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To Axe!

To Axe!

Staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine withdrew servers of a social network "VKontakte" placed in the territory of the country within investigation process in relation to a certain local company. Technical director of "VKontakte" Nikolay Durov wrote on his page on June, 26 in the evening.

He explained that servers were withdrawn for investigative actions in the case on tax evasion by the Ukrainian company. Militia believes that financial documents of the company could be placed on the equipment.

Nikolay Durov emphasized that no charges against "VKontakte" were brought. Servers, according to him, were used for caching of audio-and video content that allowed to accelerate their loading for the Ukrainian users. The general director of the social network Pavel Durov also emphasized that nothing except video and music could have been placed on the withdrawn servers.

Later Nikolay Durov published copy of the judgment according to which servers were withdrawn. It follows from the document that searches of hosting provider are carried out within legal investigation related to JSC “Evos”. Search-warrant was written out on June, 25.

The technical director of "VKontakte" also assumed that withdrawal of servers can be consequence "of some shoot-out between the Ukrainian telecommunication companies". He didn't exclude that militia would demand compensation for return of servers from administration of the social network or, in case of refusal, would sell withdrawn equipment. Each withdrawn server, Durov noted, cost about 25 thousand dollars.

Internet service provider Rostelecom will restore access to Internet editions of sites "Gazeta.ru" and newspapers "Komsomolskaya Pravda" only "on the basis of relevant act of government body". New agency RIA Novosti declared about it to the representative of the company.

As the interlocutor of the agency explained, limiting access to these resources "Rostelecom" executes a judgment. In his opinion it means that the company can unblock sites only after indication of power bodies.

At the same time, prosecutor’s office in Ulyanovsk accused "Rostelecom" of going beyond frameworks of the judgment. They emphasized in the department that they asked court to forbid access to concrete pages, not to the whole sites. The provider claims that he has no technical capability to block separate pages, therefore it’s compelled to limit access to online versions of the editions entirely.


From editorial board: Let's imagine that the police department in Tolyatti will close AvtoVAZ within frameworks of investigation against beer booth up to the end of investigation. Or assistant to the regional prosecutor of the Kanavinsky region of Nizhny Novgorod will stop the main conveyer of GAZ in connection with the statement of pensioner Petrov about poor quality of assembly of his "Volga". You can't imagine it?

Why then it is possible to do such things quietly with large enterprises of IT-industry knowing that there will be no punishment?

Or, let’s say, why it is impossible to make a complaint against citizen Deripaska to Tushinsky district court stating that the plant in New Guinea belonging to him strongly damages ecology? It’s known that there is article 29 of Code of Procedure of the Russian Federation according to which "Claim to the organization following from activity of its branch or representation can be filed also into the court in the location of its branch or representation". That is it’s possible to file claim against Deripaska's plant in New Guinea only in New Guinea. The more so it’s impossible to file claim against individual Deripaska in Russia for actions of the legal entity (plant) in New Guinea.

While it’s possible to file claim against individual Anatoly Baranov to Tushinsky court of Moscow in connection with actions of the legal entity FORUM.msk located, as we know, in Ukraine! Lawful basis is unknown, but it is possible because such claim has been filed and accepted by the court to proceeding, two court sessions have been already passed, there will be the third at the beginning of July.

Why is it possible?

Because if to stop the main conveyor of VAZ or GAZ tens thousands of workers would go to the streets with question - what should we do now and how should we live? Because if to file ridiculous claim against Deripaska, next day there will be a call from Presidential Administration with a question, whether to send the doctor to the court.

While it’s possible to do everything with IT. Million people who use social networks and political portals are absolutely not solidary and not ready to defend their interests in common, while there are not so many people who get salaries working directly in the branch and they are also separated strongly, at all their forward-mindedness in awareness of own collective interests they are strongly lagging behind the workers in New Guinea.

Suppression of free thought which is especially dispersing from standard norms is quite natural movement for dictatorial state (and every bourgeois state has a trend of dictatorship). Only the fear of consequences can interfere with this natural behavior of the cannibal. While there are no visible consequences and no fear as well here. It means – one can!

They pick up axes and destroy servers, the whole sectors of the market are liquidated. Why not?

What, for example, will prevent some Mukhosransky court to forbid Yandex or Google? Well, then, in say two years the court of the highest authority will cancel the decision but while it’s in force "Rostelecom" will execute it. You say that Google is not in Russia and is not generally subjected to the Russian jurisdiction? Well, they change even time zones and dictate the sun how to shine.

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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