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First Time the USA Won War “Using Different Means”

First Time the USA Won War “Using Different Means”
Таtyana Volkova 17.09.2013

According to Charles von Clausewitz war is nothing else but continuation of policy with attraction of other means. Political braggart and gas-bag Barack Obama possessing unlimited military means felt iron grasp of sophisticated follower of Machiavelli - Vladimir Putin — and lost the Syrian war before the first shot sounded.

The international armada collected against Bashar Assad with great difficulty fell to pieces as card-castle. Big landing ships of the British royal fleet Bulwark, Lyme Bay and Hurst Point accompanied by auxiliary vessel Fort Austin under escort of helicopter carrier Illustrious and frigate Westminster passed the Suez Canal and headed for the Persian Gulf where they are already expected by frigate Montrose. New task is set for a group: fight against piracy and drug trafficking in cooperation with regional partners.

The most modern ship of the French Naval Forces - frigate of antiaircraft defense (according to other classification — destroyer) Chevalier Paul and transport airship Dixmude also left their positions opposite to the Syrian coast and, according to some messages, also passed through the Suez Canal to the Red Sea; the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle is moored in Toulon. The Italian destroyer Andrea Doria and frigate Maestrale moved to the south to coast of Lebanon in connection with possible need of evacuation of the Italian peacekeeping contingent from this country; the Italian government declared that it wouldn’t participate in actions against Syria without sanction of the Security Council, in other words, without consent of Russia and China.

The American ships departed to the west and took positions between Cyprus and Crete where they will remain till the cows come home to console Obama and sponsors of his campaigns, to be exact, to get money from the private military company.

Despite denials from Moscow, the western sources report that the Syrian army already placed on alert batteries S-300 in addition to many hundred adopted earlier S-75 "Dvina", S-75M "Volga", 2K12 "Cube", S-125 "Neva", S-125M "Pechora", 9K33 "Osa" as well as S-200 "Angara", C-200B "Vega", 9K37 "Buk" and SA 96K6 "Pantsir". The western sources also claim that the Syrian army also got 9K720 "Iskander" on arms.

The Syrian army which didn’t stop actions against rebels during all active phase of the political opposition with the USA, however took measures to dispersal of forces waiting for air raids, concentrated forces and deployed large-scale attack in the south, in Dar’a Governorate promptly moving ahead to a joint of the Syrian, Jordanian and Israeli borders controlled by the rebels.

The moral spirit of the rebels who waited support from the air in vain fell and many of them not joining the battle run to the north, to the Turkish border. Contradictions between the Syrian armed opposition and foreign adventurers become continuously aggravated. The fighters of Jabhat-an-Nusra who received through "foreign observers" and private military companies more advanced arms and in particular guided missiles of various types (private military companies get arms from the American army warehouses free of charge as outdated, but sell it for good money both directly to terrorists and through the members of House of Saud and Qatari Arabs) don't hurry to apply it in fight against governmental army. They expect to use it in future acts of terrorism against Israel and also in the future fights against former allies from Free Army of Syria. The story with transfer of the Syrian chemical weapon under international control for objective reasons will last for years, however these questions deserve separate consideration.

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