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Opposition Had Enough Brains Not to Go to Medvedev “to the Council of the Wicked” and Not to “Sit in the Seat of Mockers”

Opposition Had Enough Brains Not to Go to Medvedev “to the Council of the Wicked” and Not to “Sit in the Seat of Mockers”

Sergey Udaltsov doesn’t participate in a meeting of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev with representatives of unregistered political parties which takes place on April, 2nd in the Kremlin. Refusal to participate in the meeting is connected with the fact that the format of action doesn't provide substantial dialogue and exchange of opinions.

“As it became known to me, there will be no discussion of the political reform at the meeting in the Kremlin on April, 2nd. President Dmitry Medvedev will act with parting speech, while representatives of opposition will listen this performance silently. Such format of the meeting seems to me erroneous. I always supported constructive dialogue between the power and opposition, however I don’t see any sense to participate in formal action as “silent Kremlin scenery”, - Sergey Udaltsov declared.

Earlier, when the format of the meeting wasn't known, Udaltsov planned to act in it and to declare that reform of the political system which had been begun had in many respects imitating character.

According to Udaltsov to make political reform high-grade is necessary to make amendments to presidential bills and additions which in particular:

- will provide possibility of creation of interparty electoral blocs;

- will change the order of formation of election commissions, having given political parties priority in this process;

- will eliminate “presidential filter” on elections of governors (so-called consultations of political parties with the head of the state before promotion of the candidate for a post of the governor);

- will provide guarantees of "transparency" of elections and free control and supervision over elections at all stages of electoral process by participants of elections and public;

- will toughen responsibility for falsifications of results of voting;

- will minimize “monetary component” in election campaign, will provide parties and candidates with equal and free access to mass media;

- will considerably simplify federal legislation on referenda, after that the process of organization and carrying out of referendum will be available to citizens and public organizations.

At the same time Udaltsov intends to continue participation in activity of the working group on development of the project of political reform which has been created following the results of the first meeting of the president Medvedev with representatives of not system opposition on February, 20th. “We will fight for high-grade political reform, we entered the working group for that purpose”, - he considers.

It became known even earlier that "Parnassus" also won't participate in this meeting — one of the cochairmen Mikhail Kasyanov (two other cochairmen — Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Ryzhkov) declared in his microblog. The management of unregistered liberal party is not satisfied with the form of the law on political parties.

Already in the middle of March representatives of "Parnassus" left the working group of Vyacheslav Volodin where that bill was discussed, having declared that opinion of opposition was ignored, amendments offered weren't introduced. The meeting has certain symbolical character and cochairmen of "Parnassus" made the decision not to go to the Kremlin as there would be no progress from the accepted half measures, the secretary of the political council Konstantin Merzlikin says.

Nemtsov and Ryzhkov were asked for participation from "Parnassus", but as a person close to the Kremlin told, they refused because of absence in the country and illness, then Merzlikin was called. The last told that he would think, but in a day he called and told that he wouldn’t come because of ideological reasons.

Ex-deputy of the State Duma Andrey Savelyev (“Great Russia”) refused to come to the meeting due to similar reasons: he declared that he doesn't believe in the declared political reform.


From editorial board: It becomes absolutely not clear what the reason for their presence there for the first time was. After all the result was known in advance. Those who are wiser refused in advance. "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers,” - it’s the first line of the first psalm of David. It was clear to the ancient tsar as a day, what about politicians of the 21st century – is it not clear?

Aspiration to keep positions in "Volodin's commission" is especially not clear - unless something should be given for good behavior? Udaltsov after the first sit-round gathering with the president of the Russian Federation administrative arrest "was given". While for sit-round gathering with Volodin... Well, unless post of the head of the department of tourism in the ministry being headed by Yakemenko.

It’s, of course, a joke, but in each joke... For support in election campaign Udaltsov was included into the structure of the future ministry on youth and tourism in Zyuganov's "shadow cabinet" which he announced before losing elections.

Here a rule id very simple - either you form agenda, or work according to other's agenda. Here you are the question - whether figures of opposition should work according to the Presidential Administration agenda?

The more so wretchedness of the "political reform" tired the power out to the deadlock - now the present president Medvedev should meet frank freaks who don’t have and will never have "parties" even in 500 people – fortunately the number of applications in Ministry of Justice already came nearer to one hundred though the law hasn’t been signed by Medvedev. Let him sign it now in society of Peunova or who else

PS. By the way, I still do not know what unregistered party Sergey Udaltsov represented at last meeting with Medvedev? It seems that ROT FRONT hasn’t given him its authorization and the Left Front has never ever thought to declare itself party – it’s a coalition of various left activists who couldn’t be combined in one party structure, moreover, some are members of different parties... UnlessSergey Udaltsov was there personally? In "Volodin's commission" – also personally? In any case I haven’t heard reports about activity of the commission - probably, it’s not my business.

But then, I think, it is necessary to run and register "The Party of Cattle" - of those 99% of the population of the country which doesn’t have anything to do with it. We, citizens, have been considered cattle for long. Well, it’s high time to bear this rank with pride...

Аnatoly Baranov, editor-in-chief of FORUM.msk

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