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“United Russia” Brought to Light Twitter Extremists

“United Russia” Brought to Light Twitter Extremists

The vice-president of the State Duma Committee on Security and Counteraction to Corruption Alexander Hinstein directed public prosecutor Yury Chajka reference with the request to take measures in relation to the owners and users of accounts in Twitter and Facebook who, according to the deputy, assisted organization of mass riots on May, 6th.

The deputy asserts that there’s a growth of a number of appeals “to carry out violence in relation to representatives of the power and law enforcement officers” lately. As he said, social networks became “the tool of coordination of actions of extremists” and “the channel to place detailed instructions for their supporters”.

It’s stated in Hinstein's request that there are documentary acknowledgement that activity of the provoker were coordinated though Twitter during the events on May, 6th on Bolotnaya. “Appeals to punish the duly elected president, to change constitutional system using violence, to organize new disorders and acts of disobedience were constantly sent via accounts mentioned in the appendix”, — is stated in the reference.

The deputy asked to take measures, in particular, to establish owners of the accounts for bringing them to responsibility. 10 sheets of materials with the data about accounts of users are applied to the reference.


From editorial board: Deputy Hinstein is one of few deputies from "United Russia" who has reputation. There are only few such members of fraction making, let’s note, more than a half of the Duma. It is possible to say they can be counted on fingers of one hand... What’s the reason for Hinstein to fight against Twitter? Well, yes – it’s easy to get in touch and coordinate through Twitter, it’s been created for that purpose. And what of it? It is possible to send, for example, inquiry about harmful influence of phones, especially mobile. There was a lot of terrorism on May, 6th through mobile connection.

Initiative goes from the party bearing name "the party of crooks and thieves", we have no need to explain what tarty we are talking about... I believe Hinstein should feel burden being the party member – he would win all the same in the elections on majority system, but then he should not be obliged to drag a crowd of these very thieves and swindlers behind own popularity... Unless it is pleasant to be "power steam” for swindlers and thieves?

Well, how does it look like? The party of crooks and thieves addresses prosecutor's office which is as crooked as dog’s hind leg... Words about "the duly elected president" is a joke, isn’t it? The trick? Perhaps, it’s necessary also to tell about “United Russia” chosen by the majority of people? Really, people elected them and now they are called - "crooked and thieves". They also want to change the constitutional system according to which it is possible to elect such party and such president.

If it’s not ridiculous?

Let's imagine now that the prosecutor's office will listen to the opinion of respectful deputy from fraction “United Russia” and start revealing and prosecuting "extremists" from Twitter. The courts, naturally, will pass sentences corresponding the gravity of the "crime"...

May be the whole party together with prosecutor headed by the president should address Hague with confession?

Аnatoly Baranov

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