People deprived of fair information cannot choose correct authority - therefore it live incorrectly: poor, humiliated as not in their native country but on some church porch. «Kind man, give me, please, for a slice of bread!» - this awful voice of dirty rural babies, that I heard during one PR - campaign, is not a rarity, it became habitual in our dying out province. Here no interdictions on free laundering of candidate's dirty underware, such as Veshnyakov unsuccessfully tried to issue in due time, will help. They do not cancel, but only make this flea lies finds more refined channels. Real democracy as authority of people - and not as authority of shaggy PR, is real only at really free press. At presence of such trade as fair journalist - who, though in a pursuit of sensation, but true one would rush off his feet to prove really that Ivan Ivanovich guzzles babies. Or does not guzzle. And thus will earn his fee dependent on profit from circulation and authority of the edition among the public.