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How Many Criminal Groupings! Power Structures - One...

How Many Criminal Groupings! Power Structures - One...
А. Stavitsky 05.10.2009

This summer in the Samara region in one hothouse farm vegetables with application of poisonous chemicals were grown for sale. Many tons of seemingly nice but containing mortally dangerous dose of harmful substances cucumbers and tomatoes got through the shops and markets to the table of citizens. Both people working in hothouse farm and poison applied by them came from China.

"How could they import poisons into the Russian Federation freely?" - TV reporter who told that story angrily questioned.

As to the other story which happened a bit later - the strongest explosion in a pyrotechnics warehouse in Voronezh accompanied by victims and destructions, - other TV reporter was interested: "Why did they get permission to arrange storehouse of explosive subjects in the middle of inhabited quarter?"

Such rhetorical questions are capable to cause only sad smile. It's very well-known how they imported them and why they received permission. The bribe is all-powerful! The bribe to those formally "responsible persons" who were obliged to close barrier before harmful and dangerous things but opened it with readiness for "a share". It's for a long time already not individual malfeasance, it's already usual condition of a society. Bourgeois Russia turned to a huge clot of corruption, huge corporation of big and small thieves, occupied all steps of administrative and economic stairs.

Authors captivated of detectives occupied the screen and book shelves have golden time now. There's no need to invent anything, it is enough to write down and to spice it with art details rushing from all the ends of our huge country:

- Management of Obligatory Health Insurance Fund dispensing drugs into regions for bribes in full strength got under the trial.

- Owners of yacht clubs in Moscow region were arrested because of being engaged in contraband of yachts for rich men.

- Workers of rest home in Vladivostok forced old men to "present" them their apartments.

- In Ulyanovsk speculators plundered 750 families having got from them half-billion roubles on purchase of nonexistent habitation.

- In Saratov three militiamen tortured arrested person and then burnt him alive.

When terrible catastrophe on Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP burst firstly management talked something about operational systems which mysteriously failed one after another. Then it came to light painfully familiar: affiliated companies, financial streams in pockets of certain persons, etc. That is absolutely different system which has not been operating in Russia throughout already 20 years failed - system of protection against thieves failed.

Repair of the main theatre of the country - Bolshoi Theater - has been started and it has quickly turned into criminal case on the waste huge budgetary sums by friendly tandem of owners of building companies and government officials.

At last the end crowns the work: the scale and depth of the phenomenon was specified by the president of the Russian Federation who showed genuine curiosity:"We allocated 1 billion 200 milliard roubles to regions and where are they?" (A question, by the way, is also more than rhetorical).

Therefore it is possible to understand Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs when he clutches his head shouting: "How many criminal groupings!" Really, in Russia now there is not on "organised criminal grouping". Starting from the Ministry of Internal Affairs where in view of abundance of criminals in epaulets job refraining of the staff was announced.

But "power structures" were and still remain the main criminal community. Though the power itself putting a good face on the matter tries to give out corruption for achievement. Say, we are on the first place in the world on a number of high officials standing trial or being on remand. (What a success of "democracy").

I wonder, if whether modern Russian power could be different, not corrupt from the top to bottom? No, it cannot. Its such condition is predetermined by ideology in which aim is service of the society are replaced by the aim of enrichment of bourgeois class at the expense of other society. Therefore hundred years ago the answer to a question what's going on in imperial Russia was: "Steal!" Therefore today in bourgeois capitalist Russia the answer is similar: "Steal!" Vigorously, with inspiration and without fearing penalty ahead.

What penalty we are talking about if in the Ivanovo region they officially make experiment on replacement of criminal punishment with amicable agreement of the defendant and victim. That is notorious "excuse" of rich criminals bring to the level of a law. Hence do not take it amiss corresponding relation of national masses to such authority and such state.

The president of Ingushetia where explosions of Muslim separatists occurs almost every day addressed the population with appeal to help bodies to prevent acts of terrorism. You think, they will help? Hardly. In Soviet Union criminal elements and all types of foreign agents felt uncomfortably because what democrats indignantly named then "overall informing". Soviet people willingly helped authorities with exposure of what they considered criminal and illegal. As they trusted authority and knew that it works on them. Today who will back up present authority which steals, authority which impudently exposes luxury of private residences, authority which imprison for a stolen bag of potatoes and send to the State Duma for the stolen million?


The Russian president deeply moved on celebrations in Mongolia on the occasion of 70th anniversary of victory in Khalkhin-Gol battles said that they won then because they fought for own cause. That's that for own! For sole with you in aspiration to go forward and to live better authority, for rising from knees country, for the state establishing justice in society, opening so many opportunities to you and your children. Present Russia with its corrupted machinery of state and corrupted class of businessmen people do not consider "own cause". And all ruling it on behalf of Russia reasonably enlists in the category of parasites. That is unsteadiness of bourgeois Russia, susceptibility to social storms and pledge of inevitable falling under history blows.

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