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Sea and Stars

Sea and Stars
Тatyana Volkova 02.08.2013

I read on the official site of NATO: "Secretary General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen estimated contribution of Bulgaria to Alliance and its adherence to transatlantic security... "The main task of NATO is security and Bulgaria showed impressive adherence to creation of security in Europe and beyond its limits", the secretary general told. This news is not new already. There is one more news in this respect, also not new, but it quite recently has filtered into the reports: The Black Sea Fleet of Russia transferred repair works to Bulgaria. There is a question: if it happened only because it’s safer there, in the country – partner of NATO in war with terror?

For some reason I recollected Blok. I imagined sleepy bays of Feodosiya, Nikolaev, Sevastopolskaya, Karantinnaya, Kazachiya and Yuzhnaya Bays wakening when not only vessels but also ships of the Black Sea Fleet enter, leave... The reason of all these — military secret, unless they make voyages for repair to Bulgaria and back?

News agencies answered questions so that we were not so excited. The meaning of answers come to that sailors are not so much suntanned, but dirty and they are dirty because Russia, as sources expressed, stopped fillings of the Black Sea Fleet at the Sevastopol naval base for the sake of attempt to avoid taxes. MFA of Russia doesn't suit level of VAT and customs duties collected by Ukraine "without lawful bases".

Unidentified Russian diplomat gave interview from which it follows that bunkering of ships of the Black Sea Fleet in the Ukrainian territorial waters was stopped last fall for the purpose of economy of means. It is calculated that at the expense of bunkering outside territorial waters of Ukraine the fleet already saved 180 million rubles. It’s not clear where exactly it happens instead but if it will become clear that it’s also done on NATO bases, then as Blok predicted "the world again will appear strange, wrapped up in a color fog".

On the other hand, these are military affairs and on fleet, as well as in army, strange things can’t happen. For example, the Indian army for last half a year watched up objects previously identified as the Chinese prospecting UAVs, registered their appearance 329 times, including 155 cases of violation of sovereign air space till astronomer Tishar Prabkh yesterday compared data of military people with star position and identified objects as Jupiter and Venus; it is good that that were Indians, while some other would try to bring those objects down...


From editorial board: It’s quite logical epilog to naval holiday while last salute roars over Sevastopol. The city silently curses as all central part was blocked for movement and the very center - for pass of citizens. As they say, Yanukovych ordered that no casual snout was found near him...

In general everyone in the city knows everything and willingly shares state secrets with each other. Though if there’s something to hide? Putin secretly arrived to Kacha, secretly visited Chersonese and embankment, then he fished secretly with Yanukovych, after that the last secretly went to Pharos and Putin - again to Kacha.

What secrets we are talking about in general, if the fleet is being served not on own base, but by the probable opponent?

Today fleet is a coastal base, old vessels cost little. While coastal base means first of all industrial enterprises providing service of the fleet. It is great value, specialists who have been brought up by generations work there. Today these are extremely poor, but proud people who still don’t understand how it is possible to destroy what have been constructing by several generations of citizens of Sevastopol – by engineers, technicians, workers. Without what fleet is simply a set of vessels of different degree of decay.

How it is possible to provide service to scout ship on the foreign base? People don't understand it. How it is possible to get service from probable opponent if your rocket cruisers are constructed to be at war against this opponent? People can’t understand it. It can be understood only by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and military industrial complex at the government of the Russian Federation, Rogozin can understand it – he has that sort of brains. If it’s possible to hand over NATO all confidential materials for the price of 6 million dollars of economy? Very kind to their purse... Obviously NATO is also happy with such economy.


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