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Number of Victims at the Plant “VSMPO-Avisma Corporation” Is Beyond Two Tens


According to recent data, three men died, 20 - were hospitalized. The staff of JSC “VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation” eliminated leakage of a steam-gas mix at the enterprise, is told in the message from the corporation.

"At present leakage of gas is eliminated. Special commission of inquiry which is engaged in finding out the reasons of the event works at the enterprise. The structure of steam-gas mix is defined. It is already established that poison gas isn't chlorine or chloride hydrogen. The shop continues to work in the set mode. There is no danger to life and health of the staff of "AVISMA" and citizens of Berezniki," — the company notes.

According to VSMPO-AVISMA, already 20 people were taken to the hospital with symptoms of poisoning of varying severity. Other workers of the work shift are under supervision of physicians now.

Investigation in the Perm Territory initiated criminal case about violation of labor protection rules. According to Investigatory committee, pressure in one of the systems increased, in this connection products of chemical reaction got to the air of a working zone creating local gas contamination. Poisoning of a staff of the shop happened in the process of elimination of emergency. Criminal case about violation of the rules of labor protection which entailed death of people by inadvertence was brought. Guilty could get five years of imprisonment.


- As we understand, the gas contamination of the working zone could be not so local, it is enough to look at the sizes of shop and chlorinating installation, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov noted. - I used to visit this plant in Berezniki, it occupies big territory in two kilometers from inhabited quarters. The density of the workers there is not so great, it means that in order 20 people suffer, it is necessary that gassing area should be quite big. I suppose that there could have been more victims at the corresponding set of wind. Naturally, "switchman" will be punished, but it’s hardly possible that any one from the board of directors will get real punishment and the more so its chairman mister Chemezov. While the workers will be buried on a local cemetery, as we can propose, at the expense of the plant. Victims will be treated in a medical unit - directly in the same place, on Zagorodnaya Street.

"As a rule, people poisoned with chlorine who haven’t died during first 24 hours survive, - Anatoly Baranov continued. – They are ill with bronchitis and pneumonia within several weeks, pulmonary emphysema appears resistant consequence of intoxication. Long violation of cardio and symptoms of chronic recurring bronchitis with the subsequent pulmonary fibrosis, emphysema of lungs, multiple bronchiectasis and cardiopulmonary decompensation are often registered. They will be hardly recognized disabled, as the same symptoms develop also at chronic contact with chlorine and its derivatives (chloropicrin, phosgene, diphosgene, phosphoryl chloride, phosphorus trichloride) on industrial production. That is actually all – up to next accident with the following victims. Message of the corporation inspires optimism: "The shop continues to work in the set mode. There is no danger to life and health of the staff of AVISMA and citizens of Berezniki".

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