
This Year It’s Fashionable to Wear Polonium

This Year It’s Fashionable to Wear Polonium
ôÁtyana Volkova 08.11.2013

As it’s reported by the agency Reuters the Minister of Energy of Israel Silvan Shalom declared: "Even if it was poisoning, Israel has no relation to it", whereas in other interview he assumed that someone from Palestinians could be interested in Arafat's death.

I confess, I was too lazy to read the 137-pages repost of the Institute of Radiophysics in Lausanne as the case is extremely clear, at least for me. The Russian scientists who studied biomaterials didn't find traces of polonium in them. The Swiss also didn't find anything in biology, however they found so plentiful amount of polonium-210 on clothes and personal belongings of the dead that they “assumed” on that basis that Arafat received lethal dose of the substance.

The mystery is easily solved: the Swiss received clothes and personal belongings from the widow, Mrs. Sukhi Arafat, whereas the widow had no direct access to the body of the dead spouse, even after his exhumation on November, 27, 2012.

It is very likely that Mrs. Arafat read messages from London about Litvinenko's case together with us. Besides, she learned much from her departed husband. When Arafat heard about application of depleted uranium by the Americans in Iraq, he at once acted with the statement about sufferings of the Palestinian Arabs struck with the Israeli weapon with the material. He didn’t bring up a question what Palestinian armored machinery Israelites needed to struck with armor-piercing hard-core shells. All who wanted to trust to the recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize trusted him, therefore he spare no pains to scatter uranium-238 on the Palestinian territory.

After death of Yasser the widow got billions collected on sacred fight and many in the leadership of the Palestinian Authority didn’t like it. Conversations that marriage was fictitious and that it’s possible to appoint other lady appeared. Some blasphemers even began saying that it’s possible to appoint even not the lady as, by and large, almost nobody doubted that Arafat died of AIDS and so on, and so forth...

The widow had no desire to give all to the comrades of the spouse and it is correct, she has to bring up the daughter. It wasn’t a problem for the graduate of Sorbonne to find mutual understanding with professors from Lausanne. Pushful Sukha managed to settle more serious projects. For example, "to jilt" her business partner, the former first lady of Tunisia, Óriminal Óase was brought against Mrs. Arafat for that, however she talked round, having accused the Tunisians of treachery of the Palestinian business in her face; since then her partner Leyla Ben Ali was accused of money laundering and high treason.

So the question was as follows: either Mrs. Arafat is fictitious wife of the old man who died of AIDS and had sexual orientation not being welcomed in some circles and then "it is necessary to share", or she is heroic widow and faithful fighting companion of brutally harried to death great leader and then she keeps all billions where she wishes - on Malta and in Paris. It is difficult to fight against the last version to colleagues of the dead as the first, though it would fill up treasury, but would encroach on sacred, whereas the second will serve noble business of exposure of poisoners of wells.

Everyone Óould guess how she aÓted as a result — depending on the degree of his viÓiousness, but I deÓided not to read boring report from Lausanne. If they don't exclude polonium-poisoning, well, there are a lot of naive people and charlatans in all circles, including scientific ones and Switzerland is not an exception.

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