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Holidays of John Brennan, Continuation. Police Chronicle II

Holidays of John Brennan, Continuation. Police Chronicle II
Tatyana Volkova 12.06.2014

Prize was declared for information which will lead to arrest and condemnation of a person or persons involved in a murder of Rashard Raigns. Successfully made video shown in the first part of this material considerably increased chances of success and many police officers of Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia went to the streets adjacent to the block 1900 of Fenwick Street.

The amount of usual remuneration for capture of the murderer makes about one thousand dollars, and that police officer who is lucky usually has relative who has provided police with this information. The declared sum of 25 000 dollars (only think that the killed wasn't even Washington official or foreign diplomat) created healthy agiotage around the case, though very few people believed that criminals or their accomplices would come back to a scene of crime.

However appearance of video on Youtube, most likely, led criminals to the thought that the place was cleaned insufficiently accurately. On Monday June, 9 two "cleaners", one of them — the combat training instructor, retired gunnery sergeant of marine corps - were detained by police as suspects on the place of murder.

However police officers had no time to come to their senses, as two visitors came to the captain of the police station, one of whom showed certificate of the high-ranking federal agent. Other was simply recommended as Erik Prince. The name told nothing to police officers, but they assumed that he also was the federal agent and "Prince" is his operational pseudonym.

Prince was very excited, he threatened the police captain that it wouldn’t be a picnic. It would work in some New York as murders are investigated within not federal, but city jurisdiction, however in capital Washington federal agents and spell "state security" possess big weight.

Anyway guests took away both suspected with them, information about case was limited for reasons of state safety, and message about arrest didn't reach reporters of the criminal chronicle.

Specially trained people who on June, 2 took Mr. Raigns away from the corner of Crimson Court in McLean, district Fairfax, the State of Virginia to Washington from which he never came back appeared to be the staff of the private military company of Eric Prince, responsible for safety of the house rented by CIA and being used by John Brennan for privacy with Rashard Raigns’s younger brother.

In this regard it is necessary to recognize that it’s early to make conclusions from published earlier data about quarrel between the director of CIA and the owner of private military company "Greystone" in connection to Gregory Goodman's failure near Slavyansk. Too many things connect these people.

For example, a lot of questions concerning their commercial relationship aren't clear. It’s not a secret that Eric Prince’s company “Blackwater” earned a lot of hundred dollars only on outsourcing of tortures of kidnapped, including from the USA, people within the program of secret prisons of CIA (so-called "planes ghosts”). It’s curious with whom he shared money.



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