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U.N. Secretary General and Leader of "Al-Qaeda" Acted with Counter-Theses

U.N. Secretary General and Leader of "Al-Qaeda" Acted with Counter-Theses

Two most influential on a planet heads of non-governmental organisations acted simultaneously with references "to all and to nobody". U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon enumerated the main problems of the present. These are food, financial and power crises, flu pandemic, climate change and necessity to relieve the world from the nuclear weapon. International terrorist organisation "Al-Qaeda" spread on Islamic Internet sites next video reference of one of its leaders Ajman az-Zavahiri coincided with the eighth anniversary of acts of terrorism in New York on September, 11th, 2001 which denounced "crash" of the US president Barrack Obama.

Ban Ki-Moon published the text which he's going to make public at the opening of general-political discussion within the limits of UN General Assembly. We will remind that today 64th session of General Assembly opens today.

Videoclip called "The West and The Dark Tunnel" lasting more than one and a half hour appeared on Tuesday on some Islamic sites. Review of events of last year such as world financial crisis and election of the new US president and interview of several leaders of "Al-Qaeda" is shown there.

Similar video references with the same duration earlier were spread to each anniversary of acts of terrorism in New York.

This time the second person in "Al-Qaeda" summarized his reference having declared that "crash of US president Obama is in hands of the Muslim world". Representatives of "Al-Qaeda" also noted the progress in activity of Islamic movements worldwide.

Earlier az-Zavahiri sceptically spoke up about Obama's policy on fixing of relations with Islamic world and called him "domestic Negro who is licking the dust before "white" and eats out of their hands".

- First of all it is necessary to understand who from leaders possesses greater influence on international affairs, - editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk Anatoly Baranov makes comments on the events. - About ten years ago there would be no such question. But today UN Secretary General turned into kind grandfather like Santa Klaus whose wishes remain just wishes obliging nobody to do anything. Ban Ki-Moon speaks about relieving the world from the nuclear weapon, while the number of nuclear powers increases in front of our very eyes. It's awkward to talk about global warming and "swine flu" - natural processes are not regulated yet by the United Nations. As to the crisis - UN Secretary General calls its "financial" but after all it is the crisis of all western world order and Ban Ki-Moon's helplessness - evident illustration of this crisis.

"Performance of Ajman az-Zavahiri - is absolutely different thing, just several years ago nobody knew him and would listen to him, - Anatoly Baranov continued. - The leader of "Al-Qaeda" has today quite certain target audience and he is so influential that world mass-media are compelled to rebroadcast his words in this or that kind to the whole world. It is very difficult to find fault in his words - he, as well as Ban Ki-Moon, says, in general, obvious things. Meanwhile behind his back - resoluteness of action. The West perceives it as indisputable challenge, while the East - as alternative to the West. Russia being half the East and half the West is especially sensitive to both voices. The West frankly "cheats" Russia, the East - frightens. Usually during the crisis moments Russia acquires own voice - of old Philotheus, Nilus of Sora, protopriest Habbakuk, Alexander Pushkin, Lev Tolstoi, Vladimir Lenin or Lev Trotsky. But today - eloquent silence. That's just great! It is only necessary to understand who could be our fellow traveler - Ban Ki-Moon or az-Zavahiri? Or it is better to travel further alone, without concrete map and clear understanding where we go in general?"

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