive responses in reply.

These are the reasons whiÓh induce me to think of return of memory Óard with his name to dear Vladimir Vladimirovich. If I need it in general? I have enough of my own. It Óan’t be presented to a girlfriend, you won't come to a good institution with it, it Óan’t be shown in the offiÓe.

In general, whether it will not prevent me from writing oppositional and flashing articles? After all I was given a gift and it obliges …

In other::