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Forum of Left Forces Is Indignant with Kidnapping of Umarali Kuvatov in Dubai

Forum of Left Forces Is Indignant with Kidnapping of Umarali Kuvatov in Dubai

We were surprised to learn that Umarali Kuvatov, the leader of the Tajik opposition quite recently acting with a greeting to the Forum of left forces, is arrested in the territory of the United Arab Emirates on the charge which has been put against him by a mode in Tajikistan. Arrest of the dissident in the territory of a quite civilized state such as the United Arab Emirates in order to give him out to dictatorship against which he fights is something new in the international relations.

It’s hardly possible that they in the United Arab Emirates don't understand that Umarali Kuvatov's surrender in Dushanbe means sending him to tortures and execution. While torture is forbidden in civilized countries and death penalty is cancelled in many. So, unless it is possible to surrender him?

Umarali Kuvatov fights against legalized slave trade which became today, in fact, basis of economic policy of modern Tajikistan. Today’s population of Tajikistan is 7 million people, more than 2 million annually go abroad in the role of guest workers - the mode in Dushanbe welcomes it as it isn't able to provide to its citizens employment and earnings, while the mode has possibility to get taxes from incomes of guest workers to the treasury and for bribes to the officials. Thus citizens of Tajikistan in countries of residence are absolutely deprived of civil rights - moreover, about 3 thousand Tajiks annually return home dead.

Umarali Kuvatov fights against it, while authorities of the United Arab Emirates delegate him to the mode of slaveholders of the 21st century.

We are also disturbed by the way Umarali's arrest was arranged. He was flushed out as if to participate in negotiations and arrested. It’s hardly possible that relevant services of the United Arab Emirates were not aware of that "special operation". Whether it means that the mode in Dubai acts hand in hand with the mode in Dushanbe, which has blood of thousands Tajiks on its hands?

I want to remind that it’s already third special operation on kidnapping of citizens of the CIS connected with Forum of left forces for last month.

Just recently intelligence services of the Russian Federation with active assistance of colleagues from Ukraine stole in Kiev and took out the left activist Leonid Razvozzhayev to Moscow.

Attempt of kidnapping of the leader of Socialist resistance of Kazakhstan Aynur Kurmanov was made on December, 15th with connivance of the staff of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation in the center of Moscow.

On December, 24th Umarali Kuvatov was detained in the United Arab Emirates.

These are hardly casual coincidences if to consider the fact that vast majority subjected to police repressions in Russia are left activists, most of them connected with Forum of left forces.

We demand to stop arbitrariness and repressions!

Strengthening of the fight all over all former Soviet Union will be our answer. We will win.

Members of CC of Forum of Left Forces

Anatoly Baranov,

Denis Zommer,

Sergey Dovgal,

Alexander Zimbovsky

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