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Defense of Moscow from Sobyanin

Defense of Moscow from Sobyanin
А.E.Кrasnov 16.11.2013

Tverskaya Street without cars – barin’s dream not to see Muscovites messing around shops and café who can spoil his mood. The center of Moscow is being cleared of servile cars. Say we will go on foot on innovative tile.

Almost everywhere tile stands on end and splits into pieces. It was all planned so. They lay it and then change. Not bad! In winter women in general should wear felt boots overshoes so that not to break foot.

Multi-level junctions over MKAD?! There are no explanations to these construction except next tasty absorption of the Moscow budget. Jams on streets and on MKAD can be explained by lack of the second or third floors of junctions.

Mind of every normal Muscovite boils with indignation thinking about such squandering of the budget. Well, such is our servile destiny. Billionaire child Malyuta Liksutov felt himself at home in Moscow. Someone makes money on oil with gas, someone on aluminum and nickel. New guardsman decided to earn money on Muscovites. If citizen has no 16 000 rubles a month for Liksutov, he should go out of Ring Road. Later he will send people out of the Third Transportation Ring. Then out of MKAD. Only rich and their service staff will remain in Moscow.

If we pay for heat and electricity, it means we receive goods or service. If we pay to Liksutov for parking where there was our earth, what Liksutov and Sobyanin made for it earlier? Roads? No. We pay not to be arrested. We pay to barin so that he won’t beat the serf. In modern language - we pay to Liksutov and Sobyanin money for life. For a part of our life. We redeem part of our freedom. It is racket. It is criminal business authorized from above.

Part it should be said about total violation of the Russian legislation. Payment for parking is obligatory. It is accompanied by penalties for violation. These are the main signs of tax. But taxes are imposed by the federal law after discussion by regulatory authority. The same way it’s stated in the law which thirsty for money Liksutov refers to.

Payment for parking, its size and order of collection are entered by the vote of a meeting of elective representatives (municipal deputies) in councils and districts of the city. No! The need for money was so strong that paid parkings were entered by the decision of executive power. Sobyanin and Liksutov don’t care of the Russian laws. The payment is collected by the municipal enterprise. In fact - commercial structure. It’s in general totally inappropriate. New tax on Moscow car owners is imposed without the slightest imitation of democratic procedures, we are again put doggystyle. Several million Muscovites were poofed. Needy citizens are squeezed out from the center of Moscow. If you are a teacher, a doctor or a pensioner you should either sell a car or go out from Sobyanin’s lands.

Actually we are undergoing test for durability. If Liksutov’s business of making money on citizens will succeed, tomorrow they will enter payment for using of mobile phones or pass on foot on Sobyanin’s streets. The day after tomorrow they will enter payment for excess inhalation of Sobyanin’s air. Earlier we laughed at the fairy tale about Chippolino. Now we have senior Pomidor. Now we have our Three Fat men. Moscow is captured by impudent, ruthless, greedy "effective managers". They will simply gobble up us and won't choke.

Actions of Federation of car owners of Russia on November, 16th are necessary, but it is time to submit claims to courts. Up to the constitutional ones. It is necessary to write to the president as activity of Sobyanin and Liksutov really creates threat to the social stability in the capital. Several million car owners will spit on Sobyanin and Liksutov, but they will hate Putin. It is time to block way to bastards and toadies to legislative and electoral bodies in Moscow! It is time to unite not to die out staying alone!

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