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Drunken Sanitary Technician Will Come Back!

Drunken Sanitary Technician Will Come Back!

Cleaners, mechanics, sanitary technicians, house painters are in large quantities employed in the capital, Ryazan and nearby areas. Within reform of the system of service of apartment houses in Moscow functions of existing city management companies will be transferred to the regional state funded institution (SFI) "Zhilishchnik". At that city labour department should get the function of active attraction of people from the province, not guest workers to work the state funded institutions.

The pilot project on replacement of foreign employees of operational services with Muscovites, inhabitants of Moscow area and other regions of the Central federal district takes place on Tverskaya Street, in Khovrino, Northern Medvedkovo, Golyanovo, Lyublino, Nagatino-Sadovniki, Academichesky, Dorogomilovo and Khoroshovo-Mnyovniki. Financing of the State Funded Institution Zhilishchnik will go from city budget.

- At last the dream of nationalists of all types, Navalny and his supporters comes true, - the editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - "Hardworking compatriots" will be replaced by true Russian people. Or they won't be replaced. What a mess really? At 6 in the morning I come out with a dog and see there people scraping and sweeping. What is the most disgusting – they are sober and are not hung-over. Bad people. Now everything will gradually fall into their places and the yard keeper can be met not earlier than at 9 in the queue to buy something to drink. Why do I slander the Russian God-bearing people? I don't slander! Simply normal Russian person from Mytischi or Ryazan won't go to sweep for 15-16 thousand a month and to live thus in the doghouse eating Rollton noodles. Only some shithead will agree on it. He won’t agree on it even for 25 thousand as the city hall promises. While city hall won’t agree to pay the salary of the minister and rooms in the hotel Ritz for the yard keeper.

- Though there’s some good for a start, - Anatoly Baranov continued. – The fact that muddy management companies will be replaced by the state offices is good. They will work badly, but they will just snitch. Crime will gradually disappear from the sphere of housing and communal services. However, it isn't known what sphere it will go to. Perhaps to the sphere of taxi service which in Moscow sharply rose in price, the police presses illegal immigrants taxi drivers and prices grow. So, it is necessary to get used to dirty yards and entrances, snowdrifts on sidewalks in winter and mud everywhere in spring and fall. Instead we will see native faces around...

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