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Communists in Duma Voted for Existence of God

Communists in Duma Voted for Existence of God
Alexander Golovenko 03.06.2013

Elementary question: why after celebration of the 50th anniversary of flight of the Russian guy Yury Gagarin in space, we suddenly began noticing that Russia is rolling down into the gloomy Middle Ages?

Five years ago astronomy was finally expelled from schools, its place was occupied by Scripture. School excursions to theaters, museums, art galleries and different heroic sights are more and more often replaced with trips to churches and monasteries.

There are chaplains in the army. Perhaps new Minister of Defence Sergey Shoygu as the former party member will stop this devilry?

Really, what soldiers could learn from regimental priest, what trues he can teach if one of the main Christian precepts says: "Don't kill"? While soldier's science is science to kill. At that to kill ruthlessly, reliably, in the most effective way. To kill similar guys - foreign contemporaries whom generals and chiefs of staffs turned into "gun fodder".

All this happens in the secular state where according to the Constitution religious organizations with all their demands and feelings are separated.

Whether “talking head” of Investigative Committee general V.Markin and … his colleague from the Moscow patriarchy archpriest V.Chaplin are the main newsmakers after the president and the prime minister?

A day would hardly pass that this pseudo-priest (pseudo, pseudo) doesn’t act with next crashing initiative. Why does this tiny church official interfere with all wordly affairs and constantly teach us to live?

May be he has already imagined himself the chief of Ideological department of the Central Committee of CPSU? Russia, thanks God, is not clerical state though we ride to it before the hound.

I will make reservation at once: I am not against orthodox belief at all. To trust or not to trust is a private matter of everyone. We respect this choice.

It’s not clear to me only why representations of misters Chaplins and Co about Orthodoxy and its canons have to be spread, as they say, by fire and a sword? In the secular state.

I have been observing it for already long time …

Journalist Sergey Parkhomenko told how in a break of one secular action this mister ate ham sandwich greedily. The mere fact is ok, if it wouldn’t be Holy Friday of the Lent. That is the strictest fast day in memory of the fact that, according to the Holy Writ, Jesus Christ was crucified on Friday. To the reproach of the journalist archpriest answered: "Well, don’t be such orthodox".

I don’t have the heart to call Chaplin attendant of orthodox belief after that. At recollect at once Heine's verse about such "servants of Lord".

Other statements of this "talking head" simply shock. For example, maxims that believers have to maintain temples at own expense and divert a tithe from own incomes for it. That wealth and luxury of church hierarches is positive phenomenon. That laymen bring donations to temples so that fathers of church lead magnificent way of life.

Having visited his "operational staff", the American correspondent of the newspaper Times Simon Schuster quite venomously described activity of the owner of office. I quote: "When Chaplin finished signing his letters to the Kremlin, he was called up by some high-ranking official who had just come back from the London Olympic Games. Having warmly congratulated him upon the place taken by Russia in joint account of medals, the archpriest started lobbying various drafts of laws, having told that parliamentary committee on culture had to get engaged in their consideration right after return from summer vacations. Having hanged up the phone, he turned to me with a smile and said: "You know, it is important to force them to move".

As Red Army man Sukhov spoke in such cases: "Do you have questions?" There are no other questions.

Mister Chaplin is called the main engine in the case over "Pussy Riot” group as well as in the adoption of the law on protection of feelings of the believers just accepted by the State Duma in the second (main) reading.

As it was more than once noted by experts, his main defect is that he uplifts one, obviously smaller group of citizens over the majority of the population of the country.

At that it isn't stipulated anywhere what "insult of religious feelings" is. Complete control is given to denunciation and arbitrariness of misters policemen able so dexterously get "confessionary evidences" by means of bottles from champagne. After all sanctions which are entered are serious - till 3 years of colony.

Even many politicians, experts, masters of constitutional law and even loyal Public Chamber spoke up sharply against this mad initiative.

- What is it? A step to clerical state? – favored by the deputies voters are at lost.

It would seem that the CPRF fraction led by permanent and already "immortal" leader comrade Zyuganov should say its weighty word. While no, it entirely supported the law.

- It is necessary to combat all blasphemous manifestations against tradition, belief, national customs because no people, no strong, worthy, respectful state will be without it, - Gennady Andreevich told as always in his flowery style to the correspondent of "Interfax Religion" in a lobby of World Russian People’s Council.

“Chief communist of the country” to the question, whether it is necessary to enter criminal punishment for insult of believers and defilement of shrines, answered “Yes”.

Just enter into the meaning of this phrase. Actually "communist No. 1" supported punishment of the members of the CPRF - atheists who on their status should carry out antireligious promotion.

Therefore it’s not surprising that the CPRF fraction at all its opponents approved as a whole the law. Thus, the State Duma of the secular state established existence of God and that its worship has to be protected by the law.

It turns out that there’s only one sane person in the big-time politics today, he opposed obscurantism. It is Ombusman for Human Rights in the Russian Federation V. Lukin. He submitted annual report to the same deputies in which, in fact, he condemned their retaliatory passion.

In particular he reminded them: "Articles 14 and 28 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantee equal rights to all citizens who are practicing any religion or not professing the one in general".

Here you are very unpleasant for "sacred inquisition" conclusion: "…Meanwhile atheists also have beliefs. As well as the same right for their protection by the state as representatives of any religious faith, big or small".

Though who from the mighty of this world will recollect it before the third reading of the law? May be Vladimir Vladimirovich?

Answering in due time to the journalists who wrote the book-interview "From the First Person", he made curious recognition. Question:

- When did you leave the party?

- I didn't leave it. The CPSU ceased its existence, I took the party-membership card .. and put them into a table – there they are now.

It means that there is a tiny hope that the president-atheist not leaving the CPSU, who swore on the Constitution to serve all people as Zadornov says "will veto taboo …".

Otherwise we will really slide into the gloomy Middle Ages...

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