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Following Caligula...

Following Caligula...
Delyagin Michael 21.05.2012

Appointment of the foreman of Uralvagonzavod (Nizhny Tagil) Igor Holmanskikh RF Presidential Envoy in the Ural Federal District - not simply ridiculous and absurd personnel decision.

It is the whole chain of very distinct, accurate and unequivocal signals of Russia.

Firstly, Putin shows that position of the presidential envoy (at least of the Ural Federal District) doesn't bear any substantial duty, it could fulfill without exaggeration practically everybody – he just should treat Putin loyally.

Secondly, the president of the Russian Federation showed “updating of the staff”: admission to a feasting table of a ruling party “devoted personnel from among simple people”. The fact that practically all officials of the regional and federal level treated that personnel decision as personal insult (“I tried by best/waited/faked results of elections... while he appointed the first comer from the factory”) - their personal problems: let them suffer and kiss ass further.

It concerns, in particular, six governors of the Ural district who will receive now orders from Tagil’s fan (though appointed by Putin) who never and nowhere did anything from the point of view of a state administration. Actually, it is deification of the staff humiliation of the governors appointed: “Don't forget to smile and say that you are happy”.

The third signal – demonstration for such Putin’s fans as Holmansky that the last is indeed the national president. Moreover that he is ready to appoint to such high positions the one who will successfully praise him: say, praise more loudly – and you will have a hope!

It’s primitive PR solution showing not only wretchedness of imagination, but also low professionalism of the Kremlin political consultants. On the one hand, “talking with beer in front of the TV set” have short memory: Putin's "nationality" will be forgotten already in a week – thus if not "chicken" or "buckwheat", than communal services will really raise in price...

On the other hand, “men from the factory” (including same "Uralvagonzavod") perfectly well know the price of such people as Holmansky - and hate them fiercely, without mincing words: "lickspittle", "bootlicker", “the shame of the factory”.

At last this appointment shows senselessness of praises to Putin, on their hopelessness they approximately correspond to senselessness of the address to Putin’s court, for last 12 years Russia has already realized it and few casual lucks won't deceive it.

Possibly, the main "signal", in the peculiar Kremlin’s way set by this appointment is addressed to citizens of rebellious megapolicies: say, hay, you, orange rubbish, we will reel you up on tank caterpillars, wet, as Putin said, in the toilets, smear, according to Peskov, your liver on asphalt.

Not casually notorious NTV (nobody already recollects that formally once it was called "independent") gives sync from a solemn dinner where Holmansky was colourfully declaring that “if OMON will fail, we will come with the guys Tagil and clear all away. All who are against our stability...”

Really: when even OMON refuses to break the law – there’s second-to-last (before Kadyrov) hope on self-appointed chasteners.

But as this signal comes from that very power which is the main destroyer of stability of Russia this kindling of social discord by means of puffing cheeks and demonstration of biceps causes nothing but contempt. After all it is clear that at present norm of theft increase of expenses on arms for the army will go not to "Uralvagonzavod", but to numerous “organizers of siphon-off” – so, in a year Putin, most likely, will have no possibility to appear there without preliminary "inaugural" cleaning of everything and everybody a-la Moscow.

So, smart appointment turns out to be no more than not only new discredit of the power, but also demonstration of prompt loss of touch with reality of the carrying it our president Putin.

What could be said here?

It is ridiculous and pitiful at a time.

After all it is quite possible that Holmansky was quite sensible foreman …

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